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Fillable Form DA 638 (2021)

A DA 638 form is used by the Department of the Army. This form will be used to recommend a certain soldier for some type of award. Someone filling out this form will need to know the soldier's information.

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What is Form DA-638?


Form DA-638, Recommendation for Award, is a US Army form, also used by other branches of the military, in order to recommend a soldier to receive an award. If a higher ranking soldier wishes to recommend multiple soldiers for various awards, a separate process for recommendation using this form must be followed for each. The form must be sent to a particular office of military affairs for review as part of the evaluation process, which will often include obtaining sworn statements from a military member (or members) that certify the soldier's worthiness for an award, obtaining a detailed account of each statement and situation, and so on.

An army award is given to soldiers not only to acknowledge an outstanding act or exceptional service within the military, but also to confer particular benefits to them, such as promotions, pay raises, and other on-the-job benefits. Being granted an award or medal can also be a great inclusion for a person’s resume or employment profile, as it tells potential employers that their prospective employee has been acknowledged for their work ethic, as well as serving as an indicator of their past accomplishments.

How do I fill out Form DA-638?

Get a copy of DA 638 (2021) template in PDF format.


A fillable copy for DA Form 638 Latest Version can be found here. With various versions available, the form's popularity among military personnel makes it essential to access a fillable PDF format to ensure ease of use and accuracy when completing it.

A commanding officer typically initiates the recommendation, recognizing the achievements or service of a soldier. Accurate completion is crucial, as this document plays a significant role in the recognition and career progression of the involved military personnel.

To and From

Enter the office and the name of the representative or officer that this recommendation is being sent to, and the office and name of the officer that is making the recommendation.


Enter the date that this recommendation was made.

Part I - Soldier Data


Enter the full name of the soldier being recommended for an award.


Enter the soldier’s rank.


Enter the Department of Defense ID and/or Social Security Number of the soldier.


Enter the organization that the soldier is part of.

Previous Awards

Enter any other awards the soldier has been granted previously.

Branch of Service

Enter the soldier’s branch of service.

Recommended Award

Enter the award that the soldier is being recommended for.

Period of Award

Enter the start and end dates of the period that the award is being granted for.

Reason for Award

Enter the following information about the reason for why the soldier is being given the award.

  1. Indicate Reason
  2. Interim Award (Yes or No)
    1. If you mark “Yes”, state the award that was given.
  3. Posthumous (Yes or No)
  4. Proposed Presentation Date

Part II - Recommender Data


Enter the full name of the recommender.


Enter the title or position of the recommender.


Enter the recommender’s rank.

Relationship of Awardee

Enter the recommender’s relationship to the awardee.


Enter the recommender’s address.


Have the recommender sign the form in the space provided.

Part III - Justification and Citation Data


Enter a description of each achievement that the soldier has that has led to their recommendation for an award.

Proposed Citation

Enter the proposed citations that provide proof of the achievements made by the soldier. It may help to organize each separate citation in bullet form so that the recommending military member can clearly and easily make their case for the soldier as necessary.


Enter the soldier’s full name.


Enter the soldier’s DOD ID or SSN.

Part IV - Recommendations/Approval/Disapproval

Certification and Signature

Have the recommending person sign the form in the space provided.

Intermediate Authority

For each intermediate authority that manages this form, as well as the approval authority that this form is sent to, enter the following information:

  • To (office or person receiving this form)
  • From (office or person that sent this form)
  • Date
  • Recommendation (Mark only one of the boxes provided)
    • Approval
    • Disapproval
    • Upgrade To (specify)
    • Downgrade To (specify)
  • Name of Authority
  • Rank of Authority
  • Title/Position of Authority
  • Signature
  • Comments

Part V - Orders Data

Orders Issuing HQ and Order Number

Enter the headquarters that issued the orders, and the permanent order number.

Orders Approval Authority, Rank, and Title/Position

Enter the name of the approval authority that managed the orders, and their rank and title/position.

Signature and Date

Have the approval authority sign the form in the space provided, then enter the date verifying the individual signed.


Enter the distribution of the orders in the space provided.


Enter the soldier’s full name.


Enter the soldier’s DOD ID or SSN.

Addendum - Intermediate Authority

If there are any more intermediate authorities associated with this form, enter the following information for each:

  • To (office or person receiving this form)
  • From (office or person that sent this form)
  • Date
  • Recommendation (Mark only one of the boxes provided)
    • Approval
    • Disapproval
    • Upgrade To (specify)
    • Downgrade To (specify)
  • Name of Authority
  • Rank of Authority
  • Title/Position of Authority
  • Signature
  • Comments

Start filling out a DA 638 (2021) sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of military awards and decorations?

Military awards and decorations are designed to honor the courage, dedication, and accomplishments of military members. They also play a role in boosting morale and encouraging continued exemplary performance.

Who is eligible to receive military awards in the U.S. Army?

Military awards are available to active duty soldiers, reservists, and National Guard members who meet the criteria. Eligibility is based on specific actions or service that qualifies for each award.

How does the award recommendation process begin in the Army?

The recommendation process starts when a superior or peer notices a soldier’s commendable actions or service. The observer then submits a recommendation using a completed Form DA-638.

What are some common types of military awards in the U.S. Army?

Frequently awarded honors include the Medal of Honor, Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal, each with its own criteria based on the level of valor or achievement.

How long does it typically take for an award recommendation to be processed?

Processing times vary, generally taking from several weeks to a few months. The time needed depends on the award type and the completeness of the recommendation package.

What is the role of the awards board in the Army?

The awards board evaluates recommendations to verify that they meet the established criteria and standards. They conduct an impartial review and provide a recommendation for approval or denial.

What happens if an award recommendation is disapproved?

If a recommendation is not approved, it can be appealed or resubmitted with additional evidence. Disapproval ensures that awards recognize only actions deemed truly deserving.

Can a soldier be nominated for more than one award at a time?

Yes, a soldier can be recommended for multiple awards at once, provided they meet each award's requirements. Each recommendation undergoes separate processing and evaluation.

What documentation is typically required to support an award recommendation?

Supporting documents may include witness statements, after-action reports, and evidence of the soldier’s actions. These documents reinforce the recommendation and provide necessary proof.

What is the significance of the Medal of Honor?

The Medal of Honor is the highest U.S. military award, granted for extraordinary acts of valor beyond the call of duty. It is the ultimate symbol of courage and sacrifice.

How do commendation medals differ from achievement medals?

Commendation medals honor sustained heroism or service, while achievement medals recognize specific, singular accomplishments. Both highlight notable contributions but differ in the duration and type of actions honored.

Can a soldier receive an award posthumously?

Yes, awards can be given posthumously to recognize the bravery or service of soldiers who have passed away. These awards are typically presented to the soldier’s family.

What is an award citation?

An award citation is a brief summary of the soldier’s actions or service justifying the award. It is read at the presentation ceremony and included in official records.

How does an award impact a soldier's career?

Receiving an award can positively impact a soldier’s career by enhancing their reputation and supporting advancement. It serves as a notable addition to their service record.

What role do superior officers play in the award recommendation process?

Superior officers review and endorse award recommendations, confirming they meet the necessary standards. Their endorsements are crucial for the recommendation to move up the chain of command.

Does DA Form 638 allow for self-recognition for an award?

No, DA Form 638 does not permit self-recognition. This form is designed for use by superiors or peers who can objectively assess and recommend a soldier's actions or service for an award. Self-nomination does not align with the procedural or ethical standards of the award recommendation process.

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