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Fillable Form Texas Driver's License Application

DL 14-A is used to apply for a Texas Driver License. If new to Texas, you must apply for a new driver's license within 90 days or your out-of-state license will no longer be valid in Texas.

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What is TX License Application Form?

The State of Texas Driver's License Application form is a document used to apply for a Texas Driver's License, Learner License, Commercial Driver License (CDL), Identification Card, or Non-Resident Commercial Driver License.

If you already have a valid Texas driver's license, you can renew up to 1 year before the expiration date or 2 years after the expiration date.

The Texas driver’s license expires on the license holder's birthday. The number of years that a license is valid depends on the age of the license holder.

If the license holder is below 18 years old, then the license expires on their 18th birthday. If the license holder is between 18 years and 84 years old, then the license is valid for 6 years. If the license holder is above 85 years old, then the license is valid for 2 years. Temporary Driver's licenses are valid for the duration of your legal stay or 1 year.

How to fill out TX License Application form?

Application for:
Select the type of license you are applying for(Driver License, Identification Card, Commercial Driver License (CDL), Non-Resident Driver License, or Learner License).

Class (Circle)
If you operate a vehicle or combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more, provided the GVWR of the vehicle(s) towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds, select "A".

If you operate a single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more and tow either a vehicle with a GVWR that does not exceed 10,000 pounds or a farm trailer with a GVWR that does not exceed 20,000 pounds, select "B".

If you operate a vehicle with a GVWR less than 26,001 pounds towing a trailer not to exceed 10,000 pounds GVWR or a farm trailer with a GVWR that does not exceed 20,000 pounds, select "C".

If you operate a motorcycle or moped, select "M".

Application Information

Last Name
Enter your last name.

First Name
Enter your first name.

Middle Name
Enter your middle name.

Enter your suffix.

Maiden Name
Enter your maiden name.

Date of Birth
Enter your date of birth.

Provide your Social Security Number.

Encircle the appropriate choice (Male or Female).

Eye Color
Enter your eye color.

Hair Color
Enter your hair color.

Provide your race or ethnicity.
If you are American Indian or Alaska Native, write “I”.
If you are Asian or Pacific Islander, write “A”.
If you are Black, write “B”.
If you are Hispanic, write “H”.
If your ethnicity is not listed, write “O”.
If you are White, write “W”.

Provide your height in feet and inches.

Provide your weight in pounds.

Place of Birth
Provide your place of birth including City, County, State, and Country.

Father’s Last Name
Provide your father’s last name.

Mother’s Maiden Name
Provide your mother’s maiden name.

Contact Information

Home Phone
Provide your home phone number.

Other Phone
Provide your other phone number.

Provide your email number.

Address Information

Residence Address
Provide your residential address including City, State, Zip Code, and County.

Mailing Address
Provide your mailing address including City, State, Zip Code, and County.

Required Information from All Applicants

1. Are you a citizen of the United States?
Select “Yes” if you are a citizen of the United States. If not, select “No”.

2. If you are a US citizen, would you like to register to vote? If registered, would you like to update your voter information?
Select “Yes” if you are a US citizen and would you like to register to vote. If not, select “No”. If you are registered and you would like to update your voter information, provide your electronic signature.

3. Do you wish to donate $1.00 to the Blindness Education Screening and Treatment Program?
Select “ Yes” if you wish to donate $1.00 to the Blindness Education Screening and Treatment Program. If not, select “No”.

4. Do you want to support the Glena Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry?
If you want to support the Glena Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry, select "Yes" and indicate the amount you would like to donate on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

5. Would you like to register as an organ donor?
Select “Yes” if you would like to register as an organ donor. If not, select “No”.

6. Do you want to support survivors of sexual assault?
If you want to support survivors of sexual assault, select "Yes" and indicate the amount you would like to donate on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

7. Do you want to support Texas Veterans?
If you want to support Texas Veterans, select "Yes" and indicate the amount you would like to donate on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

8. Do you have a health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer?
If you have a health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer, select “Yes” and enter your condition on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

9. a) Do want a Veteran designator on your driver license or identification card?
If you want a Veteran designator on your driver license or identification card, select “Yes”. If not select “ No”.

b) Are you a 60% disabled Veteran receiving compensation and want to waive the application fee?
If you are a 60% disabled Veteran receiving compensation and want to waive the application fee, select “Yes”. If not, select “No”.

10. In the event of injury or death would you like to provide two(2) emergency contact?
If you would like to provide two(2) emergency contacts, select “Yes” and enter it on the space provided. If not select “No”.

11. Have you ever had a Texas identification card?
If you ever had a Texas identification card, select “Yes” and enter the number of your identification card and date when you received it on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

12. Have you ever had a driver license or instruction permit in Texas?
If you ever had a driver license or instruction permit in Texas, select “Yes” and enter the number of your driver’s license or instruction permit and date when you received it on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

13. Have you ever had a license or instruction permit in any other state?
If you ever had a license or instruction permit in any other state, select “Yes” and enter the state in which you have a license or instruction permit, the number of your driver license or instruction permit, and date when you received it on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

Required Information From Driver License Applicants
Driving History Information

14. Are you enrolled in or have you completed an approved driver education course?
If you are enrolled in or have completed an approved driver education course, select “Yes”. If not, select “No”.

15. Is your driver license or driver privilege CURRENTLY or EVER been suspended, revoked, canceled, denied, or disqualified in ANY state?
If your driver license or driver privilege is currently or was suspended, revoked, canceled, denied, or disqualified in another state, select “Yes” and enter the state, date it occurred and reason on the space provided. If not, select “No”.

Vehicle Information and Insurance Information

16. Do you own a motor vehicle which is required to be registered (Texas Transformation Code Section 502.040)?
If you own a motor vehicle that is required to be registered, select “Yes”. If not, select “No”.

17. Do you own a motor vehicle which is required to have liability insurance OR other proof of financial responsibility in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act (Texas Transformation Code Section 601.051)?
If you own a motor vehicle that is required to have liability insurance or other proof of financial responsibility in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act, select “Yes”. If not, select “No”.


Keywords: texas drivers license application driver license texas texas driver license texas dl dl texas

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