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Fillable Form Rental Application

Rental Application is a form that landlords and property managers use to request detailed information from potential renters.

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What is a Rental Application Form?

A Rental Application Form is a document used by landlords, property managers, and other entities to request detailed information from anyone who wishes to rent their property.

Rental Application forms are generally important as they allow the owner or owners of a given property to not only know more about the people that wish to rent or lease their property, but they also allow them to better determine who to allow to lease their property. Application forms also allow property owners to identify particular traits, habits, behaviors, or otherwise that they consider to be either desirable or unacceptable for any person or group renting their property.

Who needs to use a Rental Application Form?

Any property owner, such as a landlord or a rental company or otherwise, who wishes to rent or lease their property out will generally provide rental application forms for potential lessees and renters to fill out.

How to fill out a Rental Application Form?

The Rental Application Form Template is a very simple form to fill out. Make sure to download the form in PDF before printing it to ensure that all information entered and the format of the form will remain intact even after being printed or otherwise submitted to the relevant person or entity.

It will be beneficial to have any documents containing the relevant details that may need to be entered in this form in order to ensure that all information entered is correct and updated.

Date of Application

Enter the date when this application is being filed.

Property Address

Enter the address information of the concerned property.

Unit Number

Enter the property unit number.

City, State, Zip Code

Enter the city, state, and zip code of the property.

Applicant Information

Enter the following information for each applicant. You may use an extra sheet of paper as needed should more applicants need to be declared.

First Name

Enter the applicant’s first name.

Middle Initial

Enter the applicant’s middle initial.

Last Name

Enter the applicant’s last name.

Date of Birth

Enter the applicant’s date of birth.

Social Security Number

Enter the applicant’s Social Security Number (SSN)

Phone Number

Enter the applicant’s primary phone number.

Email Address

Enter the applicant’s primary email address.

Driver’s License Number

Enter the applicant’s driver’s license number.

Driver’s License Number State of Issue

Enter the state that issued the applicant’s driver’s license.

Residence History

Enter the minimum number of years of residence history that must be provided.

Then enter the following information for the applicant’s current address and however many addresses the applicant had previously within the above-declared number of years of residence history. Use an extra sheet of paper as needed.

Current or Previous Address

Enter the applicant’s current or previous address.

Unit Number

Enter the unit number of the above-declared address.

City, State, ZIP Code

Enter the city, state, and ZIP code of the above-declared address.

Dates of Residence

Enter the date when the applicant started residing in the above-declared address, then the last day before they moved to a new one. If the above-declared address is the applicant’s current address, simply enter “Present” or the date when the rent or lease of that particular address will expire.

Monthly Rent

Enter the amount of rent paid for the property per month.

Reason for Moving

Enter a brief description of the applicant’s reason for leaving the property (or for wishing to leave the property).

Ownership (Check One)

Check one of the boxes that best applies to the applicant’s ownership of the above-declared address. You may choose one from the following:

  • Own
  • Rent
  • Other (specify in the space provided)

If Rent, Name of Landlord

If the above-declared address was rented, enter the name of the landlord.

Landlord Phone Number

Enter the phone number of the above-declared address’ landlord.


If the applicant has ever been evicted, check “Yes” and provide an explanation as to why in the space provided. Otherwise, check “No”.

Lease Broken

If the applicant has ever broken a lease, check “Yes” and provided an explanation as to why in the space provided. Otherwise, check “No”.

Employment Information

Enter the minimum number of years of employment history that must be provided.

Then enter the following information for the applicant’s current employer and however many addresses the applicant had previously within the above-declared number of years of employment history. Use an extra sheet of paper as needed.

Current or Previous Employer

Enter the name of the applicant’s current or previous employer.

Position or Title

Enter the applicant’s position or title held while working for the above-declared employer.


Enter the address of the office where the applicant works or worked.

City, State, ZIP Code

Enter the city, state, and ZIP code of the office where the applicant works or worked.

Name of Supervisor

Enter the name of the applicant’s current or previous supervisor.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number of the applicant’s current or previous supervisor or office.

Dates of Employment

Enter the date when the applicant started working for the above-declared employer, then the last day before they stopped working for the said employer. If the above-declared employer is the applicant’s current employer, simply enter “Present” or the date that the applicant will cease to be an employee.

Monthly Income

Enter the applicant’s monthly income from working for the above-declared employer.

Other Sources of Income

Enter any other sources of income that the applicant wishes for the landlord to consider. For each source of income, enter the following information:

  • Name of Source of Income
  • Amount of Income (if possible, indicate the frequency of the income)

Financial Accounts

Enter the following information for each of the financial accounts that the applicant wishes for the landlord to consider. Financial accounts may include savings accounts, checking accounts, and credit accounts.

  • Name of Financial Account
  • Account Type
  • Account Number

List All Other Occupants at the Property

Enter the following information for each occupant at the property. Use an extra sheet of paper as needed.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Relationship

Vehicles to be Parked at Property

Enter the following information for each vehicle that will be parked at the property. Use an extra sheet of paper as needed.

Vehicle Make

Enter the make of the vehicle.


Enter the model of the vehicle.


Enter the year of the vehicle.


Enter the color of the vehicle.

License Plate Number

Enter the license plate number of the vehicle.


Enter the state where the vehicle was issued.


If the applicant has any pets, check “Yes” and enter the following information in the spaces provided:

  • Type of pet
  • Breed of pet
  • Weight of pet

Otherwise, check “No”.


If any of the occupants of the property smoke, check “Yes”. Otherwise, check “No”.


Conviction for Crime

If the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime, check “Yes” and enter an explanation in the space provided. Otherwise, check “No”.


If the applicant has ever declared bankruptcy, check “Yes” and enter an explanation in the space provided. Otherwise, check “No”.

Emergency Contact

Enter the following information about the applicant’s emergency contact.

First Name

Enter the first name of the emergency contact.

Middle Initial

Enter the emergency contact’s middle initial.

Last Name

Enter the emergency contact’s last name.


Enter the address of the emergency contract.

City, State, ZIP Code

Enter the city, state, and ZIP code of the emergency contact.


Enter the relationship of the emergency contact with the applicant.

Phone Number

Enter the primary phone number of the emergency contact.

Personal References

Enter the following information for each of the personal references that the applicant wishes to provide. Use an extra sheet of paper as needed.

First Name

Enter the first name of the personal reference.

Middle Initial

Enter the personal reference’s middle initial.

Last Name

Enter the personal reference’s last name.


Enter the address of the emergency contract.

City, State, ZIP Code

Enter the city, state, and ZIP code of the personal reference.


Enter the relationship of the personal reference with the applicant.

Phone Number

Enter the primary phone number of the personal reference.

By proceeding to submit this form the applicant understands that all statements and information declared on this form are true, and if any information is found to be false or incomplete, the landlord may reject the application or terminate the lease agreement entirely.

Application Fee

Check one of the following boxes that apply:

  • There is no application fee.
  • The applicant will pay a non-refundable application fee. Enter the amount that must be paid in the space provided.

Applicant’s Signature

Have the applicant sign the form in the space provided and enter the date that they signed the form.

Landlord Signature

Have the landlord or property owner sign the form in the space provided and enter the date that they signed the form.

Tips when filling out a Rental Application Form

The Rental Application Form PDF is a very simple and easy form to fill out. However, as it is considered to be legally binding, it is important to review all the information provided on and with this form. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and make sure that all parties involved are aware of all parts of the agreement.

Keep the form in a safe and secure place. Make sure to keep the form in an organized space. This will help to avoid issues that may arise from losing a copy of the form, such as identity theft.

Practice good contract management. Create a copy of the accomplished form and store it in a safe and secure area. This will be useful for backup purposes should something happen to the original copy, or for any possible future legal purposes.


Keywords: rental application rental application form rental application pdf simple rental application

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