Sales forms are documents used to record the important details of a sales transaction.
Although the specifics of each sales form vary depending on its purpose and industry, most sales forms include vital information, such as each party's information, payment terms, and the terms and conditions of the transaction.
Sales forms verify that a sale occurred and sales terms were agreed upon. They can be legally binding depending on the content or the language they cover. Some sales forms include clauses or provisions, making them enforceable at a court of law.
Sales forms that you may use
Use a Purchase Order Form to request goods or services from a vendor or seller. It is a form used to outline accurate purchase order information, including the purchase order number, purchase order date, material type, quantity, and unit cost. A buyer must send a Purchase Order Form before the purchase, so the vendor can assess if he or she can fulfill the buyer's request. Once the vendor accepts it, he or she must fulfill the buyer's requests. The vendor may contact the buyer or send a Confirmation of Purchase Order Form for purchase order confirmation. If a buyer has sent a Purchase Order Form to a seller and wants to cancel the request, the buyer may use a Notice of Cancellation of Purchase Order Form. If a buyer wants to change his or her existing order, he or she may use a Change Order Form to specify the changes to the order in detail.
A General Bill of Sale is a document used to record a transfer of ownership of a property. A seller uses it to acknowledge a buyer as the new owner of the sold property or asset. Other Bill of Sale includes Animal Bill of Sale, Auto Bill of Sale, Business Bill of Sale, Firearm Bill of Sale, Furniture Bill of Sale, Heavy Equipment Bill of Sale Form, Livestock Bill of Sale, and Vehicle Bill of Sale.
A Client Information Sheet is a document used to keep track of a client’s demand upon purchasing a property or product. Most companies use it to organize and manage their clients' demands, profiles, and needs.
Use a Barter Agreement to barter goods or services without the use of money with other companies or businesses. Barter is a type of arrangement common between two parties that have repeatedly been transacting business with each other by exchanging goods and services.
When selling a real estate property, brokers and other real estate professionals conduct an open house so prospective buyers can visit or check the house or property. An Open House Sign-In Sheet is a document they use to collect information from visitors. A buyer who wants to buy the house, property, or land may use an Offer to Purchase Form to propose an offer for conditions that need to be met before a sale can transpire and be final.
A Purchase Letter of Intent is used to outline a buyer's intention to purchase a product or service from a seller. The two parties may use it to set forth their preliminary agreement regarding the terms and conditions of a potential purchase. A Purchase Letter of Intent is often non-binding, depending on the provisions and language used in the contract. Unless both parties agree that the contract must be enforceable, a Share or Asset Purchase Agreement must be preceded for security purposes. The other types of Purchase Letter of Intent include Business Purchase Letter of Intent, Commercial Purchase Letter of Intent, Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets of Business, Real Estate Letter of Intent, and Residential Purchase Letter of Intent.
Sellers use a Sales Invoice to inform a buyer of the amount he or she owes in exchange for goods or services that have been sold or provided. A Sales Invoice serves as written verification of the agreement between the individuals involved in a sales transaction, creating an account receivable. Its primary purpose is to maintain sales records for an accurate and well-monitored bookkeeping system. The other types of Invoice include Construction Invoice, Job Invoice, Proforma Invoice, and Vehicle Invoice.
An Accounts Receivable Template is used to record any unpaid sales invoices of a company or amount of money owed by a customer for purchases made through an installment plan.
A Gift Letter is a written statement required when someone gives you money for a mortgage down payment. The donor may have to furnish a Gift Letter to certify that the fund was a gift rather than a loan.
Use a Bill of Lading to document the terms and conditions of a freight shipment. It is a transportation contract containing the names and addresses of the consignee, carrier, and shipper. It also includes the purchase orders or special reference numbers, special instructions, delivery date, description of freights, packaging type, and the freight classes or National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC).
Partial Shipment Notification Letter
A seller may use a Partial Shipment Notification Letter to inform a customer that his or her order has exceeded their credit line, and only a specific percentage of the order will be shipped.
A supplier may use a Credit Memo to inform a customer of the amount he or she owed from the previous sale or transaction.
A Sales Contract is a legally binding document used to outline a sale agreement between a buyer and a seller. It includes purchase order information, such as the buyer and the seller's obligations, purchase items and the quantity, and prices. It also consists of provisions, making it a legally binding contract. A Sales Contract is also known as a Sales Agreement. Real Estate Sales Agreement, Technology Sales Agreement, and Website Sales Agreement are some types of Sales Agreements.
A Purchase Bid is used to initiate formal competitive sealed bidding. A bid is an offer made by an individual or company to stipulate the price he or she is willing to pay for an asset.
Suggested Forms
- Washington Quitclaim Deed
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- Habit Tracker Template
- Invoice Template
- DA 5137
- 1099-S (2017)
- VA 10-0094f
- California Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney
- SEC 4
- PFF2 (2018-2019)
- Nonmarital Cohabitation Agreement (Living Together)
- SF-424
- 433-D
- DA 7461-R
- DA 5182-R
- Borrowers Mortgage Worksheet for Fixed Rate Mortgages
- VTR-346
- DA 7848
- Arizona Residential Lease Agreement