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Fillable Form Employee Information Form

An Employee Information form provides key data on employees that can be used to keep track of who worked for the company, when, and in what positions. It can also be used as an emergency contact information form in the event of any serious workplace injury.

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What is an Employee Information Form?

An employee information form is a document that contains key information about employees who are or have worked in the company. It is also used as a record of their duration of employment and their position. It can also be used as emergency contact information in case of any serious workplace injuries.

How to fill out an Employee Information Form?

Personal Information

Full name

Enter your full name using the following format: Last, First, Middle initial.


Enter your address using the following format: Street address, city, state, ZIP code.

Contact number

Enter your home and cell phone number.


Enter your email address.

SSN or Gov’t ID

Enter your Social Security Number or any government-issued identification.

Birth Date

Enter your birth date.

Marital Status

Enter your marital status.

Spouse’s name

If you are married, enter the name of your spouse using the following format: Last, First, Middle initial.

Spouse’s Employer

Enter the name of your spouse’s employer. Ignore this line if you are not married.

Spouse’s contact number

Enter your spouse’s contact number.

Job information


Enter your position in the company.

Employee ID

Enter your employee identification number.

Work Location

Enter your work location.

Start Date

Enter the date when you first started working for the company.


Enter the name of your supervisor.


Enter your assigned department.

Work phone

Enter your work phone number.


Enter your salary.

Emergency Contact Information

Full name

Enter the full name of your contact in case of emergency using the following format: Last, First, Middle initial.


Enter the address of your emergency contact using the following format, Street address, city, state, ZIP code.

Contact number

Enter the primary and secondary contact numbers of your emergency contact.


Identify your relationship with the emergency contact.

Professional References


Enter the name of your professional references. You may identify up to three references.

Contact number

Enter the contact numbers of your professional references.

Frequently Asked Questions About an Employee Information Form

What are the benefits of having employee information?

Providing an employee information form is very important for you and the company. Here are some of the benefits of having employee information.


  • If the employer has information regarding his or her employees, it will be easier for the company to identify their status and contact information.

  • The employer can easily communicate with emergency contacts in case of unfortunate situations.

  • The employer can identify how long an employee has been working in the company.

  • The employer can refer to an employee’s personal or professional reference if he or she wants additional information about an employee.

  • An employee information form provides a brief description of an employee’s work location, position, and department, which gives the employer an easier way to track an employee’s performance.

  • The employer can use an employee information form as proof that he or she is currently employing a certain individual in case of legal actions.


  • As an employee, it will be beneficial for you to complete an information form for your employer. This allows them to contact you when you are out of town for work purposes or when certain announcements will be made.

  • Just like the employer, it will also be beneficial for you if you provide an emergency contact. The company can easily contact your emergency person in case of emergencies or tragedies in the workplace.

  • You can also use this information form as proof that you are working in the company if legal problems arise.

What is the importance of having accurate employee data?

The company should have all the information they can gather regarding their employees. This includes tax information, contact details, emergency contacts, work history, personal references, and the likes.

Easier administrative duties

Your managers or supervisors can benefit from accurate data because it offers them a detailed view of your work history. When your time in the company is continuously evaluated, and your information and records get updated regularly, it helps your managers or supervisors do their administrative duties more efficiently.

It also benefits new managers because it allows them to learn about their employees quickly. Accurate employee data can save time for both you and your managers so that you can both fulfill your duties and responsibilities efficiently.

Engaged Employees

It is important for a business to have employees who are dedicated to their jobs, but for many companies, that is not always the case. One way of improving engagement is by communicating with employees on a regular basis.

Having accurate data is required to do so. If your employer delivers essential documents on time, it will be vital for the company. This allows the employees of the company to be engaged and happy with their jobs because they know that they are needed by the company in order to succeed. It can also prevent miscommunication and prevents the company from suffering the negative effects of inaccurate employee records.

Fulfillment of legal obligations

One of the negative effects of the company having incorrect or inaccurate employee data is violating Federal and State regulations. Your employer should also deliver end-of-year benefit statements and health insurance documents to your address.

If your employer is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), they have to keep accurate and current employee records for at least three years. This information includes work schedules, demographics, wages, etc. If these documents are not correct and accurate, the company you are working in is not complying with Federal and State regulations and this may lead to unnecessary fines and legal repercussions.

Correct information after employment

When you stop working for a company, it does not necessarily mean that you will stop working in the industry itself anymore. The company you formerly worked for may encounter you again as an industry professional or as a customer in the future. If you provide them with your information, and if you have a good record, it will be beneficial for both of you.

You may also use your former employer as a reference for future job applications, and they may also use that information to let your new employer know more about your attitude, work ethic, and other information about you.

What should be on an employee information form?

An employee information form must have all the details needed to keep track of the workers. It must contain the following sections: personal, contact information, employment history, emergency contacts, educational background of the employees, and professional references.

  • Personal Information — This section is a must for an employee information form because it contains the personal data of the employee such as name, age, date of birth, and sex. In some cases, this might also contain a Social Security Number (SSN) to be used to track taxes on income. This section should have places where the new employees can sign their names attesting that all their answers are accurate. A signature from a notary public or a manager or supervisor should suffice if there is no hiring authority available in the company to attest to these signatures.
  • Employment History — This section is necessary when employers need an idea of the kind of work experience applicants have had. It will be useful to the employers who are hiring people for their business. This section should contain details of previous employment experiences, name of employer, position held in that particular company, and salary history.
  • Emergency Contact — If there is an emergency contact form part of the employee information form then it contains all the emergency numbers needed by employees. This can include doctor's numbers, loved ones' numbers, colleague's numbers, and friends' numbers. Emergency contacts are extremely important because during emergencies they might be contacted before even family members. An employee information form must have enough space so that these contacts can be written down so as to enable quick access during emergencies.
  • Educational Background — This section must have personal histories of education received by applicants including names of educational institutes, levels of education achieved attainment, and graduation dates. This section must also indicate if there were any breaks in education such as leaves or interruptions.
  • Professional References — A professional reference section contains the names of references from former employers. This section is necessary because it gives future employers an idea of how well their potential employees would work with other people on the job. Professional references are very important, as they can give a better perspective on the applicant's capabilities to perform certain tasks, ability to follow proper procedures and protocols, and acceptable behavior at different workplaces.

How do you create an employee information form?

You can create your own employee information sheet by using the template below. Here are some of the most important parts of an employee information form that you need to include:

  • Job Information
  • Personal Information
  • Employment History
  • Educational Background
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Character References

What is the employee personal data form?

An employee personal data form is a document used to obtain employee data. It serves as a primary data source for determining benefits, employee eligibility, and other issues. The form uses a series of questions to obtain the necessary information from employees. Employee personal data forms are used by employers who require their workers to fill them out as part of work-related duties. These forms serve several purposes, including verifying identification on behalf of an employee, identifying any health condition or other factors that could affect their ability to perform the work assigned to them, and also providing employees with due notice of benefits.

Employee personal data forms are used by both private employers and governments.

What is employee personal information?

Employee personal information is information that can be used to distinguish or trace an employee's identity, such as name, identification number, date of birth, place of residence.

The primary purpose of personal information is to identify, locate or contact the person to whom it relates. The main job is not relevant, but can also provide services that may be beneficial to employers and employees.

Obtaining employee information also enables employers to gauge the capabilities of employees in order to understand their performance on the job. Therefore, employers may request employees to provide personal information when they go to apply for a job or do certain tasks, such as audit employees' work-related activities or submit an affidavit when they need assistance during emergencies.

Moreover, in order for employers to improve their business functions with simple, secure, and efficient services, they often require employees to provide personal information.

Employers who handle their employee's personal information must keep it confidential and use it only for the purpose for which it was collected. Personal information can only be used, disclosed, or transferred with the consent of the individual who is the subject of that information. They should not disclose or transfer personal information to third parties, except where disclosure or transfer is clearly in the interests of the employee and consent has been obtained lawfully if they intend to use it for a purpose other than the original goal set out in the Privacy Act and only after taking into account any privacy implications. They must be responsible by putting measures in place to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access or disclosure, and forgery. It is important to note that employees also have responsibilities by complying with these requirements.

How do I collect employee information?

As an employer, there are several ways to collect employee information, such as asking employees to fill out an employee information sheet or conducting a recorded interview. The type of information you collect may vary depending on the number of employees in your company, the difficulty in filling out forms or recording interviews, and whether you need to conduct background checks.

Employment Application

An employment application is a form that an employee fills out when applying for a job at your business. The application will contain both questions that ask for specific information, such as name, date of birth, and open-ended questions that require an answer.

Employment applications vary in length. Some may be just one page long while others may be several pages long with a detailed checklist of criteria for a perfect employee. Here is a sample employment application:

This type of application is common among many small businesses, especially when the employer does not have a lot of experience. The employment application can be filled out at any time and completed before you meet the prospective employee in person to conduct an interview.

Recorded Interview

A recorded interview is conducted by recording both sides of your conversation with potential employees. This type of interview is often used by larger companies, such as banks and insurance firms, to interview potential employees.

One-on-One Interview

A one-on-one interview can be conducted in person or over the phone if both parties have access to a telephone. A face-to-face meeting is preferable because it allows you to read your prospective employee's body language and observe his or her behavior.

Interview questions will vary depending on the type of job you are hiring for. If you need an individual who can supervise others, such as a supervisor or manager, then you may ask personal questions that determine leadership abilities. This would include asking how they resolve disagreements with their employees.

Group Interview

A group interview is conducted with more than one individual at the same time. This type of interview is often used by larger companies or by companies that work in teams, such as a construction company that hires project managers and team leaders.

What employee information is confidential?

Here are some of the employee information that should be kept confidential:

  • Social Security Number — An individual's Social Security Number is used for tax filing. Fraud and identity theft could occur if the number is used by others.
  • Medical records — If an employee's medical records are exposed, it can lead to discrimination and health insurance issues. Medical records could contain information that would jeopardize their health or safety should they be released to other individuals.
  • History with the company, including disciplinary actions, performance reviews, and salary information — An employee's history with the company can lead to discrimination if exposed to their current or future employer. Also, this information could be taken out of context and deliberately misused by a vindictive employee or other competition.

How do I find out employee details?

To find out your employee details, you can go to your company's human resource department. Your company's HR department maintains records of employees, including their phone numbers, email addresses, job title, and department. If your company has an online database of its employees and you have a personal login to it, you may visit your profile to check the information your company has about you. If you do not have any access to this database, then perhaps the only way to get your employee information is to ask for it.

What is personal information form?

An employee personal information form is used to collect relevant information about employees. By filling it out, employees are able to provide their employer with all of the information they need in order to manage them properly.

It is important that you know what needs to be included in this form. Failure to do so may result in your employees not providing you with accurate information, or simply forgetting some details altogether. Moreover, you may be breaching the law if you do not collect this information.

In order to ensure that your employees provide you with all of the required details, as well as to avoid any legal issues, you should have a personal information form ready for them to fill out.

What is an employee data sheet?

An employee data sheet is a document that typically contains information about one or more employees on file at your organization. This datasheet provides the ability to manage basic employee data including contact information, job title, salary information, address, phone numbers, and other employee-specific data on the officials employed by the company. This document can be used to track multiple employees and provides a standardized format for all of the information that is associated with each person. You can also use it to store important documents and other data, such as company-related files, employee signatures, and signed agreements, background check results, and digital photos. This file can be shared by employees in order to share notes, tasks, and other important information.

Can you give out employee information?

Employee information should be kept confidential. An employer who is running a business should never disclose information about employees. It is the responsibility of the employer to protect their employees' privacy and confidentiality they are entitled to under employment law.

Many companies have policies that state they will not reveal any information about an employee unless there is a legitimate reason for it. There may be certain exceptions to this, however – such as if the employee releases information about themselves during a press interview, for example. If you're an employer and one of your staff gave an interview and revealed that they'd been made redundant, then you would probably not break confidentiality by confirming that. If there is any breach of the confidentiality agreement, the employee would typically have grounds to sue the employer.

Employers should keep all information about employees confidential, and it's important for both businesses and the individuals involved.

Can employers give out employees personal information?

Employers can only give out an employee's personal information if it is required by the law or if the employee has agreed. Your information, however, may be shared by your employer to other employers for hiring purposes. If your employer is asking for consent, they can't give out information on how well you do your job or on your private life. This includes:

  • Religion
  • Political beliefs
  • Sexual orientation
  • Any disabilities you may have unless there is a direct connection with the work you do.

Your employer must explain why they need your personal information and what they will use it for. For example, they should explain where the information will be sent and whether this company can give out the information to other people or companies.

What are employee forms?

Employee forms are documents used to collect employee information. There are many kinds of employee forms, including the following:

  • Employee Data Sheet
  • Employee Training Evaluation
  • Performance Review Questionnaire

Employee forms are often used for new employees, although they may be used at other times as well. Employee forms are specific to the kind of information that is required.

New employees are required to fill out forms before they start working at a company. This helps companies maintain records of employee details like their personal information, academic qualification, and any other necessary documentation.

Why do employers collect personal employee information?

Employers collect personal employee information to maintain employee records, understand employee capabilities, and conduct a background check.

Employers can collect their employees’ personal information in any format that they choose to. This could be via a paper-based system, but it is more likely that all the employer's employee records will be stored electronically using computer software.

When an employer collects personal employee information, the data should be stored securely and only accessed by people with permission. It is important that the employer does not pass on personal employee information to third parties without their consent, except in very limited circumstances set out by law. Employers should ensure that all staff is made aware of what information they hold about them and how it will be used.

Employees have certain rights relating to how an employer holds and uses their personal information. Data protection laws require employers to tell all employees the following:

  • What sort of personal information they hold about an employee and why they are holding it;
  • How long they will keep it for;
  • That this data is confidential, who sees it, how it is kept safe, and how it is disposed of when no longer needed; and
  • Who to contact in case they want to access or to request that inaccurate data be corrected.

Can I sue my employer for disclosing personal information?

Yes, you can sue your employer for disclosing your personal information. Data protection laws prohibit employers to share their employees' data with a third party without informing them in advance or obtaining their consent. Moreover, the personal information disclosed must be necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were shared. In particular, when disclosing is mandatory under law, employers have to inform affected persons in order to allow them to raise any objection before complying with the disclosure request.

Why do employees’ records need to be kept confidential?

Employees' records need to be kept confidential because of data protection laws that govern the use of such records. Therefore, breaking the law can lead to employers being prosecuted.

What employee information can an employer request?

In general, employers can request an employee's full legal name, any previous names, home address, phone number, date of birth, marital status, and any additional information, such as driver's license number and social security number.

What this means is that employers cannot make inquiries about specific medical conditions or disabilities, but may ask applicants if they can perform the tasks required by their job. Otherwise, employers may require employees to have a medical exam or answer medical questions only after an offer of employment has been made. The employer must keep any medical information confidential and in separate files from other personnel information.


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