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Fillable Form Codicil

A Codicil is a written supplement to a person's will, which must be dated, signed, and witnessed under the same legal rules applicable to the making of the original will and must make some reference to the will it amends.

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What is a Codicil?

A Codicil is a testamentary document used to make amendments or modifications to a Last Will and Testament. It serves as an addendum, allowing changes to a previously executed will by addition, substitution, and deletion of certain provisions. While a Codicil is similar to a will, it does not replace the original document.

A Codicil is useful when an individual does not want to revoke a will completely, as it reduces the amount of work required to change a legal document. It can change a single provision in the will or several conditions depending on the need. Executing a Codicil is common when the testator has decided to amend specific terms or if a beneficiary had died. Only the testator or creator of the will has the authority to make changes to his or her Last Will and Testament. Even if a person was granted power of attorney, that person still does not have the authority to make changes to the testator’s will.

Executions of Codicil should be in accordance with relevant state laws, as with a will. In most states, it must be signed and dated by the testator to make the changes valid. A notary and witnesses may be required to certify any change. Codicil laws and requirements vary by state, seeking legal advice or hiring legal counsel is important.

Some common reasons testators change their Last Wills using a Codicil include adding and removing beneficiaries, rejection of a previous executor of the will to continue serving the role, and changes in the financial circumstances and assets of the testator. The Codicil gives the testator the option to add new provisions, such as adding a new beneficiary or asset; change an existing provision, such as replacing beneficiaries; and deleting portions of or entire provisions.

How to fill out a Codicil?

Get a copy of Codicil template in PDF format.

Amending a Will using a Codicil is a common practice. While a Last Will and Testament tends to be lengthy as it details provisions thoroughly, a Codicil tends to be shorter as it only needs specific details regarding the needed changes.

A Codicil should be straightforward and without unnecessary details. Using PDFRun’s Codicil Template, you can write one in minutes. Follow the guide below to fill out the Codicil template accurately.

Name of Testator

Enter your name.

Address of Testator

Enter the city, state, and ZIP code where you live.

Date of Last Will

Enter the date when you created the Last Will you want to modify.

I. Declaration

Declaration is where you will indicate the changes that you want to execute to your Last Will and Testament.

II. Terms

Terms states that all other provisions previously specified in your Last Will and Testament shall remain in effect unless discussed in the Declaration.

Sign the document, provide your full legal name and the date the Codicil was executed.

Witnesses also need to sign the document, provide their full legal names and the date the Codicil was executed.

Testator's Signature

Enter your signature.


Enter the date when you signed your Codicil.

Print Name

Enter your name.

Witness Signature

Have two witnesses to sign your Codicil.


Enter the date your witnesses signed your Codicil.

Print Name

Enter the witnesses' names.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Codicil

Start filling out a Codicil sample and export in PDF.

Can you add a Codicil to a Will yourself?

Yes, you can add a Codicil to a Will yourself. A codicil is a document that amends or changes some part of a Last Will. You can use it to make minor corrections or amendments on your Last Will but not completely rewrite or revoke it.

If you want to add a Codicil to your Last Will, do not use any language that contradicts what your original Last Will states. If you use any language in a Codicil that contradicts what is stated in your Last Will, the court may read your Codicil invalid.

Take note that a Codicil has to be signed and dated before witnesses and a notary.

Is a Codicil to a Will legally binding?

Yes, a Codicil to a Will is legally binding. To complete a legally binding Codicil to a Will, it must bear at least two witnesses' signatures and one acknowledgment from a notary public.

Can a Codicil be revoked?

Yes, a Codicil can be revoked. In order to effectively revoke a Codicil, you must add another Codicil with language specifically stating that you are revoking or canceling the first Codicil.

Can a Codicil be revised?

Yes, a Codicil can be revised. To do so, you must complete another Codicil that contains language that states its intent to correct or revise an existing codicil.

Can a Codicil replace a Last Will?

No, a Codicil cannot replace a Last Will. Although a Codicil helps make changes or amendments to an existing Last Will, it cannot completely revoke or nullify a Last Will.

Can I add a Codicil to my Last Will without a lawyer?

Yes, you can add a Codicil to your Last Will without a lawyer. However, the addition of a Codicil is best done with the assistance of an attorney who can ensure that all necessary legal documents are properly prepared and executed. An attorney may also be able to help review the terms you wish to add or change in your Last Will.

Who can witness a Codicil?

Aside from a notary public officer, a Codicil must be witnessed by anyone age 18 or above, except the testator's beneficiary, spouse, guardian, or Last Will executor.

The witnesses must be disinterested individuals, which means that they should not benefit in any way, directly or indirectly, from the provisions of the Last Will.

Can someone other than the testator add a Codicil to his or her Last Will?

A testator who wishes to amend his or her Last Will can hire or ask an attorney or individual to assist him or her in preparing a Codicil. However, the testator must be the one to sign the Codicil. It is also important to prepare and execute the Codicil in accordance with the laws of the state where it will be filed.

In most courts or jurisdictions, a Codicil is considered an integral part of a Last Will. When it comes to its legality, the Codicil must be prepared and executed in accordance with the necessary formalities that a Last Will has to comply with. Otherwise, the testator's beneficiaries may experience problems with claiming their inheritance if there are any discrepancies in the Codicil.

Is a Codicil an extension of a Last Will?

No, a Codicil is not an extension of a Last Will.

A Last Will and a Codicil are two separate documents that work together to provide complete instructions on how a testator would like his or her estate distributed upon death.

How much does a Codicil cost?

The cost of a Codicil will vary depending on your location and local practices. Nevertheless, the general costs associated with the preparation of a Codicil include:

  • the fees of witnesses;
  • notary public fee;
  • the fee for the attorney you hired for assistance; and
  • filing fees of the Last Will, including any additional charges for amending or changing the terms of the original Last Will.

Prices for legal services also vary depending on an attorney's skill level, experience, or area of practice. Check with your attorney regarding the specific costs associated with drafting a Codicil based on your needs and requirements.

Can a Codicil be contested?

Yes, a Codicil Will can be contested. However, in order to effectively contest a Codicil Will, you must be an interested party, such as the testator's beneficiary. You must prove that the terms of the Codicil are not legal or binding with relevant evidence or facts to support your claims.

What happens after a Codicil is contested?

A court will declare a Codicil invalid if it finds that it does not meet all of the legal requirements to be considered valid, including those related to execution and witnesses. If a Codicil is declared invalid, then its terms will no longer be binding on anyone. As a result, you might not inherit any property through its terms, and the property will be divided according to the provisions of the Last Will.

The main goal of any Will contest is to invalidate the entire document, which includes the terms of the Last Will and any Codicils that were executed at the same time. If you succeed in voiding or canceling the entire document, all other wills prepared by the testator will be deemed valid.

On the other hand, if you are only contesting one or several Codicils that were drafted at separate junctures in time, a court will only invalidate those specific amendments. The rest of the Last Will and any other previously executed Codicil documents will remain intact.

If you are interested in contesting a Codicil or Last Will, you should discuss your options with an attorney specializing in probate law. A skilled attorney can guide you through all aspects of this process and help protect your legal rights.

What makes a Codicil invalid?

A Codicil will be invalid if it fails to meet any of the legal requirements for this type of document, including requirements related to execution and witnesses.

Specifically, a Codicil will be invalid if:

  • there are not at least two witnesses to the Codicil;
  • the testator did not sign it in front of the witnesses;
  • the testator and the witnesses did not sign it in front of a notary public;
  • the Codicil has a missing signature, or it is not dated; or
  • there are contradictory provisions on the Codicil.

If a Codicil is declared invalid, then any resulting changes will not be binding on anyone. It means that your estate will be distributed under the provisions of your original Last Will.

What happens if a Codicil is invalid?

If a Codicil is declared invalid, then the changes it made to your Last Will will not be binding on anyone. It means that your estate will be distributed under the provisions of your original Last Will.

In other words, you cannot use the invalid Codicil to modify or change the terms of your Last Will. You may have to prepare another Codicil that meets all of the legal formalities and requirements for a Last Will to be considered valid.

Can a beneficiary witness a Codicil to a will?

No. A beneficiary cannot witness a Codicil to a Will because he or she is listed in the document and may potentially benefit from changes made in the Codicil.

A witness must either be an adult not listed as a beneficiary in a Last Will or a licensed attorney who does not expect to receive anything under the Last Will.

Does a Codicil need to be witnessed by a solicitor?

No. A Codicil does not need to be witnessed by a solicitor in order to be valid, provided that it is properly executed and meets all other legal requirements. However, you might consider consulting with a solicitor to ensure your Codicil works as intended after it is executed.

In certain jurisdictions, it may still be customary to have a solicitor witness the Codicil in order to avoid any issues that might arise later on.

What is the difference between a Codicil and an Addendum?

Adding an Addendum serves to explain terms in the original document that are vague or unclear or to add new information that was not included in the original document.

In contrast, a Codicil amends or modifies the terms of a Last Will. It does not add new information to the original document but modifies it by changing existing terms and provisions. For example, you might use a Codicil to change an executor named in your Last Will.

Why do I need a Codicil?

A Codicil serves as an amendment or supplement to the original Last Will. It allows you to make changes without executing an entirely new Last Will. It is similar to revising your original Last Will through conventional means; however, this process is faster and less expensive than executing an entirely new Last Will.

What are the advantages of a Codicil?

Among other things, a Codicil allows you to make changes to your Last Will without executing an entirely new document. This process is faster and less expensive than revising or amending an entire Last Will, not to mention less complicated because it only requires changing certain provisions rather than creating an entirely new document.

What is the difference between a Codicil and an Affidavit?

A Codicil is an amendment or supplement to a Last Will that provides for changes in existing terms, conditions, beneficiaries, and other provisions within the original document itself. An Affidavit is a court-administered oath that testifies to the authenticity of a will.

What is the difference between a Codicil and a Revocation?

A Codicil amends an existing Last Will while a Revocation cancels a Last Will and replaces it with another one.

Since a Codicil modifies or amends an existing Last Will, it cannot be used to revoke the original document and substitute a new one. Consequently, if you want to revoke your original Last Will and create a new one instead, you will need to execute a Revocation. An original Last Will that has been revoked cannot be reinstated but can be replaced with a new Last Will under certain conditions.

What are the reasons to contest a Codicil?

Here are valid reasons to contest a Codicil.

  • The testator was not competent to prepare or execute a Codicil. There are several reasons why or why not someone is competent to make a will. One of these reasons is mental illness. Mental illness may include conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's, or schizophrenia, which could affect the ability of an individual to prepare and execute legal documents. If a mentally ill testator executes a Codicil without the assistance of an attorney, it will most likely be contested.
  • The Codicil was not properly executed. Similar to a Last Will, the execution of a Codicil requires that it must be written, dated, and signed in front of at least two witnesses. If there are any discrepancies in executing the Codicil, a court may deem it void or invalid.
  • There is a conflict of interest between the Codicil Will and the testator's original Last Will or other Codicils. A conflict of interest occurs when someone who prepares an estate planning document for a client uses the information from that document to benefit themselves.
  • The Codicil is unfair or unnatural. Similar to a Last Will, individuals have the right to dispose of the property as they see fit through their estate planning documents. Any signs that the Codicil was prepared under duress or coercion may subject it to legal challenge.
  • The terms of the Codicil were the result of fraud and misrepresentation or coercion. A testator must be free from fraud and misrepresentation when making a Codicil. For example, if the testator was tricked or misled into signing an agreement that he or she did not understand, a court may find there to be fraud, which could lead to the Codicil being deemed invalid.

How do I change or add provisions to my Last Will?

There are two ways to modify your Last Will.

The first option involves preparing a Codicil to the original Last Will that lists all changes or additions. You and your two witnesses must sign, date, and acknowledge your execution of the Codicil before a notary public. Your Last Will should indicate that it has been amended by one or more Codicils so that people will not be confused as to which parts are current or outdated.

The second option involves preparing an entirely new Last Will and Testament. It has the advantage of starting from scratch, which can be simpler than amending provisions in an existing document. However, this new Last Will will revoke your existing Last Will. It may not be desirable for those who wish to provide for their beneficiaries in a certain way even though they made changes to these previously stated wishes through a Codicil.

Why should I name my executor in my Last Will?

Choosing an executor or someone to carry out your wishes is one of the most important parts of your estate planning. The executor is responsible for taking care of all legal and financial obligations when you die.

Your Last Will should name an alternate or successor executor in case your first choice cannot carry out his or her duties. Most states require the first and second choices to be different people. If you do not name a replacement for your first choice, the court will appoint someone to serve as executor.

Can I use a Codicil to change my Last Will executor?

Yes, you may use a Codicil to change the executor you listed on your Last Will.

It is best to choose someone who has your best interests at heart. You should pick an individual who understands your concerns, has the time to serve as an executor, and will carry out his or her duties faithfully. Someone with a high moral code is also preferable.

Although it is not required, you may hire an attorney as an executor. Doing so may benefit you as your attorney-executor will know precisely what to do upon your death, given that he or she has enough experience in trust or probate law.

Does a Codicil need to be notarized?

Yes, a Codicil must be signed in front of at least two witnesses and acknowledged by a notary public.

A notary public ensures that you, as a testator, are mentally competent and understand what you are signing. It also helps ensure the authenticity of the Codicil and protects against fraud and coercion.

A notary public is a disinterested third party who acts as a witness when you sign important documents.

What is an executor?

An executor is someone you name in your Last Will to carry out your wishes after you pass away. After you die, the executor will give your Last Will to a court and ensure that all of its terms are carried out.

What is a Last Will?

A Last Will is a written legal document that you sign and date to tell how you want your property distributed upon your death. It also names someone to carry out your wishes.

What happens if I die without a Last Will?

If you die without a Last Will, it will be up to a court to decide how your property will be distributed. Generally speaking, your spouse or children will receive all of your property in equal shares. Your estate might also end up paying a lot of money to the courts, and your loved ones will have to wait for the legal process to be completed before they can inherit your property.

How many signatures must a Codicil have?

A Codicil must have three signatures to be valid. These signatures belong to the testator and the two witnesses.

Can I have multiple Codicils?

Yes, you can have multiple Codicils. There is no limit to the number of Codicils you can have, but each must be properly notarized.

Should I add a Codicil or make a new Last Will?

Your decision to either create a new Last Will or add a Codicil will depend on your reasons for making changes. If you only need to make small changes, such as an increase in the amount of money you want your beneficiary to receive, it may be easier and less costly for you to simply update your Last Will with a Codicil rather than drafting a new one.

If there are a lot of changes to your estate or you need to make an entirely new distribution scheme, it is probably better for you to draft a completely new Last Will.

What effect does divorce have on my Last Will?

A divorce will not invalidate or change any terms in your Last Will unless it states that it revokes any previous wills you have made. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to review your Last Will anytime there is a major change in your life, such as the birth of a new child or the death of one of your beneficiaries. If you have remarried since making your Last Will and had children with your new spouse, you should also review your Last Will to make sure that it reflects your current family situation.

How long does a Codicil last?

A Codicil will remain effective until it is revoked or replaced with another Codicil.

What law will govern my Last Will or Codicil?

The law of the state where you last lived will govern your Last Will and Codicil. If you have moved since making your Last Will, it is important to update it with your new address so that a court will have proper jurisdiction over your property when it is time for your estate to be settled.

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