Forms Library

Business Forms

Business forms are documents companies use to operate their business, regardless of their size and industry. Some of the widely used business documents are business plans, legal agreements and contracts, financial records, and business reports.
Unanimous Approval
Unanimous Approval Unanimous Approval is an action requiring the approval of all eligible Principal Members at any time.The approval will be made via voting at a meeting or by written consent.
Commission Sales Agreement
Commission Sales Agreement A Commission Sales Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee for work paid on commission.
Client Intake Form
Client Intake Form A client intake form is a questionnaire an agency uses to essentially onboard its clients. It asks a client to provide information that can help an agency both determine whether that client is a good fit for its services and shape a strategy to address that prospect's needs, interests, and pain points.
Business Credit Application Template
Business Credit Application Template A Business Credit Applications is used to check the credit-worthiness of a business. It contains all relevant information, including the company's name, address, how long it has been in business, its gross annual sales, and its net value.
Buy-Sell Agreement Template
Buy-Sell Agreement Template Buy-Sell Agreement Template is a sample of a legal document containing details on who can or cannot take ownership of the leaving or deceased owner’s shares, how much the shares are worth, and other terms relevant to the property or shares of the owner.
California Commission Agreement
California Commission Agreement California Commission Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee for work paid on commission.
Construction Contract
Construction Contract Construction Contract is a binding agreement between a contractor and client. This contract specifies the details of the construction project, including compensation, the payment modes, the service that will be provided, legal rights of the contractor, and other relevant information.
Contract Termination Agreement
Contract Termination Agreement A Contract Termination Agreement is used to terminate a contract. It sets forth the date of termination, the parties, and the date the existing contract was signed.
Consignment Agreement (Goods)
Consignment Agreement (Goods) A Consignment Agreement (Goods) is between a consignor who wishes to sell goods and a consignee who will sell goods. It sets forth the specific arrangement between the parties including the location where goods will be sold, payments, and consignees commission.
Corporate Minutes
Corporate Minutes Corporate Minutes are documents that serve as the formal and legal records of certain meetings. It contains details such as the members present and the resolutions discussed in the meeting.
Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation Articles of Incorporation is a document submitted with the bylaws indicating essential details or information regarding the establishment of a corporation in the United States (US).
Asset Purchase Agreement
Asset Purchase Agreement An Asset Purchase Agreement is between a seller and a buyer purchasing certain assets currently used in the seller's business. It sets out the specific assets being transferred (tangible and intangible property, intellectual property, accounts receivables) and those excluded assets.
Change Order Form
Change Order Form Change Order Forms are used when a contractor or service provider must make changes to an existing contract or proposal. The forms set out detailed specifics of the changes, including pricing and time frame for completion. In most cases, both parties must agree to any changes.
Appointment Schedule Template
Appointment Schedule Template Appointment Schedule Template may be used by an individual, business, or organization for scheduling process to avoid double bookings with clients. It may also serve serve as a reminder of commitments.
Non-Solicitation Agreement Template
Non-Solicitation Agreement Template A Non-Solicitation Agreement is used to prohibit a former employee from soliciting your employees or customers. It contains provisions regarding confidentiality of your company's trade secrets and the timeframe in which the agreement will be in force.
Complex Shareholder Agreement
Complex Shareholder Agreement A shareholders’ agreement is an arrangement among the shareholders of a company. It contains provisions regarding the operation of the company and the relationship between its shareholders. A shareholders’ agreement is also known as a stockholders’ agreement.
Conduct of Business - Under Fictitious or Assumed Name
Conduct of Business - Under Fictitious or Assumed Name Conduct of Business under Fictitious or Assumed Name is when the name under which they operate their business differs from its legal, registered name. Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity.
Conference Agenda
Conference Agenda This is a template used to create and fill-out a Conference Agenda Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Confidential Research and Development Agreement
Confidential Research and Development Agreement A Confidential Research and Development Agreement is used by a contractor who performs research on behalf of a particular company. It includes the data which will be provided to a researcher, how much he or she will be paid, and who owns the intellectual property rights.
Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement A Confidentiality Agreement, also known as a Non-Disclosure Agreement, is a legally binding contract between parties stating the agreement of not disclosing confidential and/or proprietary information.
Conflict of Interest Agreement
Conflict of Interest Agreement A Conflict of Interest Agreement is a set of expectations to protect both parties from conduct that can potentially lead to conflict. This sets out that both parties have no interests that will harm the business, and will tell often communicate with one another for business purposes.
Connecticut Agreement to Lease Equipment (With Warranty)
Connecticut Agreement to Lease Equipment (With Warranty) Connecticut Agreement to Lease Equipment with Warranty is an agreement where the lessor, who is the owner of the equipment, allows the lessee to use the equipment for a specified period in exchange for periodic payments and at the same time the warranty guarantees the right of both sides.
Connecticut Commission Agreement
Connecticut Commission Agreement Connecticut Commission Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee for work paid on commission.
Connecticut Commission Agreement (with Indemnity)
Connecticut Commission Agreement (with Indemnity) Connecticut Commission Agreement with Indemnity is a contract between two parties for work commission. It sets out one party agrees to protect another against anticipated lawsuits or claims. The indemnified party and all signing parties are bound by the agreement.
Connecticut Lease Equipment Agreement (w/ Limited Warranty)
Connecticut Lease Equipment Agreement (w/ Limited Warranty) Connecticut Lease Equipment Agreement with limited warranty is created between the lessor and the lease the equipment. It sets forth the leased equipment, terms, and amount of monthly payments. It also sets out who's responsible for equipment maintenance, insurance, and transportation costs.
Connecticut LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Connecticut LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Connecticut LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Consent of Directors
Consent of Directors This form is used to notify the company or the corporation that it can no longer operate and that the corporation must file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. This form is also used to notify the secretary of the firm to send immediate notice to all shareholders.
Consumer Loan Agreement
Consumer Loan Agreement A Consumer Loan Agreement is an agreement that indicates all the credit sales to be paid, hire-purchase, secured and unsecured loans, given to a consumer to finance specific types of expenditures by a creditor.
Contract Amendment Form
Contract Amendment Form A Contract Amendment form is used to amend an existing agreement. It sets out the agreement to be amended and any provisions which remain in effect. A Contract Amendment must be set out in writing and referred to alongside the original contract.
Contract Carrier
Contract Carrier Contract carriers provide for-hire truck transportation to specific, individual shippers, based on contracts. Brokers arrange for the truck transportation of cargo belonging to others, for compensation, utilizing for-hire carriers to provide the actual truck transportation.
Contract Provision
Contract Provision A contract provision refers to the requirement of a contract. Contract provisions are intended to protect the interests of one or both parties.
Contract Release
Contract Release Contract release is an agreement in which one party agrees it has no claims against the party that's named in the release.
Contract Review
Contract Review Contract review is a process of understanding the company's agreement before signing to ensure that what is stated is clear and accurate.
Contractor Release and Waiver of Lien
Contractor Release and Waiver of Lien A Contractor Release and Waiver of Lien is used in the construction industry. It includes conditional and unconditional waivers and the release of liens.
Contractor's Liens
Contractor's Liens A Contractor's Liens (also known as Supplier or Mechanic's Liens) are used by contractors or subcontractors to secure a claim against a property on which they have worked and have not been paid.
Contractor's Release and Waiver of Liens
Contractor's Release and Waiver of Liens A Contractor's Release and Waiver of Liens will effectively release or waive a lien against a property. It sets out the name of both parties, the date of the contract, and the location. It further acknowledges that the full payment has been received and all liens have been satisfied.
Contracts List
Contracts List This is a template used to create and fill-out a Contracts List Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Copyright Assignment
Copyright Assignment A Copyright Assignment is used to assign the ownership in copyright to another party. It can be used for video and written works, as well as works of art and photographs. Your ownership in a copyrighted work is being transferred once an assignment has entered.
Copyright License Amendment Agreement
Copyright License Amendment Agreement A Copyright License Amendment Agreement is used to amend a copyright license. It contains the name of the copyright holder, the licensee, and the date of the existing Copyright License Agreement.
Copyright Notice
Copyright Notice This is a template used to create and fill-out a Copyright Notice Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Corporate Bylaws
Corporate Bylaws Corporate Bylaws is a written document which contains the guiding principles and rules to organize and manage the corporation. It outlines the structure of the organization, flow of work, policies and responsibilities for all the people involved in the organization.
Corporate Bylaws Document
Corporate Bylaws Document Corporate Bylaws establish the rules and laws governing a corporation. The provisions contained in the bylaws, include the location of the principal office, the powers of the board of directors, how a director can be removed, and the timing of corporate meetings.
Corporate Dissolution Form
Corporate Dissolution Form A Corporate Dissolution Form is used by the principals of a corporation in order to dissolve it. It includes resolutions of the officers and board of directors calling for dissolution and official articles of dissolution which will effectively dissolve the corporation.
Affiliate Agreement For Online Services
Affiliate Agreement For Online Services An Affiliate Agreement For Online Services are used when one website becomes an affiliate of another. It sets out the affiliate terms, including the referral fees paid, commission structure, and duration of the agreement.
Agency Agreement
Agency Agreement An Agency Agreement is between a company and an agent who will perform certain services in an agreed-upon territory. It sets forth in detail the specific services to be performed, the assigned territory, terms of the agreement, and commission payment arrangements.
8889 The given form must be completed by a healthcare professional who is conducting a PPD skin test. A PPD skin test, also known as Mantoux test, is recommended to determine whether the patient has developed an antibody response to the bacteria causing tuberc
Bank Statement
Bank Statement An Bank Statement is used to summarize transactions during a specified period.
Accident Claims Release form
Accident Claims Release form An Accident Claims Release is a form that sets forth the agreement between two parties to settle liabilities associated with the accident.
Release of Accident Claims
Release of Accident Claims A Release of Accident Claims fully releases and permanently discharges a party from any future claims arising from a motor vehicle accident. It sets forth any sums paid in its consideration and that the party signing this does so voluntarily for settlement of all claims.
Actor Employment Agreement
Actor Employment Agreement This Actor Employment Agreement is between a producer and an actor who will appear in a motion picture. This agreement sets forth the names of the parties, the effective date of the agreement, title of the motion picture and the actor's role.
Affidavit Of Lost Document
Affidavit Of Lost Document An affidavit of loss is used as proof that a particular document is no longer with you or to indicate that a certain record is truly gone.
Affidavit of Mailing
Affidavit of Mailing Affidavit of Mailing is a sworn statement that the Defendant actually mailed the Answer to the Plaintiff on the date indicated at the correct address with the correct postage. Its purpose is to prove that the claim is true, and is typically used in conjunction with witness statements.
Travel Expense Report
Travel Expense Report This is a template used to create and fill-out a Travel Expense Report Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Weekly Status Report
Weekly Status Report A Weekly Status Report is a document used to inform managers and employers what you have done over the week.
Weekly Status Report Template
Weekly Status Report Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Weekly Status Report Template which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Weekly Timesheet
Weekly Timesheet Weekly timesheet is a form to record and monitor the exact amount of hours employee worked on a weekly basis.
Workload Distribution
Workload Distribution Workload distribution is the process of efficiently distributing work across each partner. Workload management maximizes each partner's performance and helps melt away chaos, leaving the team satisfied at the end of each day.
Video Release
Video Release These benefits may include use for media, online, physical products (e.g. DVDs), or any other type of publication.
Telecommuting Agreement
Telecommuting Agreement The Telecommuting Agreement is a legal document between the employer and employee "teleworker" identifying the responsibilities of both the teleworker and the employer. The agreement mirrors the policies of the company after confirming the agreement, employee signs the agreement.
Trademark Assignment Agreement
Trademark Assignment Agreement This is a template used to create and fill-out a Trademark Assignment Agreement Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Trademark Assignment
Trademark Assignment The Trademark Assignment Agreement is between the assignor, the owner of a trademark, and the assignee, the party to whom the trademark will be assigned. It agreement sets out the identities of the parties, the trademark being assigned, and the amount paid for the assignment.
Trademark Assignment Form
Trademark Assignment Form A Trademark Assignment form is used to assign a registered trademark to another party. It contains the trademark to be assigned and the original owner's obligations which may continue under the agreement.
Trademark Infringement Cease and Desist Letter
Trademark Infringement Cease and Desist Letter A Trademark Infringement Cease and Desist Letter is sent by the owner of a trademark to an individual or business infringing the trademark. It sets out the trademark, its registration number, and how the trademark is being infringed.
Trademark License Agreement
Trademark License Agreement A Trademark License Agreement will effectively license the use of a trademark. It sets forth the names of the licensor and the licensee, the trademark, and the territory in which it will be licensed.
Trademark License Agreement
Trademark License Agreement Trademark License Agreements give an individual or company the rights to use your registered trademark. This agreement is usually given for a specific amount of time and all rights revert back to the original trademark owner once the license term expires.
Trademark Opposition
Trademark Opposition Trademark Opposition is an objection filed by third parties against the registration of a trademark. Objections will be made within 4 months of the advertisement of the trademark. This trademark opposition may include marks that might have been identified with an already registered trademark.
DC Vehicle or Automobile Bill of Sale (Sold with Warranty)
DC Vehicle or Automobile Bill of Sale (Sold with Warranty) A DC Vehicle or Automobile Bill of Sale (Sold with Warranty) is a form used upon selling a vehicle or automobile to transfer its rights or interest to another party. It also confirms a party's ownership in the car, which is often required when trying to obtain insurance or otherwise proving ownership.
DC Boat Bill of Sale and Promissory Note (Sold
DC Boat Bill of Sale and Promissory Note (Sold "As Is" Without Warranty) DC Boat Bill of Sale is designed for use on upon the sale of a boat or vessel. Such a bill of sale is needed to confirm a party's ownership in the boat, which is often needed when trying to obtain insurance or otherwise proving ownership.
709 (2018)
709 (2018) IRS form 709 is used to calculate gift taxes and report to the IRS about its amount. Some gifts, donations, or transfers are subject to taxes. The form is also used to calculate taxes on generation skipping transfers, or GSTs.
709 A gift tax is a federal tax applied to an individual giving anything of value to another person. For something to be considered a gift, the receiving party cannot pay the giver full value for the gift, but may pay an amount less than its full value.
720 (2017)
720 (2017) Businesses that deal in goods and services that are subject to excise tax must prepare a Form 720 on a quarterly basis to report the tax to the IRS.
843 Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement, is a form used by taxpayers to claim a refund or ask for an abatement of certain kinds of taxes, penalties, fees, and interest.
926 (2013)
926 (2013) Form 926 is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) document that is used on return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation. This document is referring about transfer.
IRS 926
IRS 926 Form 926 is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) document that is used on return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation. This document is referring about transfer.
Alaska LLC Articles of Organization
Alaska LLC Articles of Organization Alaska LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Alabama LLC Articles of Organization
Alabama LLC Articles of Organization Alabama LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Arkansas LLC Articles of Organization
Arkansas LLC Articles of Organization ArkansasLLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Arizona LLC Articles of Organization
Arizona LLC Articles of Organization Arizona LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
California LLC Articles of Organization
California LLC Articles of Organization California LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Colorado LLC Articles of Organization
Colorado LLC Articles of Organization Colorado LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Connecticut LLC Certificate of Organization
Connecticut LLC Certificate of Organization Connecticut LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
DC LLC Articles of Organization
DC LLC Articles of Organization DC LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Delaware LLC Certificate of Formation
Delaware LLC Certificate of Formation Delaware LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Florida LLC Articles of Organization
Florida LLC Articles of Organization Florida LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Georgia LLC Articles of Organization
Georgia LLC Articles of Organization Georgia LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Hawaii LLC Articles of Organization
Hawaii LLC Articles of Organization Hawaii LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Iowa LLC Certificate of Organization
Iowa LLC Certificate of Organization Iowa LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Idaho LLC Certificate of Organization
Idaho LLC Certificate of Organization Idaho LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Illinois LLC Articles of Organization
Illinois LLC Articles of Organization Illinois LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Indiana LLC Articles of Organization
Indiana LLC Articles of Organization Indiana LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Kansas LLC Articles of Organization
Kansas LLC Articles of Organization Kansas LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Kentucky LLC Articles of Organization
Kentucky LLC Articles of Organization Kentucky LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Louisiana LLC Articles of Organization
Louisiana LLC Articles of Organization Louisiana LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Massachusetts LLC Certificate of Organization
Massachusetts LLC Certificate of Organization Massachusetts LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Maryland LLC Articles of Organization
Maryland LLC Articles of Organization Maryland LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Maine LLC Articles of Organization
Maine LLC Articles of Organization Maine LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Michigan LLC Articles of Organization
Michigan LLC Articles of Organization Michigan LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Minnesota LLC Articles of Organization
Minnesota LLC Articles of Organization Minnesota LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Missouri LLC Articles of Organization
Missouri LLC Articles of Organization Missouri LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Mississippi LLC Certificate of Formation
Mississippi LLC Certificate of Formation Mississippi LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Montana LLC Articles of Organization
Montana LLC Articles of Organization Montana LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
North Carolina LLC Articles of Organization
North Carolina LLC Articles of Organization North Carolina LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
North Dakota LLC Articles of Organization
North Dakota LLC Articles of Organization North Dakota LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Nebraska LLC Articles of Organization
Nebraska LLC Articles of Organization Nebraska LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
New Hampshire LLC Articles of Organization
New Hampshire LLC Articles of Organization New Hampshire LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
New Jersey LLC Articles of Organization
New Jersey LLC Articles of Organization New Jersey LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
New Mexico LLC Articles of Organization
New Mexico LLC Articles of Organization New Mexico LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Nevada LLC Articles of Organization
Nevada LLC Articles of Organization Nevada LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Ohio LLC Articles of Organization
Ohio LLC Articles of Organization Ohio LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization
Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Oregon LLC Articles of Organization
Oregon LLC Articles of Organization Oregon LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Pennsylvania LLC Certificate of Organization
Pennsylvania LLC Certificate of Organization Pennsylvania LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Puerto Rico LLC Certificate of Formation
Puerto Rico LLC Certificate of Formation Puerto Rico LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Rhode Island LLC Articles of Organization
Rhode Island LLC Articles of Organization Rhode Island LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
South Carolina LLC Articles of Organization
South Carolina LLC Articles of Organization South Carolina LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
South Dakota LLC Articles of Organization
South Dakota LLC Articles of Organization South Dakota LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Waiver of Claims
Waiver of Claims A waiver of claims is a legally binding provision where either party in a contract agrees to voluntarily forfeit a claim without the other party being liable. It can either be in written or some form of action.
Waiver of Claims
Waiver of Claims A waiver is a legally binding provision where either party in a contract agrees to voluntarily forfeit a claim without the other party being liable. Waivers can either be in written form or some form of action.
Alaska LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Alaska LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Alaska manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Alabama LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Alabama LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Alabama manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Arkansas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Arkansas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Arkansas manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Arizona LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Arizona LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Arizona manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
California LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
California LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed California manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Colorado LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Colorado LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Colorado manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Connecticut LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Connecticut LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Connecticut manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
DC LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
DC LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed DC manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Delaware LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Delaware LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Delaware manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Florida LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Florida LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Florida manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Georgia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Georgia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Georgia manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Hawaii LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Hawaii LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Hawaii manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Iowa LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Iowa LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Iowa manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Idaho LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Idaho LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Idaho manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization
Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Illinois LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Illinois LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Illinois manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Texas LLC Certificate of Formation
Texas LLC Certificate of Formation Texas LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Utah LLC Certificate of Organization
Utah LLC Certificate of Organization Utah LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.
Indiana LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Indiana LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Indiana manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Kansas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Kansas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Kansas manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Kentucky LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Kentucky LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Kentucky manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Louisiana LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Louisiana LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Lousiana manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Pay Stub (No DBA)
Pay Stub (No DBA) Calculate employee payroll and complete pay stubs with this form
New York Articles of Dissolution
New York Articles of Dissolution The Department of State recommends that legal documents be prepared under the guidance of an attorney.
8822-B Change of Address for Business
8822-B Change of Address for Business Form 8822-B, Change of Address or Responsible Party Business, within 60 days of the change
Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure
Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure This form is used by a mortgage loan originator (MLO) when referring the borrower to affiliated settlement service providers while arranging a consumer mortgage, to disclose to the borrower that the MLO shares in the provider's earnings.
Agreement to Sell Business
Agreement to Sell Business Agrees to sell something to a buyer at a time in the future, and the buyer agrees to buy it with a conditional contract that is similar to a normal contract to sell. This agreement protects all the rights of the buyer and the seller.
Amendment to Llc Operating Agreement
Amendment to Llc Operating Agreement This form is used by members of a limited liability company (LLC) when modifying an LLC operating agreement, to replace a manager, add a member or document the contribution of additional capital from its members.
Arkansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Arkansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Arkansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Assignment of Interest in Limited Liability Company
Assignment of Interest in Limited Liability Company This form is used by members of a limited liability company (LLC) when assigning their membership interest on terminating their ownership interest in an LLC, to document the assignment and authorize the LLC manager to reflect the assignment on the books of the LLC.
Assignment of Partnership Interest
Assignment of Partnership Interest Assignment of Partnership Interest is a legal document used when a partner decides to sell their stake in a partnership to a third party. This document records all details of the transfer to the new partner including the benefits and obligations of the partnership.
ATF E-Form 7
ATF E-Form 7 A Federal Firearms License (FFL) is a license in the United States that enables an individual or a company to engage in a business pertaining to the manufacture or importation of firearms and ammunition, and intrastate sale of firearms.
Bill of Materials Template
Bill of Materials Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Bill of Materials Template Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Board of Directors Resolution
Board of Directors Resolution A Board of Directors Resolution is used when a company's board of directors votes on a resolution without holding a formal business meeting. It is recorded by the secretary of the company or corporation and becomes a part of the official records of the company.
Board of Directors Resolution Template
Board of Directors Resolution Template Board of Directors Resolution advising Filing of Bankruptcy and calling Shareholders Meeting is a form used in giving notice to the board of directors that they will be filing a bankruptcy form to the court.
Board of Directors Resolution Template
Board of Directors Resolution Template A Board of Directors Resolution is used by the directors of a corporation to record an official act. It can be taken without a meeting and is a part of the corporation's official record.
Bookkeeping Services Agreement
Bookkeeping Services Agreement This Bookkeeping Services Agreement is between a client/company and a bookkeeper who will perform bookkeeping services. This agreement sets out the specific services the bookkeeper will perform (monthly financials, full reporting or journal entries) and the payment for such services.
Bulk Transfer Affidavit
Bulk Transfer Affidavit The Bulk Transfer Affidavit is made by the seller of a company. The affidavit declares that the company is the owner of its assets and has the full authority to sell and transfer them.
Business Contract Template
Business Contract Template Business Contract Template is a sample of a legal agreement used for any kind of business exchange. This may serve as a contract between a buyer and a seller of goods or services. It includes details about the exchange of service or product like payment and the type of goods or services.
Business Credit Application
Business Credit Application A Business Credit Application is submitted by an applicant who wants to obtain credit for his or her business. This application contains all pertinent information, including the amount of credit requested, the type of business entity, ownership information, and bank and trade references.
Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement
Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement A Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement is used by a company to ensure that their business plan is held confidential if submitted to prospective partners or investors.
Business Plan Worksheet
Business Plan Worksheet A Business Plan Worksheet will be helpful in setting up a business. It contains organizational information including the name of the business, its principal players, description of the business, and its marketing strategy.
Business Purchase Agreement Template
Business Purchase Agreement Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Business Purchase Agreement form which is a contract used to transfer the ownership of a business from a seller to a buyer. It includes the terms of the sale, what is or is not included in the sale price, and optional clauses and warranties to protect both the seller and the purchaser after the transaction has been completed.
California Certificate of Dissolution
California Certificate of Dissolution The Articles of Dissolution California refer to a document that's filed to formally end an incorporated organization. It identifies the process regarding the distribution of assets.
California DBA Application
California DBA Application This form is used for regular businesses in California.
Cease and Desist Trademark
Cease and Desist Trademark This is a template used to create and fill-out a Cease and Dessist Trademark Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Company Bonus Letter
Company Bonus Letter This Company Bonus Letter is from company management to an employee and encloses a bonus check. This Bonus Letter sets out the company's reasons for the bonus and their appreciation for the employee's hard work and efforts.
Complex Manager Managed llc Operating Agreement Template
Complex Manager Managed llc Operating Agreement Template A LLC adopts a Complex manager-managed structure, the owners of the LLC control the company through voting on company issues, as opposed to being actively involved in the company's operations. The manager handles all the issues through out the company.
Confirmation Memorandum
Confirmation Memorandum This form is used by an agent when a conversation has occurred regarding critical negotiations or a contract, to state the terms discussed and confirm the content of the conversation.
Construction Contract Agreement
Construction Contract Agreement Construction Contract is a binding agreement between a contractor and client. This contract specifies the details of the construction project, including compensation, the payment modes, the service that will be provided, legal rights of the contractor, and other relevant information.
Copyright License Agreement
Copyright License Agreement A Copyright License Agreement is between the licensor or the owner of a copyright, and the licensee or the party who desires to license the copyrighted work. It contains provisions pertaining to the rights granted, the licensor's rights and obligations, and the terms of the license.
Corporate Bylaws Template
Corporate Bylaws Template Corporate Bylaws establish the rules and laws governing a corporation. The provisions contained in the bylaws, include the location of the principal office, the powers of the board of directors, how a director can be removed, and the timing of corporate meetings.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Survey This is a template used to create and fill-out a Customer Satisfaction Survey Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Daily Sales Commission Tracker
Daily Sales Commission Tracker This is a template used to create and fill-out a Daily Sales Commission Tracker Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Toll Manufacturing Agreement Template
Toll Manufacturing Agreement Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Toll Manufacturing Agreement Form.
Expense Report
Expense Report This is a template used to create and fill-out an Expense Report Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Fax Cover Sheet
Fax Cover Sheet A Fax Cover Sheet is a document that is faxed through to your recipient before your actual fax message.
Finder's Fee Agreement Template
Finder's Fee Agreement Template A Finder's Fee Agreement is used when an individual seeks out a business relationship on behalf of another. It identifies the parties and the specific services the finder will perform on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis.
Franchise Agreement
Franchise Agreement Franchise Agreements are used by a franchise owner and a party who desires to purchase a franchise. It sets out specific terms in an agreement, including the new business location, a license to use the franchise name, and marketing and promotional tools furnished by the franchise owner.
Free Auto Transport Bill of Lading
Free Auto Transport Bill of Lading This is a template used to create and fill-out a Free Auto Transport Bill of Lading Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Business Quote Form
Business Quote Form This is a template used to create and fill-out an Business Quote Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Illinois LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Illinois LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Ilinois LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Independent Contractor Agreement
Independent Contractor Agreement An Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract used by a person, business, or corporation that provides goods and services to perform work or provide services to another entity as a non-employee.
Business Investment Letter of Intent
Business Investment Letter of Intent A Letter of Intent to Invest, Business Proposal Intent Letter, or Business Letter of Intent to Invest is used to present an initial business proposal to another party. Included in this letter is the proposed contribution for partial ownership of a business, partnership, or real estate.
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Non-Disclosure Agreement A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), also known as Confidentiality Agreement (CA), Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA), Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA), or Secrecy Agreement (SA), is a legal contract used by two or more parties to outline their agreement to keep all confidential information discreet. It prohibits all parties from sharing information deemed confidential to third parties.
Maine LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Maine LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Maine manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Manufacturing Agreement
Manufacturing Agreement A Manufacturing Agreement gives the manufacturer the exclusive right to produce products for a customer. It contains detailed terms including, payments, indemnities, and warranties. It also contains how long the agreement will be in effect and how it can be terminated.
Massachusetts LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Massachusetts LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Massachusetts manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Referral Agreement
Referral Agreement A Referral Agreement is between a company and a referring party who will provide exclusive services to the company. It sets out the exact services to be provided, standards of performance, term of the agreement, and the independent contractor status of the referring party.
Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement
Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement This document is principally known as a Non-Circumvention Agreement. It also contains the necessary non-disclosure and confidentiality provisions. In short, this document is intended for use by a company or by an individual that is engaged in a business transaction.
Non-Disparagement Employment Agreement
Non-Disparagement Employment Agreement Non-Disparagement Employement Agreement states that everyone in the company will not say anything negative about the products, services, leaders or the company—in any form of communication.
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet A Balance Sheet, also known as a Statement of Financial Position, is a financial statement indicating the assets, liabilities, and equity of a business.
Idaho LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Idaho LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Idaho LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets of Business
Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets of Business A Letter of Intent to Purchase Assets of Business is between a seller and a purchaser of business assets. It sets out the specific assets being purchased and their price. It is a non-binding Letter of Intent; once accepted, the parties will sign a formal Asset Purchase Agreement.
Gift Certificate
Gift Certificate a voucher given as a present that is exchangeable for a specified cash value of goods or services from a particular place of business.
Iowa LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Iowa LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Iowa LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Joint Venture Agreement Template
Joint Venture Agreement Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Joint Venture Agreement Template Form
Kansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Kansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Kansas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Michigan LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Michigan LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Michigan LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Mileage Reimbursement Form
Mileage Reimbursement Form It's important to keep good business mileage records so that you have the information you need for either completing your company's mileage reimbursement form or for determining the mileage deduction on your tax return.
Mileage Tracking and Reimbursement Form
Mileage Tracking and Reimbursement Form It's important to keep good business mileage records so that you have the information you need for either completing your company's mileage reimbursement form or for determining the mileage deduction on your tax return.
Missouri LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Missouri LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Missouri manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
DR-1 Florida Business Tax Application
DR-1 Florida Business Tax Application Florida Business Tax Application is used to register, collect, report, and pay multiple taxes, surcharges, and fees such as Solid waste fees and surcharge, Reemployment tax and Documentary stamp tax.
Partnership Agreement (Short Form)
Partnership Agreement (Short Form) A Partnership Agreement (Short Form) is an agreement form used between two partners who plan to conduct business together. It sets forth the specific terms of the agreement, including the name of the partnership, general accounting procedures, and the capital contributions made by each partner.
Royalty Agreement
Royalty Agreement A Royalty Agreement is between a writer and a publisher for the payment of royalties for a written work. It specifies the title of work, the assignment, the details of the transferring or selling of all copyrights in the work, and the royalties percentage the publisher agrees to pay to writer.
Store Closing Announcement Letter
Store Closing Announcement Letter This Store Closing Announcement Letter is from management to a store's employees informing them that the store will be closed for a set number of days. This announcement letter sets out the reasons for the closing and when business will resume as normal.
Production Meeting Report
Production Meeting Report This is a template used to create and fill-out a Production Meeting Report Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
New Jersey LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
New Jersey LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed New Jersey LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Wyoming manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Standstill Agreement
Standstill Agreement A Standstill Agreement is between two parties who are contemplating entering into a business arrangement. It sets forth that neither party will negotiate with another during this standstill period in order to effect the same business agreement.
Share Purchase Agreement
Share Purchase Agreement A Share Purchase Agreement is between a purchaser and a seller who wishes to sell shares in the capital stock of a company. It contains the names of the purchaser and the seller, the number of shares owned by the seller, and the name of the company who issued the shares.
Receipt for Company Property
Receipt for Company Property This is a template used to create and fill-out a Receipt for Company Property Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Texas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Texas LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Texas manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Pre-Incorporation Agreement
Pre-Incorporation Agreement A Pre-Incorporation Agreement is used to determine the specific details about a corporation prior to filing corporate papers. It contains worksheets detailing the name, officers, and directors of the corporation.
Texas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Texas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Texas LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Partnership Termination Agreement
Partnership Termination Agreement A Partnership Termination Agreement is an arrangement to terminate an existing partnership agreement. It sets forth the date of the original agreement, the ongoing obligations of the partners, and each partner's release from any future causes of action, or disputes concerning the partnership.
Utah LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Utah LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Utah manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Pennsylvania manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
West Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
West Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed West Virginia manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Oregon LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Oregon LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Oregon LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Nevada LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Nevada LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Nevada manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Submission Release
Submission Release This Submission Release is between a client who desires to submit specific materials and a company who will develop the materials. This agreement sets out the specific terms including the originality of the materials and company's right to use client's name and likeness for publicity purposes.
Ohio LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Ohio LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Ohio manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
New York LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
New York LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed New York LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Order Authorization Form
Order Authorization Form This is a template used to create and fill-out an Order Authorization Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Sign Up Sheet
Sign Up Sheet Sign Up Sheet is a list of persons who are willing to participate on a certain event.
Virginia LLC Articles of Organization
Virginia LLC Articles of Organization Virginia LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Website Affiliate Agreement
Website Affiliate Agreement A Website Affiliate Agreement is between a company and an affiliate who agrees to participate in the company's affiliate program. It sets out the parties, the promotional materials the company provides, and means of affiliate tracking.
Production Calendar
Production Calendar This is a template used to create and fill-out a Production Calendar Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
SI-100 Form SI-100 is a one-page informational form that asks for information about corporate officers, processing agents, and addresses.
Oklahoma LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Oklahoma LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Oklahoma LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Work for Hire Contract
Work for Hire Contract A Work for Hire Contract is used when an individual is hired to create a work for another individual or company. The second party will retain the copyright in the work even though they are not the original creator.
New Jersey LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
New Jersey LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed New jersey manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Production Schedule
Production Schedule This is a template used to create and fill-out a Production Schedule.
Online Advertising Agreement
Online Advertising Agreement An Online Advertising Agreement is used between a website owner and a client who desires to place advertisements on the owner's website. It sets forth the specific terms of the arrangement, such as type of ad display, services rendered, payment, and prohibited ad content.
Partnership Agreement
Partnership Agreement This is a template used to create and fill-out a Partnership Agreement Form
Tennessee LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Tennessee LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Tennessee LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Washington LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Washington LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Washington LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
New York DBA Application
New York DBA Application If a business wishes to do business under a name that is different from the original name used to form the business, it must file the new name.
Project Timeline
Project Timeline This is a template used to create and fill-out a Project Timeline Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Stock Certificate
Stock Certificate A Stock Certificate is a document that certifies that the holder owns a specific number of shares of stock in a corporation. It contains the certificate number, the number of shares, and to whom the shares are issued.
Ohio LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Ohio LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Ohio LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Ohio Commission Agreement
Ohio Commission Agreement Ohio Commission Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee for work paid on commission.
Oklahoma LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Oklahoma LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Oklahoma manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Oklahoma Statutory Form for Power of Attorney
Oklahoma Statutory Form for Power of Attorney Ohio Power of Attorney is a power of attorney that copies the language in a state statute. The provisions are provided by the laws of the particular states. States that adopted the form typically allow for other language to be used as long as it complies with the state law.
Operating Agreement Llc
Operating Agreement Llc This form is used by a syndicator when forming a limited liability company (LLC) for a group investment in income producing property, to set the LLC operating terms and the rights and duties of its members.
Oregon LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Oregon LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Oregon manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Nebraska manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Nevada LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Nevada LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Nevada LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
New Hampshire LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
New Hampshire LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed New Hampshire manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
New Hampshire LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
New Hampshire LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed New Hampshire LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
New Mexico LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
New Mexico LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed New Mexico manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
New Mexico LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
New Mexico LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed New Mexico LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
New York LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
New York LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed New York manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Simple Non-Disclosure Agreement
Simple Non-Disclosure Agreement A Non-Disclosure Agreement is used when divulging information to a party who agrees not to reveal the information to others. It include the identities of the parties, any information to be protected, and the timeframe of the agreement.
Simple Shareholder Agreement
Simple Shareholder Agreement A shareholders' agreement, also called a stockholders' agreement, is an arrangement among a company's shareholders that describes how the company should be operated and outlines shareholders' rights and obligations.
Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement
Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement This is a template used to create and fill-out a Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Form.
Rhode Island LLC Operating Agreement (Manager-Managed)
Rhode Island LLC Operating Agreement (Manager-Managed) Rhode manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Rhode Island LLC Operating Agreement (Member-Managed)
Rhode Island LLC Operating Agreement (Member-Managed) Rhode Island LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Utah LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Utah LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Utah LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Virginia manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Vermont LLC Articles of Organization
Vermont LLC Articles of Organization Vermont LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Vermont LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Vermont LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Vermont manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Vermont LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Vermont LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Vermont LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
TV Series Company Agreement
TV Series Company Agreement This TV Series Company Agreement is between a company and a producer who will produce a television series. This agreement sets out the identities of the parties, the title of the TV series and the production and consulting services the producer will perform.
Permission to Film Presentation
Permission to Film Presentation This Permission to Film Presentation gives a producer the right to film a presentation for a specific purpose. This permission to film acknowledges producer's purpose and the fact that the film will not be sold or reproduced for commercial use.
Washington LLC Certificate of Formation
Washington LLC Certificate of Formation "Washington LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation also known as LLC Certificate is a legal document that says the LLC was duly formed and is officially recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed. "
Washington LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Washington LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Washington manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Wisconsin LLC Articles of Organization
Wisconsin LLC Articles of Organization Wisconsin LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Wisconsin LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Wisconsin LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Wisconsin manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Wisconsin LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Wisconsin LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Wisconsin LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization
Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
New Policy Introduction Letter
New Policy Introduction Letter This New Policy Introduction Letter is from company management to a company's employees informing them that a new policy has been instituted. This New Policy Introduction Letter also contains a copy of the new policy
Partnership Agreement Template
Partnership Agreement Template A Partnership Agreement Template is used to formally sets out the specifications of a business. It sets out the names of the parties, the amount of money to be contributed by each party, and each party's role within the business.
Partnership Amendment Kit
Partnership Amendment Kit A Partnership Amendment Kit amends an existing partnership agreement. It sets forth the specific terms to be amended and those provisions which will remain in effect.
Partnership Application
Partnership Application Partnership Application is a contract between two or more business partners that is used to establish the responsibilities, and profit and loss distribution of each partner, as well as other rules about the general partnership, like withdrawals, capital contributions, and financial reporting.
Partnership Fudiciary Duties
Partnership Fudiciary Duties The fiduciary duty of good faith and fair dealing means that the partners must act honestly and fairly in their dealing. This includes all acts in reaching the partnership’s mission statement and goals, and includes daily operations. This duty starts at the formation and ends at the dissolution.
Partnership Termination Form
Partnership Termination Form A Partnership Termination Form is an official agreement to end a partnership. This agreement sets out who will share in the partnership assets or liabilities and the effective termination date.
Partner's Withdrawal
Partner's Withdrawal Withdrawal from a partnership is achieved by serving a written notice ending the involvement in a partnership for other reasons. There are two kinds of withdrawal: Voluntary, is when a partner chooses to leave and is serving notice. Involuntary, is when one partner is withdrawn without consent.
Notice of Board Meeting
Notice of Board Meeting A Notice of Board Meeting is an official notice of a meeting of a company's board of directors. It sets forth the date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as the details of the meeting that took place. It becomes a part of the company's official records.
Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Defective Goods
Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Defective Goods A Notice of Acceptance of Defective Goods pertains that a purchaser will accept defective goods on certain conditions. It sets out the goods ordered, the delivery date, the defects and conditions of the goods. It specifies that if the proposal is not accepted, the defective goods will be returned.
Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Non-Conforming Goods
Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Non-Conforming Goods A Conditional Acceptance of Non-Conforming Goods sets out the purchased goods, the reasons you do not conform, and the conditions for acceptance. It also gives a date when the goods will be returned if the non-performance conditions are not accepted.
Notice of Copyright Assignment
Notice of Copyright Assignment A Notice of Copyright Assignment is an official notification that a copyrighted work has been assigned. It specifies the registered owner, the title of the copyrighted work, the registration number of the copyrighted work, and the entity to whom it was assigned.
Notice of Demand for Delivery of Goods
Notice of Demand for Delivery of Goods A Notice of Demand for Delivery of Goods demands that ordered goods be delivered to the purchaser. It contains the goods ordered, the date of order, and the amount of payment. It sets forth that if goods are not delivered within a set number of days, legal action will be taken.
Notice of Dismissal
Notice of Dismissal It may refer to the formal notification of the end of a contract between two or more parties. While a notice of termination usually is provided to an employee for reasons unrelated to his or her job performance.
Request For Appointment
Request For Appointment This is a template used to create and fill-out a Request For Appointment Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Appointment Request
Appointment Request This is a template used to create and fill-out an Appointment Request Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Research and Development Agreement
Research and Development Agreement A Research and Development Agreement is used between a party who has developed a new technology and a party who desires to exploit a technology. It sets out the parties arrangement to collaborate.
Research and Development Agreement Amendment
Research and Development Agreement Amendment A Research and Development Agreement Amendment revises an existing agreement in effect. It sets out the parties, the date of the agreement, and the terms and provisions that will be amended or modified.
Reservation Confirmation
Reservation Confirmation This is a template used to create and fill-out a Reservation Confirmation Letter Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Reservation Form
Reservation Form This is a template used to create and fill-out a Reservation Form Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Reservation Letter
Reservation Letter This is a template used to create and fill-out a Reservation Letter Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Reservation of Company Name
Reservation of Company Name Company Name Reservation is registering the name of a business with the state in order to reserve a name for the business owner. Company reserve a name that is not an exact duplicate of an existing name, with no attention given to confusingly similar names that may infringe existing trademarks.
West Virginia LLC Articles of Organization
West Virginia LLC Articles of Organization West Virginia LLC Articles of Organization are used to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member of an LLC and also between the LLC and its members.
West Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
West Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed West Virginia LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Work for Hire Agreement
Work for Hire Agreement This Work for Hire Agreement is between a company and a contractor who will provide services under a work for hire arrangement. This agreement sets out the parties, the specific services to be performed, term and payment arrangements.
Work Order
Work Order This is a template used to create and fill-out a Work Order Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Workshop Registration
Workshop Registration This is a template used to create and fill-out a Workshop Registration Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Writer Employment Agreement
Writer Employment Agreement This Writer Employment Agreement is between a producer and a writer who will perform writing services for a motion picture. This agreement sets out the title of the motion picture, when the work should be completed and writer's compensation.
Website Design Agreement
Website Design Agreement A Website Design Agreement is between a client and a designer who will provide website design services. It sets out the terms of the arrangement, including the specific services to be performed, payment for services, and the agreement term.
Website Maintenance Agreement
Website Maintenance Agreement A Website Maintenance Agreement is between a client and a website developer for maintenance services. It sets out the specific website maintenance, developer's services, and the fees for services and terms.
Website Privacy Policy Agreement
Website Privacy Policy Agreement A Website Privacy Policy Agreement contains the measures adopted to protect a registered visitor's privacy rights by a website owner. It sets forth how and what information is collected by the site, how an information is disclosed, and the security of that information.
Website Sales Agreement
Website Sales Agreement A Website Sales Agreement is between the seller and the buyer of a website. It sets forth the specific terms, including the name of the website, purchase price/payment terms and representations, and warranties made by the seller.
Website Traffic Tracker
Website Traffic Tracker This is a template used to create and fill-out a Website Traffic Tracker Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Weekly Sales Report
Weekly Sales Report This is a template used to create and fill-out a Weekly Sales Report Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Privacy Policy Template for a Website
Privacy Policy Template for a Website A Privacy Policy Template for a Website discloses how visitors' personal information is used, distributed, and protected. Many users insist that a solid privacy policy should be in place before doing business on a website.
Product Defect Notice to Manufacturer, Distributor or Seller
Product Defect Notice to Manufacturer, Distributor or Seller This template an essential step in the process of receiving compensation for injuries or damages proximately caused by that defect. Although strongly suggested, the formality of delivering such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, is not required under states’ laws.
Product Feedback Form
Product Feedback Form This is a template used to create and fill-out a Product Feedback Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Proforma Invoice
Proforma Invoice This is a template used to create and fill-out a Proforma Invoice.
Project Schedule
Project Schedule This is a template used to create and fill-out a Project Schedule Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Project Status Report Template
Project Status Report Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Project Status Report Template Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Property Storage Agreement
Property Storage Agreement A Property Storage Agreement is between a storage facility (depositor) and an individual who desires to store certain property for safekeeping. It sets out the specific terms of the arrangement, including the property being stored, the location of the facility, and the storage period.
Property Zoning
Property Zoning Property Zoning is the way the governments control the physical development of land and the kinds of uses to which each individual property may be put. Zoning laws typically specify the areas in which residential, industrial, recreational or commercial activities may take place.
Proposal Form
Proposal Form This is a template used to create and fill-out a Proposal Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Proposal Form Template
Proposal Form Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Proposal Form Template which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Notice of Meeting
Notice of Meeting This is a template used to create and fill-out a Notice of Meeting Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Notification of Termination
Notification of Termination The Franchise Non-Notification of Termination is a contract between the Franchiser and the Franchisee, in the said contract all the terms of agreement is written and agreed upon by both parties. This is given to give notice to the employee that he/she may no longer render service.
Offer to Purchase Partnership Interest
Offer to Purchase Partnership Interest An Offer to Purchase Partnership Interest is a proposal from a third party (offeror) to purchase a prospect's interest in a partnership. It sets forth all specific terms of the arrangement, including the amount offer and closing date of the transaction.
Partner's Capital Account
Partner's Capital Account A partnership keeps track of each investment in the partnership through a financial record called a capital account. As the partnership continues in existence, the capital account increases or decreases and reflect a partner’s share of partnership income or loss and withdrawals.
Pledge of Shares of Stock
Pledge of Shares of Stock s one of the options that the promoters of companies use to secure loans to meet working capital requirement, in case promoters fail to make up for the difference, lenders can sell the shares in the open market to recover the money.
Purchase Bid
Purchase Bid A bid is an offer made by an investors in an effort to buy a security, commodity, or currency. A bid stipulates the prices the potential buyer is willing to pay, as well as the quantity he or she will purchase, for that proposed price.
Purchase Offer
Purchase Offer A detailed, written document that makes an offer to purchase a property that may be amended several times in the process of negotiations. When signed by all parties involved in the sale, the purchase offer becomes a legally binding contract.
Purchase Price
Purchase Price The purchase price is the price an investor pays for an investment, and the price becomes the investor’s cost basis for calculating gain or loss when selling the investment.
Purchasing Agency Agreement
Purchasing Agency Agreement This Purchasing Agency Agreement is been a company and a purchasing agent who will procure specific products for the company. This agreement sets forth the specific terms of the arrangement including the term, the agent's responsibilities and the payment of salary and expenses.
Purchasing Agent Agreement
Purchasing Agent Agreement A Purchasing Agent Agreement is used in appointing a purchasing agent in a specific region or territory. It spells out the agent's name, specific area, and the amount to be paid to the agent. It also sets out the effective date and term of the agreement.
Quotation Record
Quotation Record This is a template used to create and fill-out a Quotation Record Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Rebate Tracker
Rebate Tracker This is a template used to create and fill-out a Rebate Tracker Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Referral Form
Referral Form This is a template used to create and fill-out a Referral Form Form.
Salaried Partnership Agreement
Salaried Partnership Agreement A salary is set of payment per month this is different from an ordinary percentage distribution of profits net income. The set payments can include salary or compensation for work, as well as compensation for the use of funds, similar to an interest payment.
Sales Agency Agreement
Sales Agency Agreement Sales Agency agreement is made between a company and a sales agent. This agreement is required when the company hires a sales agent to make a sale of their products and services on their behalf.
Commission Summary
Commission Summary This is a template used to create and fill-out a Commission Summary Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Sales Contract
Sales Contract A sales contract is a formal agreement between a buyer and seller for the exchange of goods, services, or property for payment or promise of payment of a certain value. A sales contract will spell out certain terms and conditions such as price and delivery.
Sales Projection Template
Sales Projection Template This is a template used to create and fill-out a Sales Projection Template Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Sales Representative Agreement
Sales Representative Agreement This Sales Representative Agreement is between a company and a sales representative who will promote company's products in a specific territory. This agreement set out the names of the parties, the products to be sold and the specific territory.
Service Agreement
Service Agreement A Service Agreement is used when hiring a contractor or individual to provide a specific type of service. It sets out details regarding the service, when it should be completed, and how much the provider will be paid.
Service Agreement
Service Agreement This Service Agreement is between a company and a contractor who will render specific services. This agreement contains the names of the parties and date of the agreement, detailed services to be performed and standard of performance.
Service Call Book
Service Call Book This is a template used to create and fill-out a Service Call Book Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Service Mark Application
Service Mark Application A Service Mark is the same type as a trademark, but service marks distinguish the services of one company from those of another provider. Service marks are often made of slogans.
Service Mark License Agreement
Service Mark License Agreement A Service Mark License Agreement is used to license a service mark. It sets forth the parties, the service mark to be licensed, and the obligations of the parties. This agreement further sets out that the license is non-exclusive and royalty-free.
Services Agreement Amendment
Services Agreement Amendment This Services Agreement Amendment will terminate an existing Service Agreement. This amendment sets out the names of the parties, the date of the Service Agreement and the provisions to be amended or modified.
Shareholder Agreement
Shareholder Agreement This is a template used to create and fill-out a Shareholder Agreement form which is an arrangement among a company's shareholders that describes how the company should be operated and outlines shareholders' rights and obligations. The shareholders' agreement is intended to make sure that shareholders are treated fairly and that their rights are protected.
Shareholder Agreement form long
Shareholder Agreement form long A shareholders' agreement, also called a stockholders' agreement, is an arrangement among a company's shareholders that describes how the company should be operated and outlines shareholders' rights and obligations.
Shareholder Agreement Valuation by Appraisal
Shareholder Agreement Valuation by Appraisal Appraised value is an evaluation of a property's value based on a given point in time. The evaluation is performed by a professional appraiser during the mortgage origination process. The appraiser is usually chosen by the lender but the appraisal is paid for by the borrower.
Shareholders Resolution
Shareholders Resolution A Shareholders Resolution is used in order to record official acts agreed upon by corporate shareholders. It can be taken with or without a meeting and should be carefully recorded, as it becomes an official part of the corporate record.
Shipment Procedure
Shipment Procedure This is a template used to create and fill-out a Shipment Procedure Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Shooting Notice
Shooting Notice This is a template used to create and fill-out a Shooting Notice Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Silent Partnership
Silent Partnership A Silent Partner in a business is an individual whose involvement is limited to providing capital. They are rarely involved in the partnership's daily operations such as participating in meetings. As limited partners, their liability is typically limited to the amount invested in the partnership.
South Carolina LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
South Carolina LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed South Carolina manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
South Carolina LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
South Carolina LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed South Carolina LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
South Dakota LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
South Dakota LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed South Dakota manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
South Dakota LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed
South Dakota LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed South Dakota LLC Operating Agreement, Member-Managed is the default setting for LLC management. This means that all LLC members take an active role in the day-to-day operations of the business.
Statement of Owner's Equity
Statement of Owner's Equity The statement of owner's equity portrays changes in the capital balance of a business over a reporting period. The concept is usually applied to a sole proprietorship, where income earned during the period is added to the beginning capital balance and owner draws are subtracted. The result is the ending balance in the capital account.
Standstill Agreement
Standstill Agreement A Standstill Agreement is used by two companies to enter into a relationship and discuss the deal without interference from others. It sets out the background information, commencement, and termination procedures.
Statement of Work
Statement of Work A Statement of Work is a legal document used by companies to declare what work or project needs to be finished, and the details surrounding the completion of the work. The form asks for information on the company, the client, the project, and how the project will be paid for.
Stock Certificate
Stock Certificate A Stock Certificate is a legal and financial document that certifies a person as a shareholder in a company based on the number of shares of stock that they own. Stock certificates include information such as the number of shares owned, the date of purchase, an identification number, usually a corporate seal, and signatures.
Stock Pledge
Stock Pledge A Stock Pledge is an agreement to transfer stocks against a debt. The debtor pledges the stocks as an asset against the amount of money taken from a lender and promises to return the amount. The debtor pledges as a stocks as a security against the debt.
Stock Portfolio
Stock Portfolio This is a template used to create and fill-out a Stock Portfolio Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.)
Stock Power
Stock Power Stock power is a legal power of attorney form that transfers the ownership of certain shares of a stock to a new owner.
Stock Purchase Agreement
Stock Purchase Agreement The Stock Purchase Agreement ("SPA") is the definitive agreement that finalizes all terms and conditions related to the purchase and sale of the shares of a company.
Storage Agreement
Storage Agreement Storage Agreement is a document that is used when a company or individual would like to rent out a storage space to another company or individual.
Straight Bill of Lading
Straight Bill of Lading A straight bill of lading is generally accepted to be one that makes the goods deliverable to a named consignee and either contains no words importing transferability or contains words negating transferability.
Submission Tracker
Submission Tracker This is a template used to create and fill-out a Submission Tracker Form which is a document between a borrower and a lender containing details of the loan for record and tracking of payment.
Tennessee LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed
Tennessee LLC Operating Agreement, Manager-Managed Tennessee manager-managed LLC is a limited liability company in which one or more managers run the day-to-day operations of the business and an operating agreement is essential for clearly portraying both the authorities and duties of managers and the rights of the company's members.
Terms of Use Agreement
Terms of Use Agreement This is a template used to create and fill-out a Terms of Use Agreement Form.
Terms of Use for a Website
Terms of Use for a Website A Terms of Use for a Website is used to set up rules and regulations about the use of the site. It describes the services offered and the given warranties. Moreover, it can apply to both registered and non-registered users of a website.
Terms of Use for Website Agreement
Terms of Use for Website Agreement A Terms of Use for Website Agreement governs the use of the website and its services. It sets out the specific services the website offers, user's license, and prohibited uses. It also sets out any disclaimers and amount of limitation on liability.
Texas Certificate of Termination of a Domestic Entity
Texas Certificate of Termination of a Domestic Entity When the owners, members or governing authority of a domestic entity have determined that the existence of the entity should terminate, or there is an occurrence of an event requiring the winding up or termination of the entity, the entity should wind up its business and affairs in the manner provided by chapter 11 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC). On completion of the winding up process, a filing entity must file a certificate of termination with the secretary of state.
Texas DBA Application
Texas DBA Application In Texas, all corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability partnerships (LLPs), or out of state companies that regularly conduct business in Texas under a name other than its legal name, must file a DBA with the Secretary of State.

Business forms are used to establish various company structures. They are effective instruments to set forth rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations in a company. Most of the business forms include business plans, legal agreements and contracts, and business transactions reports.

Using business-related report templates allow businesses to focus on what matters most while making it much easier for them to organize their day and workload. These forms are essential in integrating important information, such as business transactions with employees and other companies.

Types of Business Forms

Establishing your business requires on-point strategies. One of these is the use of appropriate documents in certain situations.

Be wary on how to use business forms to get the result your business needs. Some of these business forms are used to set forth agreements between company partners or members, establish business organizations, and record business transactions.

The following are the types of business forms as used in certain transactions:

  • Corporate Forms — Corporate forms are generally used when establishing types of business organization, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, and sole proprietorship. Sample forms LLC Certificate of Organizations, LLC Articles of Organization, and Articles of Incorporation.
  • General Business Forms — General business forms are used to record your day-to-day business activities. You may use them to record daily supplies, workloads, or transactions with clients, customers, or companies. Some examples are Weekly Timesheet, Weekly Status Report, and Workload Distribution.
  • Employment Forms — Employment forms are essential for hiring assets for your company. They contain the agreements you made with your potential employees, salary arrangements, schedules, job description, and other employment-related deals. Maintaining the information with your hired employees is also possible with these employment forms. The Employment Application form and Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement are examples of employment forms.
  • Financial Forms — Financial forms are used to keep track of your business financial status, including salary, tax, refund, profit, and expense. Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement, and Pay Stub are financial forms.

The Importance of Business Forms in Business Structures

One advantage of business forms is they do not discriminate. Regardless of the size of your business, business forms work the same. They can be used in various business structures, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, and sole proprietorship.

Use business forms to establish your brand, legalize, create, or terminate business partnerships, or transfer business property or sales.

Most popular business forms you need to know

LLC Articles of Organization

When you plan to establish a limited liability company (LLC) in the United States, you may use Articles of Organization. It is a document submitted with the bylaws indicating essential information regarding the establishment of an LLC at a state level. You may use it to create the rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations between each member. Articles of Organization is also called Certificate of Organization or Articles of Incorporation.

LLC Certificate of Organization

If you want to form an LLC in your state, you may use an LLC Certificate of Organization. It is also known as LLC Certificate of Organization and/or Formation. LLC Certificate helps you form an LLC that is recognized as a legal entity in the state in which it was filed.

Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement

Taxpayers in the United States use Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement, to claim a refund of certain assessed taxes or to request an abatement of interest, penalties, and fees, applied by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Weekly Status Report

Use a Weekly Status Report form to track the development of a project and the weekly performance of a member or team. It contains the summary of work or projects performed in a week and the roadblocks encountered during the process. It is a manager-friendly tool that helps build a synergistic flow in the workplace. It enables managers to evaluate team performance and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member from time to time. They can also provide solutions if there are issues and other sentiments on a specific project. A Project Status Report is a related form that you may use for project monitoring.

Weekly Timesheet

Use a Weekly Timesheet to record the exact number of hours an employee has spent at work weekly. It is an efficient timekeeping method and performance tracker. If you are an employer, you can use a Weekly Timesheet to gauge your employee’s performance, project execution, time management, and reliability. You can also use it in payroll accounting, where determining employee compensations may be easier as you can base it on the reported billable hours rendered at work. If you are an employee who is paid weekly for an hourly rate, a Weekly Timesheet can help you calculate your expected salary. You may also use it to correct accounting errors or provide evidence to demand salary from the company. Another related form is the Biweekly Payroll Timesheet. It is used to calculate the work hours and pay periods of employees for two weeks.

Bank Statement

Banks and account holders use a Bank Statement to determine the summary of financial transactions that occurred in a specific period. By providing a financial summary, it helps them become aware of their financial status, allowing them to plan expenses accordingly and effectively. A Bank Statement is also used to apply for loans, to monitor all financial transactions, as proof for legal claims, and as a guide when making financial decisions.

Pay Stub Template

If you are an employee, you can use a Pay Stub template to record your finances, including your income and salary deductions. Generally, a Pay Stub contains an employee's salary amount, salary deductions, pay period, date of issuance, and gross earnings. While it is beneficial for employees, employers may use it to provide detailed information about their employee's paycheck, file taxes or deductions, and resolve financial or payment issues. A Pay Stub is also referred to as Pay Slip.

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement

Companies use an Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to prohibit their employees to disclose any confidential information revealed to them upon employment. It is a legal contract that binds the employer and the employee to the terms and conditions of their agreement. It works similarly to an Employee Confidentiality Agreement.