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Fillable Form Letter of Intent

This is a template used to create and fill-out a Letter of Intent Form which is used to formalize the terms negotiated between two parties. This letter is commonly the first formal agreement before a contract and may be binding or non-binding.

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What is a Letter of Intent to Purchase?

A Letter of Intent to Purchase, also known as Intent to Purchase Real Estate, is a non-binding document outlining the terms of a sale of a real estate property. A Letter of Intent is essential as it lays down the terms and conditions each party wants.

Most Letters of Intent to Purchase have non-disclosure agreements, which stipulate that both parties agree to keep which conditions or agreements are confidential or may be shared publicly. There are also Letters of Intent to Purchase that have no-solicitation provisions.

The letter has various purposes, and the parties may use it for different reasons. But for this particular letter, a Letter of Intent to Purchase provides an opportunity to make the desires of the parties in the real property come to fruition by creating an outline of the sale.

Letters of Intent to Purchase are commonly used in commercial sales or purchases. One instance is when an agent looks for properties on behalf of someone or a business. They can also be used as a way to secure financing before settling the final deal.

Some advantages of having a Letter of Intent to Purchase Property include the following:

  • Keeps transparency and predictability on transactions for both parties;
  • Resolves conflicts or roadblocks during the early stages of the transaction;
  • Continues the progress of the negotiation process for both parties; and
  • Allows a potential buyer of real property to secure a loan for their upcoming purchase.

You may download a Letter of Intent to Purchase PDF copy anywhere online, but you may electronically fill this PDF on PDFRun for your convenience.

How to fill out a Letter of Intent to Purchase?

Get a copy of Letter of Intent template in PDF format.

Both parties usually draft the letter during negotiations. Enter the necessary information in the required fields below. Make sure that all information you enter is true, accurate, and correct.


Enter the date of the Letter.


Enter the name of the seller.


Enter the name of the buyer.


Enter the name of the seller.


Enter the name and description of the property owned by the seller.

Item 1 - Purchase Price

Check the appropriate item to determine the type of purchase price. You may select:

  • NO purchase price for the Transaction is listed at this time, pending completion of due diligence.
  • The purchase price for the Transaction shall be $_____ (the “Purchase Price”).

If you check the second option, the Purchase Price shall be payable by the Buyer as follows:

  1. $______ due upon the signing of this Letter.
  2. $______ due upon the signing of the Purchase Agreement.
  3. $______ due upon Buyer’s acceptance of the Property.

Enter the amounts on the applicable fields above.

Item 2 - Conditions

This item shows the conditions the Transaction is subject to. Check the applicable box to determine the conditions that apply:

  • Buyer securing financing in an amount necessary to finance the Transaction.
  • Buyer’s inspection of the Property
  • Other

If you marked the “Other” option, enter the condition.

Item 3 - Exclusivity

This item states that the seller agrees that it will not negotiate directly or indirectly with any other party regarding the sale of the Property.

Check the appropriate box to determine the period of exclusivity. You may select:

  • For a period of ________ days after the date of this Letter
  • While this Letter is effective.

If you checked the first option, enter the number of days.

Item 4 - Confidentiality

This item states that the parties agree to apply strict confidentiality to the existence and the contents of the Letter, which includes any information shared or obtained in this Letter.

Item 5 - Termination

This item states that this Letter of Intent to Purchase Real Estate will automatically terminate upon the following:

  • A. The execution of the Purchase Agreement by the Parties
  • B. The mutual written agreement of Buyer and Seller
  • C. Date
  • D. Other

On Item C, enter the date of termination of the Agreement. On Item D, enter other circumstances or periods of termination.

Item 6 - Governing Law

This item states that the Letter and all matters related shall be governed, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State the property is located, without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles.


Enter the state the property is located.

Item 7 - Non-binding

This item states that the Letter of Intent to Purchase Property is intended only as a reflection of the intention of the parties, and this Letter is not binding or does not create any enforceable obligation on any party, except for the Exclusivity, Confidentiality, Termination, and Governing Law.

Item 8 - Miscellaneous

This item states that this Letter consists of the entire understanding between the parties, and all previous agreements similar to the subject matter will be superseded. It also states that this Letter may be amended, supplemented, or modified through writing signed by duly authorized representatives of each party. The Letter may be executed in counterparts, which shall be originals and constitute the same document when together.

The section headings of the Letter are for reference purposes and do not affect the meaning, construction, or interpretation of any provision in it.

Item 9 - Other

Enter any additional information you want to add to the Letter.


If you are satisfied with the terms and conditions of the Letter, have the parties sign and return the Letter to the undersigned parties below.

Buyer Full Name

Enter the full name of the buyer. If there is more than one buyer, enter their full names also.

Seller Signature

Have the seller affix their signature. If there is more than one seller, have them affix their signatures.

Seller Full Name

Enter the seller’s full name. If there is more than one seller, enter their full names.

Start filling out a Letter of Intent sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Letter of Intent to Purchase

How do I finalize a Letter of Intent?

A Letter of Intent is drafted and signed by each party during the negotiation stage so that all terms would be both agreed upon by them. Parties must observe due diligence before signing this letter. This is to prevent any situations where one party would back out of the deal and to make sure that all parties are still interested in pushing through with the transaction.

The Letter of Intent should state the key terms that both parties have agreed upon. These could be the price, delivery date, terms of payment, quantity, quality, and other important factors. All these terms should be realistic and achievable so that both parties can actually follow through with what has been agreed upon.

If there are still some terms that have not been agreed upon, the Letter of Intent should state that these would be negotiated further and finalized at a later date. It is important to note that the Letter of Intent is not a binding contract. It is more like a guideline or an outline of what the final contract would look like.

You can file a Letter of Intent by drafting one yourself or working with a lawyer to draft one for you. You can also use templates that are available online. Once the Letter of Intent is ready, both parties would need to sign it and each party should keep a copy for themselves.

If you're writing a Letter of Intent yourself, make sure to include the key terms that both parties have agreed upon. If there are still some terms that have not been agreed upon, state that these would be negotiated further and finalized at a later date. It's also important to note that the Letter of Intent is not a binding contract.

Once the Letter of Intent is ready, both parties should sign it and each party should keep a copy for themselves. If you're using an online template, you may need to download the document and print it out in order to get signatures from both parties.

What should an LOI include?

An LOI should always include the following:

  • Names of Parties — The Letter of Intent should list the full legal names of all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Description of Project or Transaction — A brief description of the project or transaction that is the subject of the agreement should be included in the LOI. This will help to identify the scope of work and/or products/services to be provided.
  • Key Terms and Conditions — The Letter of Intent should list any key terms and conditions that have been agreed upon by the parties. These could include delivery dates, payment terms, warranty information, etc.
  • Date Agreement is to be Signed — The Letter of Intent should specify a date on which the final agreement is to be signed by both parties. This will help to ensure that both parties are committed to moving forward with the transaction.
  • Signature of Authorized Representatives — The Letter of Intent should be signed by an authorized representative from each party involved in the agreement. This will serve as confirmation that the parties agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Make sure to include these key points in your Letter of Intent to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding down the road. Including all of this information will help to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. It will provide you with a document that can be used as a reference point should any disagreements or disputes arise.

What is the purpose of an LOI?

The purpose of a Letter of Intent (LOI) is to outline the key terms and conditions of a proposed transaction between two parties, in order to help them reach a final agreement. It serves as a document that can be used to resolve any disputes that may arise during the negotiation process. For example, if one party makes a proposal that is not acceptable to the other party, the LOI can be used to resolve the issue.

A letter of intent establishes certain parameters that both parties must adhere to during the negotiation process. This can help to prevent any misunderstandings that may occur during the negotiations. It also allows both parties to agree on certain terms and conditions before they begin the negotiation process.

A Letter of Intent is not a binding contract, but it can be used as evidence in a court of law if there are any disputes between the parties.

It is important to note that a Letter of Intent does not replace the need for a legal contract. It is simply a way to outline the key terms and conditions of a proposed transaction, and help the parties reach a final agreement.

Therefore, if you are considering entering into a business transaction with another party, it is advisable to have a lawyer draft a Letter of Intent for you. This will help to protect your interests and ensure that the negotiation process goes smoothly.

What is a letter of intent for a job?

A letter of intent for a job is a document that expresses your interest in working for a particular company. It should include information about your qualifications and experience, as well as your reasons for wanting to work for the company.

A letter of intent can be a useful tool in your job search because it shows employers that you are serious about finding a position with their organization. Ultimately, a successful letter of intent will lead to an interview and, hopefully, a job offer.

When writing a letter of intent for a job, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to research the company thoroughly so that you can customize your letter to their specific needs and culture. Second, make sure to highlight your most relevant qualifications and experiences. Finally, be sure to express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and your interest in working for the company.

By following these tips, you can write a strong letter of intent that will help you get the job you want.

What is a letter of intent and why is it important?

A letter of intent is a document that outlines an agreement between two or more parties before the agreement is finalized. It is used to confirm the intentions of the parties, outline the terms of the agreement, and resolve any outstanding issues. A letter of intent is not a binding contract, but it can be used as evidence in a court if there is a dispute.

It is important because it can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes between the parties involved. It also allows the parties to negotiate the terms of their agreement before they sign a contract. This can save time and money by avoiding costly litigation.

If you are creating or signing a letter of intent, make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of the agreement. You should also have a lawyer review the document to ensure that it is legal and binding.

How serious is a letter of intent?

A letter of intent is a legal document outlining the major terms of an agreement between two parties, usually before they enter into negotiations. It is not a binding contract, but it can be used as evidence in a court if one party tries to back out of the deal.

For example, let's say you and I are negotiating the sale of my car. We agree on a price and I draft a letter of intent that says you will pay me $5,000 for the car. The letter is not legally binding, but it shows that we have both agreed to the sale. If you later try to back out of the deal and claim you only agreed to pay $4,000, I can use the letter of intent as evidence that you agreed to pay $5,000.

In some cases, a letter of intent may be binding. For example, if the letter of intent contains specific language about the parties' obligation to negotiate in good faith, or if it includes a clause making it binding once both parties have signed it, then it may be considered a binding contract.

If you're not sure whether a letter of intent is binding, you should always consult with an experienced attorney before signing one.

Is an LOI legally binding?

The legal-binding nature of an LOI largely depends on how it is structured and the jurisdictions involved. For example, in North America, an LOI is generally not legally binding unless it expressly states that it is and both parties have signed it. Therefore, it is important to consult with a local lawyer to determine the legal status of an LOI in your specific jurisdiction.

In general, an LOI may be legally binding in certain circumstances, such as if it contains all the essential terms of a contract and both parties have signed it.

In cases where an LOI is not legally binding, it may still be used as a tool to gauge the other party's interest in entering into a contract. For example, if both parties sign an LOI that contains all the essential terms of a contract, but does not expressly state that it is legally binding, the courts may treat it as a binding contract.

Is a letter of intent the same as an offer?

No, a letter of intent is not the same as an offer. A letter of intent is simply a document expressing an intention to do something, whereas an offer is a binding agreement to do something.

While a letter of intent may lay out the general terms of an agreement, it is not legally binding and cannot be enforceable in court. An offer, on the other hand, is a formal proposal that includes all the essential terms of the agreement and can be enforced in court if one party breaches the contract.

Both parties will likely want to sign a binding contract once they've reached an agreement, but a letter of intent can be a helpful first step.

An offer comes after a letter of intent in the negotiation process. A letter of intent is a precursor to an offer, wherein both parties state their intention to enter into negotiations for a contract. The letter of intent may outline the general terms of the agreement, but it is not legally binding and cannot be enforced in court.

In order for an offer to be binding, it must be accepted by the other party. An offer can be accepted by express acceptance or through implied acceptance (such as when one party begins performing the duties outlined in the offer). When an offer is accepted, it becomes a binding contract. If one party breaches the contract, the other party can sue for damages.

What is the difference between an LOI and an LOA?

LOI stands for "letter of intent" and LOA stands for "letter of agreement." Both types of letters are typically used in business transactions, but there are some key differences between the two.

An LOI is generally used as a first step in negotiating a deal. It's a non-binding document that outlines the major terms of a proposed agreement, and it usually comes before the more detailed LOA. Moreover, an LOI is typically used in situations where the parties involved are still working out the finer details of their agreement.

An LOA, on the other hand, is a binding contract that spells out all the details of an agreement between two parties. Once both parties have signed an LOA, they're legally obligated to uphold their end of the deal. Be sure to read over an LOA carefully before signing it, as you may be held accountable for any terms and conditions included in the document. Remember to consult with an attorney if you have any questions about an LOA before signing it.

How do you start a letter of intent?

There is no one "right" way to start a letter of intent, as the opening will depend on the specific purpose and goals of the letter. However, there are some general tips that can help you to write an effective opening for your letter of intent:

  • Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you are writing the letter.
  • Be clear and concise about the purpose of your letter.
  • State what you hope to achieve or accomplish through writing the letter.
  • Give a brief overview of the main points you will be addressing in the letter.
  • Bring up any questions or concerns you have that you would like addressed.
  • Make sure to thank the reader for their time and consideration.

With these tips in mind, you can start drafting the opening of your letter of intent. Remember to tailor the opening to fit your specific situation, goals, and audience. With a strong opening, you can set the tone for an effective and persuasive letter.

What is the difference between a letter of intent and a letter of interest?

A letter of intent is a formal document that outlines the key terms and conditions of a proposed agreement between two parties. It is typically used in business transactions, such as mergers or acquisitions.

A letter of interest, on the other hand, is used to express interest in working for a company or organization, or in being considered for a particular job or role. Letters of interest are typically sent to employers that haven't advertised any specific job openings.

What is a letter of intent to buy?

A letter of intent to buy is a formal document that expresses a buyer's interest in purchasing a property. It is typically used in situations where the buyer and seller have not yet reached an agreement on all of the terms of the sale, but they have both expressed a desire to move forward with the transaction.

The letter of intent should state the buyer's offer price for the property, as well as any other key terms that have been negotiated between the parties. It is important to note that a letter of intent is not a binding contract, and either party can walk away from the deal at any time. However, it can be used as a tool to help move the negotiation process along.

How do you write a letter of intent to purchase a product?

There is no one definitive way to write a letter of intent to purchase a product. However, there are some key elements that should be included in such a letter. These include:

  • A clear and concise statement of the purchaser's intention to buy the product in question
  • An explanation of why the purchaser wishes to buy the product
  • A description of how the product will be used
  • An outline of the purchasing process, including any deadlines or timeframes
  • Details of any financing arrangements that have been made
  • The signature of the purchaser, along with their full contact information

If you are writing a letter of intent to purchase a specific product, it is important that you research the item thoroughly before drafting your letter. You should have a clear understanding of the product's features and benefits, as well as its drawbacks. It is also important to be aware of any competition that might be offering similar products.

Once you have gathered this information, you can begin drafting your letter of intent. Start by clearly stating your intention to purchase the product in question. Include information on why you wish to buy the product, and how you plan to use it. If you have already made financing arrangements, be sure to include these details in your letter.

End your letter with a statement of your full contact information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. Be sure to sign the letter before sending it off.

Who writes a letter of intent?

A letter of intent is typically written by the party who is initiating the transaction or request. For example, if you are seeking funding from a bank, you would write a letter of intent to the bank outlining your proposed project and how much money you are requesting. The letter of intent would then be used by the bank to determine whether or not they are interested in providing you with the requested financing.

What happens after a letter of intent?

The next step after a letter of intent is usually to begin negotiations. This is where the two parties involved will discuss the terms of the agreement in more detail and try to come to an agreement that is acceptable to both sides. If an agreement can be reached, then a contract will be drawn up and signed by both parties. If no agreement can be reached, then the letter of intent may be terminated and the two parties will go their separate ways.

Create a Letter of Intent document, e-sign, and download as PDF.

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