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Fillable Form DA 705

DA Form 705 is the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Scorecard. It is used to record the results of the APFT, which is a test of physical fitness that all Soldiers in the United States Army are required to take.

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What is Form DA-705?


Form DA-705, known as the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Scorecard, is a document used by the U.S. Army to record the results of a soldier’s physical fitness tests.

This form is essential for tracking and assessing a soldier's fitness levels, ensuring they meet the standards set for army combat fitness test ratings for their roles. The APFT evaluates three primary components: push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed two-mile run, with scores based on age and gender.

Once completed, Form DA-705 must be submitted to a soldier’s unit commander or the designated fitness administrator. This is crucial for maintaining accurate records of physical fitness and ensuring that all soldiers are meeting the required standards, and so it is also important to complete and submit the form in a timely fashion.

How do I fill out Form DA-705?

Get a copy of DA 705 template in PDF format.


A fillable PDF DA Form 705 scorecard can be found here. Take note of the standards provided for each activity/test alongside this form. If more tests need to be recorded, or if edits need to be made to the form to accommodate more activities (such as a standing power throw, sprint drag carry, leg tuck, and so on), download the document from the PDF editor and make the necessary changes.

Soldier’s Information

At the top of each page of this form, enter the following details about the soldier being assessed:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Unit/Location

Test Details

For each test taken by the soldier, enter the following details about the soldier and the test:

  • Date
  • MOS
  • Grade
  • Age
  • Height
  • Body Composition
    • Date
    • Weight (Mark box to indicate if Go or No-Go)
    • Body Fat (Mark box to indicate if Go or No-Go)
  • PU Raw Score
  • Initials
  • Points
  • SU Raw Score
  • Initials
  • Points
  • 2MR Raw Score
  • Initials
  • Points
  • Alternate Aerobic Event
    • 800Y Swim, 2.5 Mile Walk, or 6.2 Mile Bike (mark the appropriate box)
    • Time
    • Mark box to indicate if Go or No-Go
    • Total Points, then mark box to indicate if Go or No-Go
  • Soldier’s Signature and Date Signed
  • NCOIC/OIC Signature, Rank, and Date Signed
  • Comments

Then, at the bottom part of the last page of this form, enter any special instructions for the soldier moving forward.

Start filling out a DA 705 sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often must soldiers take the APFT?

Soldiers are typically required to take the APFT twice a year. This ensures that they maintain the necessary fitness levels.

What happens if a soldier fails the APFT?

If a soldier fails the APFT, they may be required to undergo remedial training and retest. Failure to pass may impact their career progression and assignments.

How can a soldier prepare for the APFT?

Soldiers can prepare by following a physical fitness regimen that includes exercises targeting push-ups, sit-ups, and running. Regular practice and training are key to improving performance.

What is the significance of the APFT in a soldier’s career?

The APFT is crucial for assessing a soldier’s physical readiness and overall fitness. It affects their eligibility for promotions, assignments, and deployments.

Can the APFT be administered in different locations?

Yes, the APFT can be administered at various locations, including military bases and field environments. It is conducted by trained personnel to ensure accurate testing, as well as to address any other needs for training exercises.

What are the age and gender standards for APFT scoring?

APFT scoring standards vary based on the soldier’s age and gender. These standards ensure that the fitness requirements are appropriate for different demographics.

What is the role of the APFT in the Army’s fitness program?

The APFT is a key component of the Army’s fitness program, designed to assess and maintain soldiers' physical fitness. It helps identify areas for improvement and supports overall physical conditioning.

How are APFT results used in evaluations?

APFT results are used in performance evaluations to assess a soldier’s physical fitness. They impact career progression, promotion potential, and eligibility for certain assignments.

What should a soldier do if they believe there is an error on Form DA-705?

If a soldier believes there is an error, they should notify the administering official and request a correction. Ensuring accuracy is important for proper record-keeping.

Can soldiers use personal fitness programs to improve APFT scores?

Yes, personal fitness programs can help soldiers improve their APFT scores. Tailoring workouts to address specific areas like strength and endurance can be beneficial.

Are there any changes to the APFT requirements for different ranks?

No, APFT requirements are generally the same across ranks, though the expectations and fitness standards may vary based on specific roles or responsibilities.

Can soldiers retake the APFT if they fail?

Yes, soldiers can retake the APFT if they fail, typically after undergoing remedial training. The goal is to help them meet the required fitness standards.

What should soldiers do if they have a medical condition affecting their APFT?

Soldiers with medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider and inform their command. Accommodations or alternative testing options may be available.

Can soldiers appeal their APFT scores?

Soldiers can appeal their APFT scores if they believe there was an error or unfair administration. Appeals should be made through the appropriate chain of command.

What are the consequences of repeatedly failing the APFT?

Repeated failure to meet APFT standards can lead to disciplinary actions, additional training requirements, and potential impact on career progression and assignments.

Create a DA 705 document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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