If you currently hold a valid Texas non-commercial driver license or identification card and have not reported your change of address as required by TRC 521.054, you may do so by mail or on the Internet.
For a holder of a valid Texas non-commercial driver license (DL) or identification card (ID) who has not reported a change of address as needed, you may do so by mail or online.
Changing your address after you move into a different place is important; the main purpose is to set and track your location. Moreover, changing your driver’s license address helps you register your vehicle in your new place.
Most states require the registration of vehicles and updating the license for immigrants within 30 days. Failure to do so may subject you to a fine or imprisonment.
Should you change your address online, you may visit the official Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website, or use the Texas Changes of Address form to apply for a change of address.
Use DL-64 or the Texas Change of Address form to change and correct the address printed on your current non-commercial driver’s license and identification card.
Before filling it out, remember to read the instructions provided.
Page 1
Driver License Number
Enter your Driver License Number.
Expiration Date
Enter the expiration date of your driver’s license in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy format.
Social Security Number
Enter your Social Security Number.
ID Card Number
Enter your ID Card Number.
Date of Birth
Enter your date of birth in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.
Enter your suffix name, like Sr., Jr., etc.
Last Name
Enter your last name.
First Name
Enter your first name.
Enter your middle name. If married, write your maiden name.
Enter your street address. Do not put a post office box address.
Enter your current city of residence.
Enter your county of residence.
Enter the abbreviation of your state of residence.
Zip Code
Enter the ZIP code of your current address of residence.
Do you want to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry?
Mark YES if you want to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry and indicate the amount. If not, mark NO.
Would you like to register as an organ donor?
Mark YES if you like to register as an organ donor. If not, mark NO.
Mailing Section
The address provided here would be your mailing location.
Street Address
Enter the street of your mailing address.
Enter your city of your mailing address.
Enter the county of your mailing address.
Enter the abbreviation of your state mailing address.
Zip Code
Enter the zip code of your mailing address.
If you are a U.S. Citizen, would you like to register to vote? If registered, would you like to update your voter information?
Mark YES if you are a U.S. citizen who would like to register or wants to update your voter information. If not, mark NO.
Enter the date.
To certify all provided information, sign the form.
Page 2
Once you finish the first page of the form, you need to certify your identity, address, and your statements.
In the event of injury or death, would you like to provide two emergency contacts? If yes, enter the required information on the spaces provided.
a. Contact 1, Address, and Telephone Number
b. Contact 2, Address, and Telephone Number
Take note that the emergency contacts are used in crucial events, so you must provide an existing and working contact.
You may submit your accomplished form to the Texas Department of Public Safety, PO, Box 149008, Austin, Texas, 78714-9008 with a $10 mailing fee.
Do not mail cash. Mail check or money order payable to the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Remember that this form is solely used for changing an address. Non-US citizens may modify their address at their local driver license office.Should you desire to change your photo or any information other than your address, you may apply at your local driver license office.
This is a United States government independent agency that regulates the information of people subject to military conscription.
This states that any male U.S. citizen or immigrant who is at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age submitting this application consents to the registration with the United States Selective Service System. Once registered, you are qualified for federal student aid, job training, federal employment, and citizenship if an immigrant.
In Texas, you must be registered to qualify for state college student aid or state employment. Failure to register with the Selective Service, when convicted, is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine.
If not registered by age 26, you can no longer register and could permanently lose those benefits associated with registration. For alternative options for applications who object to conventional military service for religious and other conscientious reasons information is available at the Selective Service System’s official website.
Keywords: dl 64 form fillable dl-64 texas form address TX DPS Dl-64 fill dl-64 online Form dl-64 pdf texas change of address pdf fillable form