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Fillable Form Job Application Template

Form or paper which indicates interest in a particular place of employment or position within a company. Typically requests personal identification information, such as name, address and phone number, as well as a history of job experience.

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What is a Job Application Form?

A Job Application Form, or also referred to as an Employment Application Form, is a document that companies, entities, or businesses use as a means to discover and look for new employees. This form allows employers to see if the applicant is fit for a position in their respective companies.

A complete Job Application Form must include the following information:

  • Personal information
    • Full legal name
    • Residence address
      • City
      • State
      • ZIP code
    • Telephone number
    • Mobile number
    • Email address
  • Background
    • Work eligibility
    • Military experience
    • Crime conviction
  • Position
    • Position applying
    • Start date
    • Desired salary
    • Employment type desire
      • Full time
      • Part time
      • Seasonal/temporary
  • Education
    • High school
    • College
    • Graduate school
    • Other
      • Name
      • Location
      • Year graduated
      • Degree received
      • Major
  • Character references
    • Name
    • Title
    • Company
    • Contact number
  • Employment history
    • Employer
    • Position
    • Period of employment
    • Supervisor
    • Contact number
    • Starting salary
    • Ending salary
    • Address
    • Reason for leaving
    • Employer contact
  • Acknowledgement and authorization
    • Your full legal name
    • Signature
    • Current date

How to fill out a Job Application Form?

Get a copy of Job Application Template template in PDF format.

To fill out a Job Application Form, you must provide the following information:

Personal Information


Enter your full legal name.


Enter your last name.


Enter your first name.


Enter your middle name.


Enter your residence address.


Enter your city.


Enter your state.

ZIP Code

Enter your ZIP code.

Telephone Number

Enter your telephone number.

Mobile Number

Enter your mobile number.

Email Address

Enter your email address.


Question 1

Mark YES if you are legally eligible to work in the United States; otherwise, mark NO.

Question 2

Mark YES if you are a Veteran; otherwise, mark NO.

Branch of Service

Enter your branch of service when you were still in the military.

Date of Entry

Enter the date when you joined the military.

Date of Discharged

Enter the date when you were discharged from the military.

Question 3

Mark YES if you have ever been convicted of a crime; otherwise, mark NO. If you marked YES, specify the crime you have been convicted of.


Enter the crime you have been convicted of.


Enter the date when you have committed the crime.


Enter the city where you have committed the crime.


Enter the state where you have committed the crime.


Position Applying

Enter the position you are applying for in this company.

Start Date

Enter the date when you would like to start working.

Desired Salary

Enter the amount of the salary you wish to receive.

Employment Type Desire

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the type of employment you would like to have. You may select:

  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Seasonal or temporary


High School


Enter the name of the high school you went to.


Enter the location of the high school you went to.

Year Graduated

Enter the year you have graduated from high school.

Degree Received

Enter the degree you have received in high school.


Enter the major you took in high school.



Enter the name of the college you went to.


Enter the location of the college you went to.

Year Graduated

Enter the year you have graduated from college.

Degree Received

Enter the degree you have received in college.


Enter the major you took in college.

Graduate School


Enter the name of the graduate school you went to.


Enter the location of the graduate school you went to.

Year Graduated

Enter the year you have graduated from graduate school.

Degree Received

Enter the degree you have received in graduate school.


Enter the major you took in graduate school.



Enter the name of the institution you went to.


Enter the location of the institution you went to.

Year Graduated

Enter the year you have graduated from the institution.

Degree Received

Enter the degree you have received in the institution.


Enter the major you took in the institution.

Character References

Name of First Reference

Enter the full legal name of your first reference.


Enter the job title of your first reference.


Enter the company name of your first reference.

Contact Number

Enter the contact number of your first reference.

Name of Second Reference

Enter the full legal name of your second reference.


Enter the job title of your second reference.


Enter the company name of your second reference.

Contact Number

Enter the contact number of your second reference.

Name of Third Reference

Enter the full legal name of your third reference.


Enter the job title of your third reference.


Enter the company name of your third reference.

Contact Number

Enter the contact number of your third reference.

Employment History

List your four most recent jobs. The instructions stated below shall apply to all four sections of your employment history.


Enter the full legal name of your employer in your previous company.


Enter the position you had in your previous company.


Enter the date when you started working for your previous company.


Enter the date when you stopped working for your previous company.


Enter the full legal name of your supervisor in your previous company.

Contact Number

Enter the contact number of your supervisor in your previous company.

Starting Salary

Enter the amount of your starting salary in your previous company.

Ending Salary

Enter the amount of your ending salary in your previous company.


Enter the address of your previous company.

Reason for Leaving

Enter the reason why you left your previous company.

Contact Employer

Mark YES if you are comfortable with the company you are currently applying for to contact your previous employer; otherwise, mark NO.

Acknowledgement & Authorization

By signing this Job Application Form, you hereby certify that all of your answers and all of the information you entered are true and complete to the best of your knowledge. If this Job Application Form results in your employment, you must understand that any false or misleading information in your application will be considered a sufficient cause for dismissal.

Applicant Name

Enter your full legal name.

Applicant Signature

Affix your signature.

Current Date

Enter the current date.

Start filling out a Job Application Template sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Job Application Form

How do I write a job application form?

A job application form must include certain information in order for an employer to consider you for a position. This information may include your name, contact information, work history, education, and skills. Many job application forms also ask for a resume and cover letter to be attached. Including all of this information will give you the best chance of being considered for a job.

To write a job application form, follow these steps:

  1. Start with your personal information. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  2. Add your work history. Start with your current or most recent job and work backward. Include the company name, your job title, dates of employment, and a brief description of your duties.
  3. List your education. Include the schools you've attended, degrees earned, and any relevant coursework.
  4. Highlight your skills. This can include hard skills like computer programming or data analysis, as well as soft skills like customer service or teamwork.
  5. Attach a resume and cover letter. These documents will give the employer a more detailed look at your qualifications and experience.

Proofread your application form carefully to make sure it is complete and accurate. Submit your job application form online or in person, as directed by the employer. Follow up with the employer after a few days if you have not heard back, to find out whether they are considering you for the position.

What are the types of job applications?

There are many different types of job applications, depending on the type of position and company. Some common examples include paper applications that you submit in person or online applications that you complete and send electronically. Other types of applications may include video submissions, skills assessments, or personality tests.

Each application will likely focus on different aspects of your qualifications, such as your work experience, education level, or skill set. Ultimately, the goal of a job application is to help employers evaluate whether you would be a good fit for their organization.

Here are the types of job applications:

  • Paper applications, which you submit in person or by mail. These may include a cover letter, résumé, and other supporting materials such as test scores or certifications.
  • Online applications, which you complete and submit electronically through an employer's website or job board. These typically include questions about your work history, education level, and availability for interview times.
  • Video submissions, which allow you to record a short video showcasing your skills or qualifications for the position. These can be sent via email or uploaded directly to the employer's website or application portal.
  • Skills assessments, which may test your proficiency in certain areas like data analysis or writing code. These are often used to identify top candidates for positions that require specific skillsets.
  • Personality tests, which measure traits like agreeableness or neuroticism. These can be used to assess whether you would be a good fit for a company's culture or values.

Send your job application form online or in person, as directed by the recruiter. Follow up with the employer after a few days if you have not heard back, to find out whether they are considering you for the position. Depending on the employer, you may also need to complete additional steps such as a face-to-face interview or phone screening.

These types of job applications are becoming increasingly common as employers look for ways to streamline their hiring processes and identify the most qualified candidates. Whether you are completing an online application or a video submission, it is important to take the time to prepare your materials carefully, so that you can showcase your skills and qualifications in the best possible light.

What is on a job application form?

The exact content of a job application form will vary depending on the employer, but there are some common elements that are typically included. Here are some examples:

  • Personal information, such as your name, address, and contact details.
  • Work history, including previous employers, job titles, and dates of employment.
  • Education and training, such as degrees or certifications obtained.
  • Skills and qualifications, including relevant experience, language proficiencies, or technical expertise.
  • References or letters of recommendation from previous employers or colleagues.
  • Additional information, such as hobbies or interests, that can help to paint a more complete picture of who you are as a person.

When completing a job application form, it is important that you are honest and accurate in your responses. Be sure to include all relevant information that the employer is looking for so that you can increase your chances of being selected for an interview. If you have any questions about what to include on the form, you can always ask the employer for clarification.

What are the types of job application letters?

There are several different types of job application letters, including:

  • Traditional cover letter — This is typically sent along with a resume or other supporting materials to introduce yourself to the employer and explain why you are a good fit for the position.
  • Expression of interest letter — This is used to reach out to a company directly to express your desire to learn more about an open position or career opportunity.
  • Thank-you note — This allows you to express appreciation for an interview or offer of employment and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Informational interview request letter — This is used to ask someone at the company for advice on how best to pursue a particular career path or work toward your goals.
  • Job application letter — This is an official document that you submit to express interest in a particular position and describe your qualifications for the role. This type of letter may also be called an application cover letter or résumé cover letter.
  • Reference or recommendation letter — This is a document you request from a former employer, colleague, teacher, or other professional contacts in order to demonstrate your suitability for a job opening. Depending on the situation, this type of letter may need to be sent directly to the prospective employer by the person writing it (known as a 'reference'), or it could be included as part of your application materials (a 'recommendation').
  • Rejection letter — This is sent to job applicants who have been unsuccessful in their bid to secure a position.

The most important thing to remember when writing any type of job application letter is to tailor it to the specific position you are applying for. Be sure to include all relevant information about your skills and qualifications, and highlight how you would be a good fit for the role. If you have any questions about what to include in your letter, you can always ask the employer for clarification.

In addition, it is important to be clear and concise in your writing, accurate in the details you include, and professional in your tone. Finally, always proofread your letter carefully before sending it, and consider having a friend or colleague review it as well for feedback. With these tips, you can write effective job application letters that will help you land the job of your dreams.

What is the job application process?

The job application process can vary depending on the type of position you are applying for, as well as the employer.

In general, the process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Researching the company and the specific job opening to which you are applying. This step is important to help you tailor your application materials to the employer and demonstrate your interest in the position.
  2. Tailoring your resume and cover letter to the specific position. This means highlighting your relevant skills and experience, as well as addressing any specific requirements or qualifications listed in the job posting.
  3. Submitting your resume and cover letter to the employer, either online, in person, or through email. Depending on the type of position you are applying for and the employer's preferences, this may also include sending along with other supporting materials, such as a writing sample or reference letters.
  4. Undergoing an interview process, which may include one or more interviews with members of the company's hiring team. This step is an opportunity for you to further demonstrate your qualifications for the position and get a better sense of the company culture.
  5. Following up after the interview, either in person, by email, or by phone, to thank the interviewer and express your continued interest in the position.
  6. Receiving a job offer, which you can then accept or decline as you see fit. This is usually the final step in the process, though some employers may also require a background check or other additional steps before extending a job offer.

The key to a successful job application is taking the time to research the company and position ahead of time so that you can tailor your materials accordingly. With careful preparation and a well-crafted application, you can increase your chances of landing the job you want.

Why do employers use job application forms?

There are a few reasons why employers may choose to use job application forms as part of their hiring process. Here are some of them:

  • Formalizing the hiring process. Many employers use job application forms to formalize and streamline their hiring processes, making it easier to collect and review large numbers of job applications quickly and efficiently.
  • Gathering specific information about job candidates. Job application forms typically include questions that are relevant to the position being filled, such as educational background, work history, and skills. This information can help employers to quickly identify qualified candidates.
  • Assessing job candidates' qualifications. By requiring job candidates to fill out an application form, employers can get a better sense of each candidate's qualifications and whether they are a good fit for the position.
  • Screening out unqualified candidates. Job application forms can also help employers to filter out applicants who are not qualified or do not meet other basic requirements for the position, such as a minimum level of education or work experience.
  • Obtaining consent for background checks and other pre-employment checks. Some job applications include questions about whether the applicant gives consent for the employer to conduct background checks or other pre-employment screenings as part of their hiring process. This can help employers ensure that they are meeting legal requirements related to these checks.

Overall, there are many advantages to using job application forms as part of the hiring process, including helping employers quickly identify qualified candidates and reducing costs associated with processing large numbers of applications. However, it is important for job seekers to be aware of the types of information that may be collected through these forms in order to make informed decisions about whether a particular position is right for them.

What is the meaning of ”application form”?

The term "application form" refers to a document or set of documents that are typically used by employers as part of their hiring process.

This can include paper forms, online forms, or other types of formats depending on the employer and industry. The application form serves several purposes for both the employer and job candidate, including gathering information about qualifications and experience, assessing candidates' fit for the position, and obtaining consent for certain pre-employment screenings or checks.

Because application forms are such an important part of the hiring process, it is essential for job seekers to understand what they may be asked to provide as part of this document in order to make informed decisions about which positions they apply for.

Is an application letter the same as a CV?

No, an application letter is not the same as a CV. A CV is a more detailed document that outlines your qualifications and experience, while an application letter is a briefer document that simply states your interest in a specific job and provides contact information. Application letters are typically used when applying for jobs that require specific skills or qualifications, while CVs are more commonly used when applying for general positions.

Additionally, CVs are typically longer and more detailed than application letters, as they are intended to provide a comprehensive overview of your education and professional experience. For example, an application letter might simply state that you would like the opportunity to work for a specific company, while a CV goes into much greater detail about your educational background and previous work experience.

The purpose of both documents is to help you secure employment by showcasing your qualifications and highlighting why you are the best candidate for the job. If you're interested in learning more about writing an effective application letter or CV, there are many online resources available that can help you get started.

What are the steps of the job application process?

Typically, these are the steps involved in a job application process that you should follow:

  1. Gather the materials you need, including your resume, cover letter, and any other required documents.
  2. Research about the company and position you are applying for, so you can tailor your application materials to their specific needs.
  3. Fill out a job application form completely and accurately. Pay close attention to detail, as mistakes could cost you the opportunity.
  4. Submit your application materials online or in person, depending on the instructions provided by the employer.
  5. Await a response from the employer. If you are selected for an interview, congratulations. If not, don't give up; keep applying for jobs until you find one that's a good fit for you.

What are the tips for completing a job application form?

Completing a job application form can be a daunting task, but there are some tips that can make the process easier:

  • Make sure you have all the required information and documents before starting the application process. This includes your resume, cover letter, and any other relevant materials.
  • Read through the entire job application form before beginning to fill it out. This will help you understand what is required and where you need to provide information.
  • Take your time when filling out the form. Be careful to provide accurate and complete information.
  • Review your completed job application form before submitting it to make sure there are no errors or missing information. If necessary, go back and make any corrections.
  • Consider asking someone else to review your completed application form as well, especially if English is not your first language. They may be able to help you catch any small errors or omissions that could affect your chances of getting the job.
  • Don't forget to submit a cover letter with your job application form. This can be an effective way to highlight relevant skills and experiences that are not covered in detail in the application form itself.
  • Be sure to follow up after submitting your job application form by sending a thank-you email or note to the hiring manager or recruiter. This can help put you at the top of their list and may even lead to additional opportunities down the road.

What can you ask on an application form?

Some common questions that you may encounter on an application form include:

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • What is your current address?
  • What is your phone number?
  • What is your email address?
  • What is your highest level of education attained?
  • Do you have any work experience? If so, please describe.
  • Why are you interested in this particular position?
  • Do you have any special skills or qualifications that would make you a good fit for this job?
  • Are you available to work the hours required for this position?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Some applications may also include questions about your criminal history, as well as questions designed to assess your character. Be sure to answer these truthfully and to the best of your ability.

If you have any concerns about how an answer to a question could affect your chances of being hired, it is always best to err on the side of caution and be as upfront and honest as possible.

Additionally, it is important to take the time to thoroughly review an application before submitting it, so that you can ensure that it is complete and free of errors. This will help to show that you are organized and detail-oriented, which are valuable qualities for any potential employee.

What are the most important things to remember when completing a job application form?

There are a few key things to remember when completing a job application form:

  • Make sure you complete all required fields. Leaving blank spaces can give the impression that you're not detail-oriented or that you're not taking the application process seriously.
  • Be honest. Don't try to exaggerate your qualifications or experience levels. Chances are, your potential employer will find out eventually and it will reflect poorly on you.
  • Take your time. Don't rush through the form just to get it over with. This is an important document and it's worth taking the time to do it right.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your job application form makes a good impression and gives you the best chance of being considered for the position you're applying for.

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