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Fillable Form DMV Virginia Driver License Application

Form DL 1P of Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Virginia is used for driver's license application, learner's permit, state identification card, hearing impaired ID card, or emancipated minor ID card.

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What is the Virginia Driver's License Application Form?

Form DL 1P, Driver’s License and Identification Card Application, also known as the Virginia Driver’s License Application Form, is a form provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles for persons eligible to apply for a driver’s license. The form can also be used to renew or replace your existing driver’s license or identification card.

How to fill out the Virginia Driver's License Application Form?

You must complete all the required fields of the license application form provided by the Department of Motor Vehicle. Read the questions and instructions carefully before answering. You may download a PDF copy of the form on the DMV website. For convenience, you may electronically fill out the Virginia Driver’s License Application Form on PDFRun.

Page 1

The first page of the Virginia DMV form requires you to fill out your application type and personal information. Fill out the necessary information provided below.

The topmost section of the form asks for information for the Department of Elections and Virginia Transplant Council. This section is requested to be filled out by the applicant, but it is not required for the application of a driver’s license or ID card.

Information for the Department of Elections

Are you a citizen of the United States of America

Mark “YES” if you are a citizen of the United States. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Do you want to apply to register to vote or change your voter registration address?

Mark “YES” if you want to apply to register to vote or change your voter registration address. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Information for the Virginia Transplant Council

Mark “YES” if you would like to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Application Type

Check the appropriate box to determine what you are applying for with the DMV VA. You may select from the following:

  • Driver’s license
  • Learner’s Permit and Driver’s License
  • Driver’s License with Motorcycle
  • Motorcycle Only License
  • Motorcycle Learner’s Permit
  • Driver’s License with School Bus Endorsement
  • Driver’s License Testing for Foreign Diplomats
  • Identification (ID) Card
  • Hearing Impaired ID Card
  • Emancipated Minor ID Card

If you marked “Driver’s License with Motorcycle” and “Motorcycle Only License,” complete the Motorcycle Classification below. “Motorcycle Learner’s Permit” does not apply to Motorcycle Classification.

For Driver’s License with School Bus Endorsement, the vehicle should only carry less than 16 passengers.

Motorcycle Classification

Mark the appropriate box to determine what type of motorcycle classification you’re applying for. You may select:

  • Maintaining current Virginia Motorcycle Classification
  • Add, Upgrade or Transfer Motorcycle Classification or obtain Motorcycle Only License

If you marked “Add, Upgrade or Transfer Motorcycle Classification or obtain Motorcycle Only License,” additional testing may be required. Check the appropriate box for the type of motorcycle you’ll add, upgrade, or transfer your motorcycle classification. You may select:

  • M 2 (two wheels)
  • M 3 (three wheels)
  • M (both two and three wheels)

Replacement License or Identification Card

Check “I am surrendering my current license or ID card” if you are replacing your license or ID card.

Check certify the reason you cannot surrender your current license or ID Card. You may select:

  • Lost
  • Stolen
  • Destroyed

Do you currently have or have you ever held a license, ID card, or learner’s permit from another state, US territory, or foreign country?

Mark “YES” if you have held a license, ID card, or learner’s permit from another state, US territory, or foreign country. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

If you marked “YES” in this section, enter the required license or ID card details you acquired from another state, US territory, or foreign country. Answer the following fields below:

License/ID Card Number

Enter the license or ID Card number.

Issue Date

Enter the issue date of the license or ID card.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date of the license or ID card.

If you marked “NO” in this section, leave them blank.

Applicant Information

The following fields require your personal information. Enter the necessary information below, and make sure that they are accurate and correct.

Full Legal Name

Enter your full legal name.

Social Security Number (SSN)

Enter your social security number.

Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)

Enter your birthdate.

Phone Number

Enter your phone number, if any.


Check the appropriate box for your gender. You may select:

  • Male
  • Female


Enter your weight in pounds (lbs.).


Enter your height in feet and inches.

Eye Color

Enter your natural eye color.

Hair Color

Enter your natural hair color.


Enter your complete street address, apartment number, city, state, and zip code. Note that the address you enter must be your current address. The US Postal Service will not forward your license or ID card.

If your name has changed, print your former name here

Enter your former or old name if you have changed your name.

Name of City or County of Residence

Mark the appropriate box if you live in a city or county. You may select:

  • City
  • County of Residence

Enter the place you reside in once you marked the appropriate box.

Mailing Address

Enter your complete mailing address, apartment number, city, state, and zip code if it is different from your current address. This address will show on your license or ID card.

Item 1 - Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to operate a motor vehicle?

Mark “YES” if you wear glasses or contact lenses when operating a motor vehicle. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Item 2 - Do you have a physical or mental condition which requires that you take medication?

Mark “YES” if you have any physical or mental condition that requires you to take any medication. If you do not have any physical or mental conditions, mark “NO.”

Item 3 - Have you ever had a seizure, blackout, or loss of consciousness?

Mark “YES” if you experience seizure, blackout, or loss of consciousness. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Item 4 - Do you have a physical condition which requires you to use special equipment to drive?

Mark “YES” if you have a physical condition that requires you to use special equipment when driving. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Item 5 - Have you been convicted within the past ten years in this state or elsewhere of any offense resulting from your operation of, or involving, a motor vehicle?

Mark “YES” if you have been convicted of any offense resulting from your operation or of involving a motor vehicle within the past ten years. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

Parking tickets are not included as an offense under this item.

Item 6 - Has your license or privilege to drive ever been suspended, revoked, or disqualified in this state or elsewhere, or is it currently suspended, revoked, or disqualified?

Mark “YES” if your license or privilege to drive has been or is currently suspended, revoked, or disqualified in this state or elsewhere. Otherwise, mark “NO.”

If you answered YES to any of the above provide an explanation here.

Enter your explanation if you marked YES to any of the items listed above.

Special Indicator Request

Mark the appropriate box to show any indicators on your license, permit, or ID card. You may select among the following:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetic
  • Speech impairment
  • Hearing impairment (license only)
  • Intellectual disability (IntD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

If you marked any of the indicators, you must submit a required physician statement for proof. However, if you marked Hearing Impairment, this indicator will only be shown in a license.

Page 2

The second page of this form includes the request for a fee waiver, veteran indicator, and signature for certification. If you are a minor, your parent’s, guardian’s, or the court’s consent and signatures will also be seen on this page.

Parent or Legal Guardian License Consent

Check the appropriate box for your parents to give consent on issuing a permit or driver’s license if you are a minor. You may select:

  • I authorize issuance of a learner’s permit/driver’s license
  • I authorize issuance of an ID card

If you are a certified resident of Virginia, attending school regularly, and whether you have good standing or not, have your parent check “I authorize issuance of a learner’s permit/driver’s license.”

Once you checked this box, it certifies that you will operate a motor vehicle for at least 45 hours, 15 hours of which will occur after sunset, while holding your learner’s permit. If you are attending a public school, you will authorize your school principal or designee of the public school to notify the juvenile and domestic relations district court of its jurisdiction if you have consecutive unexcused absences for ten days or more.

If you have a special indicator request, the parent will request on behalf of you that the indicator will be shown on the learner’s permit or driver’s license.

However, if you are under 18 and a certified resident of Virginia, have your parent check “I authorize issuance of an ID Card.”

Parent/Guardian Name

Enter the full legal name of your parent or guardian in print.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Have your parent or guardian affix their signature.


Enter the date your parent or guardian signed the form.

Applicant Under 18

Mark the appropriate box to determine if you have been found not innocent for an offense by the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court here or in any other state. If you have committed an offense and have been found not innocent by the court, mark “YES.” Otherwise, mark “NO.”

If you marked “YES,” have your parent must provide court consent below.

Court Consent

Have your parent mark the appropriate box whether to have your request for a learner’s permit or driver’s license be granted. You may select:

  • Should be granted
  • Should not be granted

If you request to have your learner’s permit or driver’s license, have your parent mark “should be granted.” Otherwise, mark “should not be granted.”


Have your parent enter additional remarks, if any.

Judge Name

Enter the judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court’s full legal name.

Judge Signature

Have the judge affix their signature.


Enter the date the judge signed the form.

Selective Service

Mark the appropriate box if you are a male under 26 years old. You may select:

  • I am already registered with Selective Service.
  • I am a non-immigrant alien in the US and not required to register.
  • I authorize DMV to forward to the Selective Service personal information necessary to register me with Selective Service.

This portion is required for all males under 26 years, and failure to do shall deny your application.


Affix your signature. If you are under 18 years old, have your parent, guardian, or judge affix their signature.

Check the appropriate box to determine who will be affixing their signature, if you are a minor. You may select:

  • Parent/Guardian
  • Judge, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court
  • Emancipated Minor

Veteran Indicator

Mark the appropriate box if you want to show the veteran indicator on your driver’s license or identification card. You may select:

  • I would like to add/keep the veteran indicator on my driver’s license or identification card.
  • I would NOT like to add/keep the veteran indicator on my driver’s license or identification card.

If you want the veteran indicator to be seen on your license or ID card, mark “I would like to add/keep the veteran indicator on my driver’s license or identification card.” If you marked this box, you must complete a Form DL 11, Virginia Veteran Military Service Certification, and provide an acceptable veteran service proof document.

Otherwise, mark “I would NOT like to add/keep the veteran indicator on my driver’s license or identification card.”

Government Employees (Fee Waiver Certification)

Mark the appropriate box to determine where you are employed and if you want to have your motorcycle class endorsement fee waived. You may select:

  • Commonwealth of Virginia
  • City of
  • County of
  • Town of

If you marked “City of,” “Country of,” or “Town of,” enter the area where you are employed.

Filling out this portion entitles you to a fee waiver certification, provided that you have paid for and hold a valid Virginia driver’s license or have made an application for such.


Applicant Name

Enter your full legal name in print.

Applicant Signature

Affix your signature.


Enter the date you signed the form.

How to file the Virginia Driver's License Application Form?

Submit the completed form to any Dept of Motor Vehicles Customer Center. If you are applying for a renewal of license or identification card online or by mail, a service fee of $5 shall apply.


Keywords: virginia driver license driver license virginia virginia driver s license va driver license va driver s license

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