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Fillable Form R-229 - DMV CT Driver License Application

Application for a Non-Commercial Learner Permit and/or Driver License (Form R-229). The Department of Motor Vehicles' application for a non-commercial Connecticut learner's permit OR driver's license.

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What is the Connecticut Driver's License Application form?

Form R-229, Application for a Non-commercial Learner Permit and/or Driver License, or also known as the Connecticut Driver’s License Application form is a single-page document by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It serves as an application form to apply for a non-commercial Connecticut learner's permit or driver's license. You can use it to transfer your driver’s license obtained from another state if you are a new resident of Connecticut. It should be prepared if you intend to operate any motor vehicle, except for a vehicle used for public or commercial services, such as a bus or truck.

Additional notes before getting a Connecticut driver’s license:

  • If you already have a driver’s license from a U.S. state or territory, Germany, Canada, or France, you can transfer your license to Connecticut without getting a learner’s permit.
  • If your driver's license has expired for two or more years, you will be required to complete all testing requirements again. This includes obtaining a learner’s permit and successfully completing a road test
  • All 16 and 17-year-olds must obtain a learner’s permit before a driver’s license.
  • Applicants who are 18 years old and older must obtain an adult learner’s permit before obtaining a driver's license. An adult learner's permit is valid for two years.
  • Learner's permits are now required for all new license applicants regardless of age.

Where to get the Connecticut Driver's License Application form?

You can request a blank copy of the Connecticut Driver’s License Application form from the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles’ website to have the form mailed to you. Upon request, you will be asked for the following details:

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Quantity of Forms

You may also call the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles and request the form.

Here are the contact numbers:

  • For Hartford area or outside of Connecticut: (860) 263-5700
  • Toll-free within Connecticut only: (800) 842-8222

For your convenience, you can electronically fill out the Connecticut Driver’s License Application form using PDFRun.

Instructions on filing the Connecticut Driver's License Application form

  1. Complete items 1-16, then present the form to the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles.
  2. Prepare required identification documents and proof of Connecticut residency. You may see acceptable identification documents on the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles website.
  3. If you are 16 and 17 years old and are not accompanied by an authorized individual, prepare Form 2D, Certificate of Parental Consent.
  4. Prepare for applicable fees.

Reminders in filling out the Connecticut Driver's License Application form

  • Provide accurate and true information. Falsification of application may lead to possible charges by the prosecution.
  • Take time to read the terms and agreements in this form for a better understanding
  • Review your application. Check for errors in your form.

How to fill out the Connecticut Driver's License Application form?

Here is a detailed guide on how to fill out the DMV CT Driver’s License Application:

Learner Permit Number

Enter the learner permit number

Date of Issue

Enter the date of issue

Item 1

Enter your name in the following format: Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix).

Item 2

Mark the appropriate box to determine your sex.

You may select:

  • M
  • F

Item 3

Enter your date of birth

Item 4

Enter your height in feet and inches.

Item 5

Enter the natural color of your eyes.

Item 6

Enter your mailing address, including your apartment or unit number, Street, City or Town, State, and Zip Code.

Item 7

If different from the mailing address, enter your residence address, including your apartment or unit number, Street, City or Town, State, and Zip Code.

Item 8

Mark Yes if you are a US Citizen; otherwise, mark No. If “No”, enter your Alien Registration No.

Item 9:

Mark Yes if you are a citizen of Connecticut; otherwise, mark No.

Item 10

Mark Yes if you want to be in the organ or tissue donor registry; otherwise, mark No. If marked yes, you are agreeing to be a donor, and the designation will be on your license.

Daytime Phone No.

Enter your daytime phone number.

Item 11

Enter your Social Security Number (SSN).

Item 12

List if there are any other names ever used. It may be an alias or a maiden name.

Item 13

Mark Yes if you have previously failed a driver’s license examination in Connecticut; otherwise, mark No.

If yes, specify which examination have you previously failed.

You may select:

  • Knowledge
  • Vision
  • Road Skills

Enter the location and date of the exam.

Item 14

Mark Yes if you have ever held or do you now, hold a Connecticut Learner Permit, License, or Non-Driver Identification card; otherwise, mark No. If yes, enter in what year(s) and enter Connecticut permit, license, or ID no.

Item 15

Mark Yes if you have ever held or do you now hold an operator’s license or identification card from another state; otherwise, mark No. If yes, enter the State, Driver's License, or ID no and enter the number of years you have held an operator’s license or identification card from another state.

Item 16

Mark Yes if your privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or subject to suspension in Connecticut or any other state; otherwise, mark No. If yes, indicate in what state your privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or subject to suspension.

Selective Service Consent

This states that by signing and submitting this application, you are granting consent to be registered with the Selective Service System, provided that you are at least age 16 but under age 26 and meet the criteria for registration under the Military Selective Service Act. If you are under age 18, you understand that your information will be transmitted to Selective Service, but you will not be registered until you reach the age of 18.

Medical Certification

Check the box to certify that you do not have any health or vision problems or conditions that prevent you from driving safely.

Certification by Applicant

This is to certify all the information you provided in this application. You will be subject to prosecution if there are any untrue statements in this application, with the intent to mislead the Commissioner.

Signature of Applicant

Enter your signature to certify your application.

Date Signed

Enter the date signed.

Other details on the Connecticut Driver's License Application form

Details such as payment methods, Driver’s license, and Learner’s permit fees breakdown, acceptable forms of payments, renewal details, appointment making, and other essential information is available on the Connecticut Department of Motorcycle Vehicles’ website.


Keywords: ct drivers license ct drivers license test ct drivers license renewal ct driver license connecticut driver license

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