Military forms are documents that cover all branches of the military in the United States, including the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of the Army (DA), Department of the Air Force (DAF), Department of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Reserve, and Veterans. They serve as a major part of documentation within the military for purposes such as accessing benefits, requesting records, and updating information on file.
Official military forms are exclusive for use by active-duty personnel and veterans.
Most popular military forms
Officially referred to as Equipment Operator’s Qualification Record (Except Aircraft), DA Form 348 is a military form issued by the Department of the Army. To ensure that a service member is proficient in operating specific types of equipment, the form's primary purpose is to determine the qualifications of a service member in terms of operating equipment used in a service unit and assess his or her driving experience. A filer may submit it to the person who supervises a unit’s vehicle or equipment operation.
DA Form 1569, Transcript of Military Record, is a form issued by the Department of the Army used as a replacement document when DD Form 214, Certificate Release or Discharge from Active Duty, is not available. It may also be used in casualty cases verifying benefits.
To document legally a statement pertinent to criminal activities within the Armed Forces, DA Form 2823, Sworn Statement, a form by the Department of the Army, may be used. A member of the army who wants to give a testimony to be used as evidence may complete DA Form 2823. Moreover, it is widely used during court and legal proceedings, allowing them to continue even without the physical presence of a witness. Moreover, it serves as a supporting document or evidence in a formal investigation.
DA Form 1594, Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log, is a military form by the Department of Defense used to document the daily activities of an active-duty member. Its primary purpose is activity monitoring and recording, including activities such as training and counseling. In addition, it may be used in monitoring information about routine programs, operational appraisal, and sequential research.
If you are an active-duty U.S. Army soldier and would like to request personnel action on your behalf, you may use DA Form 4187, Personnel Action. Some of the requests you can make using the form are Volunteering for Oversea Service, Exchange Reassignment, Special Forces Training or Assignment, and Reclassification. Upon submission, your DA Form 4187 will be routed to your S-1 or the Administration Officer who handles the information of all cadet human resources and sent to your manager for approval.
DA Form 1119-1, Certificate of Achievement in Safety, is a form by the Department of the Army used to give a service member to recognize his or her excellent safety performance in a specific type of operation.
A form by the Department of the Army, Form DA 638 or officially referred to as Recommendation for Award is used to recommend a soldier for a type of award or recognition within the United States Army. It may be filled out by a higher-ranking soldier who wishes to recommend another soldier for an award. The higher-ranking soldier should know the soldier’s personal information and qualifications that make him or her deserving of an award. The form will be reviewed to determine if the recommended soldier fo qualified for decorations or awards. Form DA 638 may be used for most awards, except wartime awards and awards for valor and heroism. It is sent to the Department of Army for evaluation; the necessary actions will be taken in case of positive feedback.
DA Form 5960, Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) and/or Variable Housing Allowance (VHA), is used by a military member for the authorization to begin, adjust, or terminate basic allowance for quarters, variable housing allowance, or both. In general, it is used to apply for assistance for housing allowances or expenses and submitted to a unit’s Administration Officer (S-1) or human resource office. It will, then, be forwarded to the Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS).
DA Form 4856, Developmental Counseling Form, is a form by the Department of the Army used by counselors and leaders to review subordinates based on their demonstrated performance and potential. It requires the personal information of the soldier being counseled, the reason for the counseling, a list of discussion points, and the plans for the soldier. Upon reassignment, Expiration of Term of Service (ETS), or retirement, DA Form 4865 is destroyed, as it will no longer be needed by the department.
The Request and Authority for Leave form or Form DA 31 is a form that an active-duty military service member under the Department of the Army needs to complete and submit to request temporary leave from their post. Primarily, it authorizes military leave and documents important information, including applicable dates of leave, emergency contact, and contact information. A leave request may be for personal, emergency, or travel purposes. It may also be used to request an extended pass. Take note that a soldier should keep Form DA 31 with him or her during the entirety of his or her leave, as it may be required for some circumstances.
Officially titled the U.S. Army Reserve Components Unit Record of Reserve Training, DA Form 1379 is used by units in both the Army National Guard and Army Reserves. Its primary purpose is to record and track a unit’s Inactive Duty Training (IDT) attendance, absences, pay, performance remarks, and other personnel-related information.
The Application for Active Duty form or DA Form 160 is a military form that U.S. Reserve Duty soldiers file to apply for active-duty programs. Authorized military personnel uses it to determine the qualifications of applicants. Applicants submit DA Form 160 to their unit commander and wait for further directions regarding examinations, screening, and issuance of active-duty orders.
Suggested Forms
- VA 21-0781 (2024)
- DMV22 Nevada Change of Address
- Baby Dedication Certificate
- DA 54
- I-765 (2022)
- 943
- VBA 21-534EZ (2015-2018)
- W-2 (2021)
- Georgia Commission Agreement
- Employment Verification Letter
- VA 21-0781 (2014-2017)
- 1040 (Schedule B)
- Alabama LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
- Illinois No-Fault Divorce (No Children)
- Standard Form 180 (2015-2018)
- DA 7541-1-11
- Testing Form
- DA 4283
- Cologuard Order Requisition
- Washington Rental Application