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What is Form DA-7759?

Form DA-7759, recognized as the United States Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Interview Checklist

Form DA-7759, also known as the "United States Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Interview Checklist," is a specialized document used by the U.S. Army during the interview process for candidates seeking to join the EOD unit. The EOD unit manages top secret security clearance for EOD technicians and EOD equipment and deals with the proper and safe disposal of weapons of mass destruction and improvised explosive devices, among other dangerous explosive ordnance. It is not uncommon for other branches of the US military such as the air force or the navy, and even other federal or government institutions such as the secret service, to either work alongside the Army EOD unit or to have their own equivalent thereof.

Proper disposal of explosives is highly important for various operations and missions, especially for those that occur in combat zones. Airmen, sailors, FBI, and so on will often have protocols in place in order to address the threat of an explosive, but to properly maneuver around the process of disposing of such explosives require the expertise and lead of EOD teams. EOD teams are sometimes also tasked with creating exercises to prepare other organizations and branches of the military on how to deal with explosive hazards, when necessary.

The establishment and management of EOD teams is often left to the upper management of the US Military, which can go as high as the president and vice president themselves.

This form is a crucial part of the screening and selection process, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates are considered for roles that involve handling and disposing of explosive ordnance.

How do I fill out Form DA-7759?

Get a copy of DA 7759 template in PDF format.

An explosive scene captured alongside Form DA-7759.png

You may find a fillable copy of Form DA-7759 here.


Enter the name of the soldier being interviewed.


Enter the soldier’s rank.


Enter the soldier’s DOD ID number.


Enter the unit that the soldier belongs to.


Enter the soldier’s MOS.

Work Phone

Enter the soldier’s work phone number.

Home Phone

Enter the soldier’s home phone number.

Cell Phone

Enter the soldier’s cellphone number.

Commander’s Name

Enter the name of the unit’s commander.


Enter the commander’s email address.

Interviewer’s Name/Rank

Enter the interviewer’s name and rank (if applicable).


Enter the interviewer’s email address.

Section 1 - Initial Qualifications

For each item in all sections of this form, mark the box to answer “Yes” or “No”. If any answer to any question in this section is “No”, the soldier will be automatically disqualified from eligibility unless granted a waiver by the Chief of Ordnance in Fort Lee, VA. Waivers may be granted for question 10. The questions are as follows:

  1. Is the soldier a CPL or below (enlisted) or Cadet/BOLC student (officer)?
  2. Is the soldier volunteering for ECO duties?
  3. Is the soldier willing to work with nuclear and chemical weapons?
  4. Does the soldier meet the height and weight standards outlined in AR 600-9?
  5. Is the soldier’s GM score 105 or higher (enlisted only)?
  6. Is the soldier’s GT score 110 or higher (enlisted only)?
  7. Has the soldier taken and passed a record APFT in the last six months?
  8. Is the soldier a United States citizen?
  9. Does the soldier possess a valid state or international motor vehicles operator’s license?
  10. Does the soldier have normal color vision?
  11. Does the soldier meet the physical profile (PULHES) of 111111 or 111121?

Section 2 - Administrative

If the answer to any question in this section is “Yes”, the soldier will be disqualified from eligibility.

  1. Is the soldier flagged IAW AR 600-8-2?
  2. Is the soldier claustrophobic?
  3. Is the soldier pregnant?
  4. Does the soldier have dual citizenship with any other country?
  5. Does the soldier hold a passport from any other country other than the United States?
  6. Is the soldier under any court martial proceedings?
  7. Has the soldier been relieved from EOD training or duty due to punitive action, cancellation of security clearance, or personal request for relief from EOD?
  8. Does the soldier have lost time (AWOL) under 10 USC 972 within the last two years?
  9. Is the soldier allergic to explosives or petroleum products?

Section 3 - Overseas Movement and Professional Development

Answering “Yes” to any question in this section may disqualify the soldier from eligibility, depending on the decision of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Recruiting Team.

  1. Is the soldier assigned to a unit alerted or on orders for overseas movement?
  2. Is the soldier alerted or on orders for overseas movement?
  3. Is the soldier alerted or on orders for assignment to units alerted for overseas movement?
  4. Has the soldier completed Phase I, Phase II, or Phase III advanced leaders course (formerly known as BNCOC)? If “Yes”, enter which phase in the space provided.

Section 4 - Retention

The outcome of this interview will be decided by the EOD Recruiting Team

  1. Will the soldier have at least 36 months remaining in service upon completion of Phase II EOD School?
  2. Is the soldier on assignment at this time? If “Yes”, enter the soldier’s report date.
  3. Did the soldier ask for or reenlist for this particular assignment?
  4. Has the soldier received an enlistment bonus, variable reenlistment bonus, or selective reenlistment bonus for the current service obligation?
  5. Is the soldier currently serving overseas?

Section 5 - Security

This section deals with the soldier’s security clearance. The soldier must have interim secret clearance or higher in order to be classed for EOD training.

  1. Does the soldier have at least interim secret clearance?
  2. Does the soldier have a completed Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) or has one been submitted and opened through the soldier’s S-2 office?

Section 6 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse

For “Yes” answers in this section, the interviewer’s discretion must be used to determine the reliability of the soldier.

  1. Does the soldier have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?
    1. If “Yes”, enter a short description of the circumstances surrounding the abuse and what substances were used, as well as the frequency and date range of use.
  2. Has the soldier ever been referred (including self-referral) to alcohol counseling?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation. Provide dates of counseling, details, and the final outcome of the counseling.
  3. Has the soldier ever abused prescription medication?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation. Provide details about the medication taken, frequency of use, and date range of use.

Section 7 - Medical

This section concerns the soldier’s medical details.

  1. Is the soldier taking any medication?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation for why and what medication they use.
  2. Has the soldier ever received any behavioral health or psychiatric treatment?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation, as well as details on counseling, dates, and the final outcome of the treatment.
  3. Has the soldier ever been diagnosed with any personality disorder?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation, as well as details on the date the disorder was diagnosed, prognosis, and other relevant information.
  4. Has the soldier been diagnosed with PTSD or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation, as well as details on the date the disorder was diagnosed, prognosis, and other relevant information.
  5. Has the soldier been treated by a competent medical authority and cleared for duty?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation.
  6. Has the soldier ever threatened or attempted suicide?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation.
  7. Does the soldier have thoughts of suicide?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation.
  8. Does the soldier have thoughts of harming themselves or others?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation.
  9. Does the soldier have a history of irrational fears or phobias?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation.
  10. Does the soldier have any allergies?
    1. If “Yes”, enter their allergies and all relevant details about them and the treatment/management of them.
  11. Has the soldier ever suffered from hot weather injury?
    1. If “Yes”, provide the date that such injury occurred and the prognosis.
  12. Does the soldier have medical problems that interfere with exercise?
    1. If “Yes”, identify these problems and the date of injury and prognosis.
  13. Has the soldier received treatment for any injury within the last 6 months?
    1. If “Yes”, provide the date that the injury occurred, the prognosis, and the details of the treatment.
  14. Has the soldier been under the care of a physician in the past 60 days?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation as to why and for what injury.
  15. Does the soldier have swollen or painful joints?
    1. If “Yes”, provide details on the issue and the prognosis of any treatment.
  16. Does the soldier have dizziness or fainting spells?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation for why.
  17. Does the soldier have ear, nose, or throat trouble?
    1. If “Yes”, provide details on said issues and any treatments done to resolve them.
  18. Does the soldier have lung or respiratory problems?
    1. If “Yes”, provide details on their condition and any current or past treatments.
  19. Has the soldier ever had a head injury?
    1. If “Yes”, provide details on the injury and when it occurred.
  20. Has the soldier ever had heart trouble?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation.
  21. Has the soldier ever had stomach or gall bladder problems?
    1. If “Yes”, enter an explanation.
  22. Has the soldier had recent weight gain or loss?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation behind the circumstances of said gain or loss.
  23. Has the soldier ever had paralysis?
    1. If “Yes”, explain when and why.
  24. Has the soldier been treated for depression?
    1. If “Yes”, provide details on the treatment and diagnosis.
  25. Has the soldier ever lost consciousness?
    1. If “Yes”, enter when and why.
  26. Did the soldier withhold any medical information on their entrance exam (MEPS)?
    1. If “Yes”, enter the reason why and what information was withheld.
  27. Is there any other medical information that would disqualify the soldier from the EOD program or otherwise not requested in the previous questions?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation of said information.
  28. If the soldier wears glasses, do they have gas mask inserts?
    1. If “Yes”, explain why.

Section 8 - Civil and Military Convictions

This section concerns the civil and military convictions of the soldier.

  1. Does the soldier have a history of any civil convictions to include speeding tickets?
    1. If “Yes”, specify the charges for each conviction and when such convictions were made.
  2. Has the soldier received any UCMJ action while serving in the armed services?
    1. If “Yes”, explain. Provide details on the charges, date of punishment, and the punishment imposed.
  3. Does the soldier owe any money to any court for any purpose?
    1. If “Yes”, enter how much and for what purpose(s), as well as when final payment will be made.

Section 9 - Finances

This section concerns the financial status of the soldier.

  1. Is the soldier late on any payment or debt by more than 30 days?
    1. If “Yes”, explain why, and provide details on the creditor, the amount that must be paid, and the payment plan.
  2. Is the soldier late on child support and/or alimony payments?
    1. If “Yes”, explain why, and how much needs to be paid.
  3. Has the soldier ever had any debt accounts turned over to a collection agency?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation, as well as the amount owed, the creditor, and the payment plan.
  4. Has the soldier ever had any debt written off as a bad debt by a lender?
    1. If “Yes”, provide an explanation, as well as the creditor, amount owed, and reason for non-payment.
  5. Has the soldier ever had any property repossessed?
    1. If “Yes”, explain when and why for each repossession.
  6. Has the soldier filed for or is currently filing for bankruptcy?
    1. If “Yes”, explain why and when.
  7. Has the soldier filed for or is currently filing for home foreclosure?
    1. If “Yes”, explain why and when.

Section 10 - Disclosure

This section (Item 73) states that a soldier must have informed their superior officer(s) that they are processing into the EOD program.If they have, mark “Yes”. Otherwise, mark “No” and have them inform their superiors immediately.

Section 11 - Physical Fitness & Height and Weight Standards

This section (Item 74) states that the soldier must pass particular fitness tests and fit within particular height and weight standards set by the military. Have the soldier enter their initials in the space provided to confirm.

Section 12 - Test Score and Interviewer Recommendation

Mark the box for each of the following corresponds to whether or not the interviewer believes the soldier qualifies for the position.

  • Maturity
  • Conduct
  • Financial Responsibility
  • Security
  • Medical

Then enter any comments and recommendations in the space provided.

Interviewer’s Name and Rank

Enter the name and rank of the interviewer.

Unit of Assignment/Installation

Enter the unit that the interviewer is assigned to, or their installation.


Enter the interviewer’s email.


Enter the interviewer’s primary phone number.

Interviewer’s Signature

Have the interviewer sign the form in the space provided.

Date of Interview

Enter the date that the interview was conducted.

Start filling out a DA 7759 sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Form DA-7759

What is explosive ordnance?

Explosive ordnance refers to weapons, munitions, and explosive devices that can cause destruction or harm through an explosive reaction.

What is the primary goal of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)?

The primary goal of EOD is to safely detect, identify, render safe, recover, and dispose of explosive threats.

What personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for EOD personnel?

Essential PPE includes bomb suits, helmets with visors, protective gloves, and sometimes body armor.

What methods are used to safely dispose of explosive ordnance?

Methods include controlled detonation, defusing, burning, and chemical neutralization.

How does controlled detonation work?

Controlled detonation involves placing a secondary explosive charge to safely explode the ordnance in a controlled manner.

What role does robotics play in EOD?

Robotics are used to remotely handle and disarm explosive devices, reducing the risk to human operators.

Why is mental fitness evaluated in the EOD interview process?

Mental fitness is evaluated to ensure candidates possess the psychological resilience and stability required to perform effectively in the stressful and high-risk environments typical of EOD operations.

What type of technical skills are evaluated with this form?

The form assesses candidates' knowledge and skills related to explosives, ordnance, disposal techniques, and adherence to safety protocols, which are critical for EOD tasks.

How does Form DA-7759 help maintain high standards in the EOD unit?

By providing a comprehensive evaluation framework, the form helps ensure that only the most qualified and suitable candidates are selected, thereby maintaining the high standards necessary for EOD operations.

Is Form DA-7759 used for initial screenings or final selections?

The form is used during the interview process, which can be part of both initial screenings and final selection stages, depending on the recruitment workflow.

How important is previous EOD experience for candidates?

While previous EOD experience is beneficial, the form assesses overall suitability, including physical, mental, technical attributes and legal background, to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

What kind of technical knowledge is crucial for an EOD candidate?

Crucial knowledge includes understanding various types of explosives, ordnance, and the specific techniques for safely disposing of them.

Create a DA 7759 document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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