A Job Invoice is a document stating the breakdown of the cost of a job order.
A Job Invoice is a document that serves as an official request for payment for services provided. It is typically used by service-oriented enterprises or corporations. It presents a list of the completed tasks and the overall cost of the project. It is handed to the client to bill them for the rendered service.
A Job Invoice is divided into three categories to account for materials utilized, labor costs, and added expenses. It combines all three charges into a single document and acts as a general invoice for payment.
A Job Invoice usually contains the following information:
Usually, service-oriented businesses or companies provide a Job Invoice. If you are a freelancer, you can create your own Job Invoice, providing all the information needed for the completion of the service.
Job Invoice templates are also available online. For your convenience, a Job Invoice template that you can electronically fill out is available on PDFRun.
A Job Invoice is commonly used by service-oriented businesses. Plumbers, construction workers, freelancers, and anybody else who provides services in exchange for money also utilizes Job Invoice. Once the task is completed, invoices should be delivered to their clients for them to get paid. Clients or consumers use Job Invoice to determine how much they should pay a person for his or her service.
Here is a detailed guide on how to fill out a Job Invoice:
Date Ordered
Enter the date the service was ordered.
Order taken by
Enter the name of the person who took the order.
Enter the name of the customer.
Phone #
Enter the phone number of the customer
Customer Order #
Enter the customer order number.
Enter the address of the customer
Job Location
Enter the job location of the customer.
Job phone #
Enter the phone number of the company where the customer works.
Starting date
Enter the date when the customer started working for the company.
Enter the name of the person to whom the invoice should be marked as “attention to.”
Enter the payment terms of the invoice.
Enter the quantity of each material used.
Enter each material used.
Enter the price per unit of each material used.
Enter the amount of each material used.
Enter the total amount of all the materials used.
Description of work
Enter a brief description of the work done.
Miscellaneous Charges
Enter the items charged for miscellaneous and the amount.
Enter the type of labor charged.
Enter the number of hours of labor.
Rate Amount
Enter the cost of each labor.
Enter the total amount of all the labor applied.
Total labor
Enter the total amount of all the labor applied.
Total Material
Enter the total amount of all the materials used.
Total Miscellaneous
Enter the total amount of all the miscellaneous charges.
Enter the combined amount of the total labor, total materials, and total miscellaneous.
Enter the amount of tax charged.
Grand Total
Enter the combined amount of the Subtotal and the Tax.
Work ordered by
Enter the name of the person who ordered the work.
Date Ordered
Enter the date when the work was ordered.
Date Completed
Enter the date when the work was completed.
Customer Signature
Affix the signature of the customer.
Authorized Signature
Affix the signature of the authorized person in charge.
General reminders:
For the service provider:
For the clients:
When a company or contractor conducts services for clients and pays them for those services, Work Orders and Job Invoices are used. There is a distinction between the two. A work order is a written request from a client for specified products or services. It specifies what has to be done, who is responsible for doing it, and who is responsible for paying the bill. Meanwhile, an invoice is a document that you send to the client to seek payment for products sold or services rendered.
Although an invoice and a bill are fundamentally the same things, they are often used by different parties involved in the same business transaction.
The bill refers to payments owed by customers to suppliers for goods or services. A bill aims to serve as legal proof that a sales transaction occurred for both the buyer and the seller. On the other hand, an invoice is a document that you send to the client to seek payment for products sold or services rendered. It includes information about the customer and is assigned to a unique invoice number for financial reporting, tax, and accounting purposes.
An invoice is sent, whereas a bill is received. In summary, an invoice indicates that you are requesting money, but a bill indicates that you are required to pay for something. When you issue an invoice to a customer, the consumer receives it as a bill.
Keywords: job invoice job invoice template invoice job description job invoice form job invoice example job invoice template online job order