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Fillable Form DA 2166-9-1A

The NCOER Support Form is used to rate the performance of noncommissioned officers.

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How to Get and Edit DA 2166-9-1A template

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What is the NCOER Support Form?


The NCOER Support Form, also known as Form DA 2166-9-1A, serves as a structured framework for evaluating the performance and potential of noncommissioned officers (NCOs).

It fosters communication between NCOs and their rating chain while ensuring a fair and standardized evaluation process.

Purpose of the NCOER Support Form

  • Establish Performance Expectations – Helps the rater and rated NCO outline key duties, goals, and responsibilities at the beginning of the rating period.
  • Track Accomplishments – Documents significant achievements and contributions to ensure an accurate evaluation.
  • Enhance Communication – Encourages ongoing dialogue between the rater, senior rater, and reviewer to align expectations.
  • Improve Performance – Provides structured feedback to support professional growth and career development.

Who uses the NCOER Support Form?

The NCOER Support Form (DA Form 2166-9-1A) is used by: (i) all Noncommissioned Officers (SGT through CSM/SGM), and (ii) Raters, Senior Raters, and Reviewers in the Army's evaluation chain.

Where to find NCOER Support Form?

You can get and edit a copy of the NCOER Support Form from PDFRun.

Examples of NCOER Support Form Entries

To help you complete your NCOER Support Form, here are some examples of well-written entries:

  • Duty Description Example: "Serves as a Squad Leader in a forward-deployed infantry unit; responsible for the training, welfare, and professional development of eight Soldiers; ensures mission readiness by maintaining equipment valued at over $1 million."
  • Performance Goals and Expectations Example: "Demonstrate strong leadership by mentoring junior Soldiers, improving unit cohesion, and enhancing operational readiness; maintain 100% accountability of assigned personnel and equipment."
  • Senior Rater Comments Example: "Exceeds expectations in all leadership capacities; displays exceptional problem-solving skills and adaptability in high-pressure environments; recommended for promotion to Sergeant First Class."

How do I fill out an NCOER Support Form?

Get a copy of DA 2166-9-1A template in PDF format.

A fillable copy of the NCOER Support Form can be found here.

Then, follow this step-by-step guide to fill it out.

Section 1: Administrative Data


  1. Name

Enter your last name, first name, and middle initial.

  1. SSN

Enter your Social Security Number or Department of Defense ID number.

  1. Rank

Enter your rank.

  1. Date of Rank

Enter the date when you received your rank.

  1. PMOSC

Enter your Primary Military Occupational Specialty Code.

  1. Unit, Org, Station, Zip Code or APO, Major Command

Enter your unit, organization, station, ZIP Code or Army Post office, and Major Command.

  1. UIC

Enter your Unit Identification Code.

  1. Rated NCO’S Email Address

Enter your email address.

  1. SSD and NCOES Requirement Met for Next Grade or Nominative/Joint Assignment?

Indicate if you met the requirement for the next grade or nominative/joint assignment.

  1. MEL

Enter your Military Education Level.

  1. SSD

Enter your Structured Self Development Level.

Section 2: Authentication


This section contains the authentication details of the rater, senior rater, supplementary reviewer, and noncommissioned officer.

  1. Rater

Provide the following details of the rater:

  • Name of Rater
  • SSN or DOD ID No.
  • Initial Date
  • Later Date
  • Rank
  • PMOSC/Branch
  • Organization
  • Duty Assignment
  • Rater’s Email Address
  1. Name of Senior Rater

Provide the following details of the senior rater:

  • Name of Senior Rater
  • SSN or DOD ID No.
  • Initial Date
  • Later Date
  • Rank
  • PMOSC/Branch
  • Organization
  • Duty Assignment
  • Senior Rater’s Email Address
  1. Supplementary Reviewer

Provide the following details of the supplementary reviewer:

  • Name of Supplementary Reviewer
  • SSN or DOD ID No.
  • Rank
  • PMOSC/Branch
  • Organization
  • Duty Assignment
  • Supplementary Reviewer's Email Address
  1. NCO

Enter the following details of the noncommissioned officer:

  • Rated NCO’S Initials
  • Initial Date
  • Later Date

Section 3: Duty Description


This section contains the description of the duties of the noncommissioned officer which will be filled out by the rater.

  1. Principal Duty Title

Enter the NCO’s principal duty title.

  1. Duty MOSC

Enter the NCO’s duty military occupational specialty code.

  1. Daily Duties and Scope

Enter the NCO’s daily duties, and the scope of his duties.

  1. Areas of Special Emphasis

Enter the NCO’s areas of special emphasis.

  1. Appointed Duties

Enter the NCO’s appointed duties.

Section 4: Performance Goals and Expectations


This section contains the performance goals and expectations that you will set for yourself as the NCO.

Section 5: Performance Evaluation


This section contains the performance evaluation of the NCO. This is to be filled out by the rater.

  1. Character

Indicate your major performance objectives for the NCO’s character (army values, empathy, Warriors Ethos/Service Ethos, discipline, supports SHARP, EO, & EEO.

Then, list down the NCO’s significant contributions and accomplishments for character.

  1. Presence

Indicate the AFPT goals for push-ups, sit-ups, and running. If needed, also indicate height and weight required.

Also, indicate your major performance objectives for presence (military & professional bearing, fitness, confidence, and resilience).

Then, list down the NCO’s record for AFPT goals and his/her significant contributions and accomplishments to presence.

  1. Intellect

Indicate your major performance objectives for intellect (mental agility, sound judgement, innovation, interpersonal tact, and expertise).

Then, indicate the NCO’s significant contributions and accomplishments for intellect.

  1. Leads

Indicate your major performance objectives for leads (leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond chain of command, leads by example, and communicates).

Then, indicate the NCO’s significant contributions and accomplishments for leads.

  1. Develops

Indicate your major performance objectives for develops (creates a positive command/workplace environment, fosters esprit de corps, prepares self, develops others, stewards the profession).

Then, indicate the NCO’s significant contributions and accomplishments for develops.

  1. Achieves

Indicate your major performance objectives for achieves (gets results).

Then, indicate the NCO’s significant contributions and accomplishments for achieves.

Section 6: Senior Rater Comments


This section contains the comments of the senior rater on the NCO.

Start filling out a DA 2166-9-1A sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I update my NCOER Support Form throughout the rating period?

Yes, updates should be made regularly to reflect new accomplishments, changing duties, and evolving performance expectations.

What is a Noncommissioned Officer?

A Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) is a military officer who has not earned a commission but holds authority through enlisted ranks. NCOs are responsible for leading Soldiers, executing missions, and maintaining discipline within their units. They serve as the backbone of the Army, bridging the gap between enlisted personnel and commissioned officers.

Create a DA 2166-9-1A document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


Keywords: ncoer support form

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