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Fillable Form Letter of Retirement

A Letter of Retirement is used to inform an employer of an employee's upcoming retirement.

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What is a Letter of Retirement?

A Letter of Retirement is an official notice used by a professional to state his or her resignation from his or her current job position and to apply for or request retirement benefits. As a formal letter of notification, the letter must state important details including the intended final date of work and any provisions for the transition, if applicable.

Retirement requires a well-thought-out process and a systematic transition, as an individual who is seeking to do so is perhaps a highly skilled professional and valued person within an organization. Finding a replacement may be a difficult undertaking for the employer. While a typical resignation often requires a minimum of two weeks’ notice, it is recommended to give a letter of retirement to the employer six months or more before the final date of employment. This would give the employer sufficient time to prepare applicable retirement benefits if there are any, allowing the company to make the necessary adjustments before the departure. If you can help during the transition that will follow your resignation, including it in the letter may be necessary.

Before writing a letter of retirement, it is important for a professional to familiarize himself or herself with the retirement policies of his or her employer. Doing so would enable him or her to undergo a smooth resignation process. Moreover, looking for retirement benefits that a professional can apply for is beneficial.

A letter of retirement is a great way for a professional to show gratitude to the company, to recall wonderful experiences that taught him or her invaluable lessons, and to discuss future plans, which may include consulting work. Though not strictly crucial, he or she may include in the letter suggestions regarding modifications to work duties that could make the transition period convenient.

How to fill out a Letter of Retirement?

If you are a professional who has been with a company for a long time, being straightforward in your letter of retirement should be necessary. While it should have the most basic yet most important detail — the final date of work, you may be as expressive as you please when writing the document. As a tip, depending on your position and the culture of the company you are part of, the tone of your letter matters. Your tone can be casual or formal. In addition, your letter should uphold the positive perspective the company has of you.

Your letter of resignation should have the following components:

The heading of a letter of retirement follows the standard format of business letters. Write the name of the recipient, his position in the company, the name of the company, and the company’s business address. Also, write the date you finished the document.

Include a brief greeting that addresses the recipient.

Depending on how expressive you aim to be when writing your letter of resignation, the ultimate goal of this section is to determine your final date in the company. Following the end date, the rest of the body can be used to express gratitude, to share personal and memorable experiences that you have as an employee in the company, and to talk about your future plans. If you want to continue working with the company in some limited ways after your retirement, you may offer your services.

End your letter with a closing remark followed by your signature and full name.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Letter of Retirement

What do you write in a Letter of Retirement?

A Letter of Retirement is a formal letter you write when you submit a notice of your intent to retire to your employer. The letter typically includes details such as the date you will be retiring, your reason for retirement, and how many years you have worked for the company.

Make sure you keep the tone of voice professional. Ensure that you proofread and spell check before sending off your retirement letter. You can also put in some personal touches, such as what are the values the company has shared with you and how grateful you are to have worked with the company and its employees.

What is the tone of voice in a Letter of Retirement?

A Letter of Retirement can have a formal tone, but you are free to express your gratitude and share your feelings about retirement since this is an emotional time for many people. It is a time for you to express your gratitude and share fond memories about your time with the company. Express how grateful you are for having had the opportunity to work with the company, its employees, or management.

Be honest with the tone you choose to not give the wrong impression to your employer. However, try to avoid any negative connotations so you still come across as a professional.

When is a Letter of Retirement typically sent?

A Letter of Retirement is typically sent six months or more before your retirement date.

It is possible to send this retirement letter whenever you want, but it is best to do so six months in advance of your retirement date since the company may need time to find a replacement. Within that six months, you may help them with the transition, such as training and familiarizing your replacement on different company operations and procedures.

When you submit a Retirement Letter, give your employer ample time to look for a replacement or at least start working towards that goal before your retirement day comes. You can also ask them how much time they need in terms of finalizing your retirement arrangements.

What are some guidelines for a Retirement Letter?

When writing a Retirement Letter, you need to focus on the following:

  1. Format.
  • Use a simple font style, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, and Verdana.
  • The most preferred font size for formal letters is 10 to 12, depending on the font.
  • Use a blank font color. Do not use a colored font because it may be hard to read.
  • Use a business letter format spacing of 1 to 1.15.
  • Your body letter must be at least three paragraphs. Do not exceed five paragraphs as it may be difficult to read.
  • Make your Retirement Letter one-paged.

  1. Content
  • If you want to address someone in particular, such as management or your retirement committee, use the appropriate honorifics and titles such as "Mr.," "Ms.," "Dr.," and "Rev." Otherwise, use a generic salutation like "To Whom It May Concern."
  • Have a header containing the company's logo and address. Make sure the date is on the letter.
  • Include your retirement date in the Retirement Letter.
  • Include your reason for retirement if you want to include it in the Retirement Letter. You may choose to omit this part, but it is ethical to give a reason for retirement.
  • Include the number of years you have worked with the company. For example, "I have worked with XYZ Company for 20 years."
  • Express your gratitude to the company in retirement. You may use phrases like "I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the opportunities I have had in XYZ Company" or "XYZ Company has taught me many things, and it has been an honor working with them."
  • You may mention what you hope to accomplish after retirement and how the company has helped you succeed.
  • Finish off your retirement letter by thanking those who have contributed to your retirement. You can use phrases like "Thank you for taking care of me over all these years" or "I would like to thank my co-workers for making work such a joy."
  • Make sure to end the Letter of Retirement with "Sincerely" and your signature.
  • Wish the company well by using a phrase like "I hope XYZ Company continues to achieve success in the future" or "I wish XYZ Company much happiness and prosperity."

  1. Accuracy
  • Proofread and spell-check your retirement letter to ensure that no errors appear. Check for grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure.
  • Have someone else proofread your Retirement Letter for errors.
  • Your company may appreciate it if you have proofread your Letter of Retirement before you submit it to them. It shows that you are not careless enough to send an error-riddled Retirement Letter.
  • Make your Retirement Letter short and concise.

Is a Retirement Letter the same as a Resignation Letter?

No, a Retirement Letter is different from a Resignation Letter.

A Retirement Letter is a letter used when retiring from a job when you reach the retirement age. If you retire, it means you have worked for a company for a long time, and you want to leave to enjoy the years to come.

A Resignation Letter is a letter used when quitting or resigning from a job. The reason for resignation may be:

  • you have finished working for a company;
  • you want to move on to different opportunities;
  • you have been offered another position; or
  • you no longer want to work for the company anymore.

Where do I send my Letter of Retirement?

After ensuring that your retirement letter is free from errors and mistakes, send it to the human resources department if you believe the retirement policy in your company requires such. You can also email or personally hand over your retirement letter to the human resources department. If neither of the options is available, mail it to the appropriate department.

Where do I send my Letter of Retirement?

After ensuring that your retirement letter is free from errors and mistakes, send it to the human resources department if you believe the retirement policy in your company requires such. You can also email or personally hand over your retirement letter to the human resources department. If neither of the options is available, mail it to the appropriate department.

Who should I address in my retirement letter?

You can address your retirement letter to anyone in the company who is responsible for handing out retirement letters, such as the human resources manager, retirement committee members, seniors, or supervisors.

What is the retirement age?

Retirement age is the age at which a person can retire from a company or leave a job. Usually, the retirement age is around 55 to 65 years old. It is up to you if you want to retire when you reach retirement age or continue to work after retirement age.

You may choose to retire in your early 40's or whenever you want to. Retirement is an important step that requires much consideration. When you retire, it means that you have finished working for a company, especially after many years of service. You want to leave the company so that you can spend time with family and enjoy life, or your body has weakened, and you do not feel up to working anymore.

What is retirement?

Retirement is the act or instance of leaving one's job or ceasing to work after many years of service. Also, retirement may refer to the time of life when one stops working.

Will I get retirement benefits?

You may receive retirement benefits such as retirement pay. Retirement benefits may include:

  • Retirement pay — Retirement pay is the money you will be entitled to after retirement from a company, and it depends on your years of service with the company. You can ask for retirement pay after your last day at work. If you plan to continue working after retirement age, retirement pay may not be applicable to you.
  • Retirement benefits — Retirement benefits refer to the retirement perks or rewards that are given to employees for working in a company for so many years, such as retirement gifts. It is up to your employer what retirement benefits will be granted after retirement.

What are the requirements when writing a Letter of Retirement?

There are no specific retirement letter requirements, but you may include the following information in your Retirement Letter:

  • Your retirement date;
  • The reason for retirement;
  • Your last working day with the company; and
  • Any retirement benefits that you wish to receive from your employer.

Who should write a Letter of Retirement?

Anyone who plans to leave his or her job for retirement reasons can write a Letter of Retirement.

How long should a Letter of Retirement be?

There is no Retirement Letter length requirement, but you may write it in the style that best fits your needs.

The most preferred length of a Letter of Retirement is one page with three to four paragraphs. Be concise but put a personal touch to it.

How do I write a happy Retirement Letter?

How you write a retirement letter is all up to you. Ensure that your Retirement Letter showcases your happiness and gratitude for the company after your retirement. If you want your Letter of Retirement to sound happy, you may put phrases that represent happiness and contentment. For example:

  • "On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to express our utmost gratitude for the opportunity you have given us over the years."
  • "This retirement letter is to inform you that I will be retiring after many wonderful years of service with the company. I am grateful for everything the company has done for me, and I extend my sincerest appreciation towards you."
  • "I am so thankful and blessed to have had this opportunity to work at your company. Thank you so much for all the wonderful years I have spent serving here."

You can also write that retirement is the best choice for yourself and that you are leaving with a happy and grateful heart. This way, your company will know that you are happy with your retirement decision.

End your retirement letter by encouraging the company and its employees to continue working hard and making great progress. Treat your Retirement Letter with a sense of respect and sincerity.

Is retirement the right step for me?

It is never too early to retire, but retirement is not always the answer either. Even if you have retired from one company, it does not mean that you cannot apply for another company and continue working again later on. Retirement may not be necessary if you want to keep on working and earning money until retirement age.

However, retirement can be a good choice for those who want to pursue other activities such as traveling and spending time with their family members. If you are someone who has had little time to spend with your family because of work, retirement is the perfect opportunity for you to spend more time with your loved ones.

When should you tell your employer you are retiring?

You may tell your employer about retirement at least six months before your last working day. It will give you and them enough time to plan and prepare for retirement.

Within that six months, you can help them with the transition by:

  • training the person who will take over your position;
  • helping them find a replacement for you, if necessary; or
  • transferring all of your retirement information to the new employee.

You must also turn over all the confidential information that belongs to your company.

Do I have to tell my employer the reason for my retirement?

Yes, it is ethical to tell your employer the reason for your retirement. You must consider the time you spent and the relationships you have made during your stay.

If retirement is your choice, then let them know that retirement is what has been best for yourself and your family. If retirement was not really your decision, but it had to be done due to unfortunate circumstances, share this information with them as well.

Do not give them false retirement information just for your own satisfaction. Give them the real retirement reason so that they will understand better and accept your retirement with love and grace.

If you cannot tell them the retirement reason, at least let them know how thankful you are to have had the opportunity to work for their company.

How do I gracefully retire from my job?

A graceful retirement is about being thankful, positive, and respectful in your Retirement Letter.

Examine your Retirement Letter before handing it to your boss or supervisor. Read through carefully and check if there are any mistakes or grammatical errors. Once you have done so, rewrite the Retirement Letter if necessary and hand it over to your employer and let them know that retirement is the best option for both you and your employer.

Take note that you must first inform your superiors about your retirement before sending your Letter of Retirement. Do not give your retirement reason as the first thing you say. Your employer will most likely be shocked, and it is essential to ease them into the topic of retirement. Let them know how good of an employee you have been for their company.

Mention some of your work achievements or contributions that showcase your dedication to the company, then tell them retirement is your choice.

Make retirement a positive thing for everyone by reminding them what you have achieved during your stay with the company. Your retirement letter should reflect all of these things so that you can leave on good terms and walk away with no regrets.

Show respect to your employer by thanking them for the time you have shared with them as an employee. Express gratitude for your employees as well as for the working experience.

End your retirement letter on a positive note and let the company know you hope they will have a bright future ahead of them with or without you around. Make sure they do not forget about all the good work that you have done for their company.

How do I write a heartfelt Letter of Retirement?

The key to making a heartfelt Letter of Retirement is by being yourself. Write and speak from the heart.

Instead of trying to sound better than you really are, make it a point to be honest in your Retirement Letter. However, be respectful and use kind words.

You should also remember the people you have worked with during your stay at this company. Your retirement letter is an opportunity for you to express how grateful you are towards them, so do not hesitate to mention all of their names.

Let your retirement letter reflect this gratitude, and make sure all of them know how much of an impact they made on your life as a worker in their company.

How should I start my Letter of Retirement?

A Letter of Retirement must start with the heading and salutation. To create an accurate format, follow the order below.

  1. Heading — The heading contains the following:
  • date when you want to submit your Letter of retirement;
  • recipient's name; and
  • company name and address.

  1. Salutation — The term salutation is used as a greeting, and it typically follows the name of the recipient. For example:
  • "Dear Mr. John Smith";
  • "Dear Ms. Jenny Smith";
  • "To whom it may concern"; — You may use this salutation. However, it is recommended that you put a specific salutation.

  1. Body — The body of the Retirement Letter must consist of the following:
  • Statement of retirement;
  • Last day of work;
  • Statement of gratitude;
  • Plan after retirement, if possible; and
  • Contact information.

  1. Closing — The retirement letter must end with a closing statement. There are different types of closings that you may use, but it is best to keep it simple by writing:
  • "Yours sincerely";
  • "Yours truly"; or
  • "Best regards."

  1. Signature — Finally, sign the Retirement Letter using the format:
  • Your first name, last name;
  • Position or designation; and
  • Signature.

What is the best month to retire?

There is no perfect month for retirement. You can choose any month you want. However, it is advisable to consider external factors such as the holidays, climate, school year, and other yearly events when selecting your retirement month.

For example, it may not be good to retire in December. You do not want to retire on this particular month because you will miss the benefits like the Christmas bonus and other yearly perks.

You also need to consider the retirement benefits that you are entitled to after retirement. If possible, try your best to retire when you can receive your retirement bonus and make use of all the benefits offered by your company.

Can you be fired after giving a Letter of Retirement?

Unfortunately, yes you can be fired after giving a Letter of Retirement.

Your employer can fire you after giving retirement notice even before your retirement date, as long as the termination is not for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons.

What is considered to be a discriminatory reason?

The retirement notice must not be terminated when the real intent of your employer is to fire you because you are turning retirement age. Since this does not count as retirement notice, it will be deemed an act of retirement discrimination.

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