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Fillable Form Child Travel Consent

A Child Travel Consent Form is a legal document that allows a minor child to travel without both parents or legal guardians present.

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What is a Child Travel Consent Form?

A Child Travel Consent Form is a document used to confirm that a minor has permission from their parent or legal guardian for domestic or international travel. It is necessary when a child is traveling alone, with only one parent, or with an authorized adult, as it notifies relevant individuals that he or she has permission to travel across state lines or across country borders without his or her parents.

A minor is an individual who has not yet reached the legal age. In most jurisdictions, once an individual reaches the age of 18, he or she is now legally an adult. In some jurisdictions, the legal age is 19 or 21.

While a child travel consent form is not mandatory according to U.S. laws, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), immigration officers, or law enforcement personnel may detain a minor if authorities suspect an abduction or kidnapping. Letting a minor carry a child travel consent document prevents any issues. Hence, it is recommended that all minors under the age of eighteen years old carry a travel consent document. A child needs to be at least five years old to travel without a parent or guardian and the flight should be direct and without connections. A child eight years old and older may travel with connections. Airline personnel will escort the minor to the gate.

Also called as Affidavit of Consent for Children Traveling Abroad, Letter for Children Traveling Abroad, Minor Travel Consent Form, Travel Permission Letter, the sole purpose of a child travel consent document is to inform authorities that a child has permission to travel alone. It should be used if a minor is visiting parents who are separated, traveling alone because one parent has passed away, or traveling with one parent who has sole custody. It may also be used if a guardian or both parents allow a minor to go on a vacation with family friends, attend a school trip, travel abroad to study for a temporary period of time, or travel with relatives.

How to fill out a Child Travel Consent Form?

A child travel consent document is a one-page document that contains an authorization statement, and personal information of the child and parents or guardians. Using PDFRun’s child travel consent form, you can write one in minutes. Follow the guide below to fill out the form accurately.

The first paragraph of a child travel consent document is the authorization statement. Provide the name of the parent or guardian, name of the minor, destination, date of travel, details if traveling alone or with a company, the purpose of travel, and the effective date of consent.


Full Legal Name

Enter the full legal name of the minor who is traveling.

Date of Birth

Enter the child's date of birth.

Place of Birth

Enter the child's place of birth.


Enter the gender of the child.

Passport Number

Enter the passport number of the child.

Date of Issuance of Passport

Enter the date when the passport was issued.

Expiration Date of Passport

Enter the date when the passport will expire.

Country of Passport Issuance

Enter the country where the passport was issued.

Other Relevant Information

Enter any relevant information.

Parent or Guardian

Full Legal Name

Enter the full legal name of the minor's parent or legal guardian.


Enter the full address of the minor's parent or legal guardian.

Telephone Number

Enter the telephone number of the minor's parent or legal guardian.

Work Place

Enter the place where the minor's parent or legal guardian works.

Mobile Number

Enter the mobile number of the minor's parent or legal guardian.


Enter the email address of the minor's parent or legal guardian.

Additional Contact Information

Enter any additional contact information where the minor's parent or legal guardian may be reached.

One parent’s information is sufficient, but it is preferred to have the consent of both parents before allowing a minor to travel.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Child Travel Consent Form

Does a child travel consent form need to be notarized?

Yes, a notarized minor travel consent document will be required for children who travel without one or both of their parents or legal guardians. It is a requirement to ensure that all minors traveling are authorized to do so by their parents or legal guardians.

How do I write a letter of permission for my child to travel?

To write a travel consent letter for a minor, you need to cover a few things. First, you need to tell your child's travel companion who will be responsible for the child while he is away. Second, you must describe what activities are approved and which are not approved for this child while on vacation. Third, you must clearly communicate how long the travel consent letter is valid. If you want to use a consent letter, but your child is not going on vacation this year, you can also write an annual travel consent letter.

Explain in the travel consent letter who will be responsible for your child during the trip. If it is just a couple of relatives traveling together and they know each other well, you can include the names of both adults in the letter. However, if your child's travel companion is a friend or someone they just met, it is important to emphasize that this person will be responsible for them and that you trust them with your child's safety. You may also want to describe any past experience either adult has with children.

Be as specific as possible about the activities that are allowed and those that are not allowed during this child's time on vacation. You do not need to say what type of activities he should participate in, but you do need to explain what types of activities are absolutely out of the question. For example, if your child is going on a plane and the plane travels over large bodies of water, you may want to include a clear statement that your child cannot go swimming or take any kind of water activity.

If you are using a travel consent letter, you should state how long it is valid so there are no misunderstandings about the length of this trip or any future trips. You can either say that the agreement is only valid for this vacation or that it remains in effect until your child turns 18 years old. If you want to use a consent letter for multiple years, you can state that it remains in effect until your child turns 18 or graduates from high school.

You may want to print one travel consent letter for each year of your child's life as a way to keep track of who is responsible for him during his vacations. This makes it easier for you to keep track of who can pick your child up from school or camp when you are not there. If it has been a long time since the last trip, you may also want to update this letter with more details about past vacation experiences or new information about people your child is traveling with.

Can I travel with my child without the father’s consent?

You can travel with your child without the father's consent if you are the child's sole legal parent. However, if you are married, the father of your child must consent to a passport for a minor.

The father is presumed to be the legal parent of any child born during a marriage, and both parents have an equal say in custody decisions. But if you give birth outside of marriage, your child does not legally have a father per see which, means that he or she may be subject to certain restrictions on who can sign a passport application. If you are not married, the father's rights and responsibilities towards the child depend on whether he has been established as the legal parent or presumed under state law. Even if no court has finalized his parental rights, he is still entitled to notice from whoever is applying for a passport for the child.

The Federal Child Support Enforcement Act requires that both parents be named on a child's passport application if either parent has full custody of the minor, or if both parents sign the application. This means that it is possible for you to apply for a passport without your child's father's consent. However, under federal law, children born to married parents can only get a passport if their father consents.

The laws regarding the issuance of passports to children in nonmarital relationships are different for each state, so it is best to contact your local passport acceptance facility.

What do you need to fly with a child that is not yours?

To fly with a child that is not yours, you need to get the written consent of the parents. A passenger with a child who is not his or hers should bring along this document or any legal documents that certify guardianship or care rights.

Does a 17-year-old need parental permission to travel?

In general, traveling consent for those who are 16 or 17 years old is not required. However, it is best to contact the airline the minor is flying with to confirm the documents required to travel.

Can a child travel with only one parent?

A child can travel with only one parent given that the travel is a direct flight and the departure city is in the U.S., she or he does not need a visa but must have either an original or copy of the child's birth certificate as well as a valid photo ID for both parents. Nevertheless, it is best to keep a child travel consent form signed by both parents to avoid any possible complications at airport security.

Can my minor child travel internationally without parents?

Yes, your minor child can travel internationally without you or your spouse, but if the minor is under 18 years old, he or she should have a minor travel consent form signed by both of his or her parents before departure.

Can my ex-spouse take our child out of the country?

Your ex-spouse can only take your child out of the country if he or she has sole custody or you have shared custody and you allowed him or her by signing a travel consent document. This way, your child will be allowed to leave without any problems.

If you are concerned about your ex-spouse taking your child out of the country, and you think they might try to take your child out of the country without your permission, then there are a few things that you should do in order to prevent this from happening. The first thing is that if you have both been awarded joint custody of your child, and you believe they might try to take the child out of the country without your permission, then you should immediately seek a court order that prohibits the child from leaving the country. Once you have a court order prohibiting your child from leaving the country, then you need to make sure that if either one of you plans on taking a trip out of the country, that you both go to the airport together, and leave at exactly the same time so there is no chance that your child might be left in another country with just one parent. One way that this could happen is if neither of you show up to take a trip that both of you agreed to take together.

Another way that this could happen is if your ex-spouse gets on the airplane with your child, and you get on at another time. Even if you go to the airport together, there are some cases where an airline will not allow them to board a flight because they do not want to be held liable if something happens while the child is with one parent and not the other. To prevent this from happening you should provide the airline with a letter that has been notarized stating that both parents have agreed to allow your child to travel and that neither parent will attempt to take the child out of the country without the other parent's permission.

What happens if I take my child abroad without the father’s consent?

You can take your child abroad without the father's consent if and only if he is not on the birth certificate. Even in these circumstances, if the father wants to go to court and file a petition to stop you from taking your child abroad, he might be successful. You should also understand that when you return home with your child after traveling abroad without his consent, this is considered kidnapping of your own child, which is punishable by a long-term prison sentence in most countries.

If you and your ex-husband don't live in the same state, and/or if he is not on the birth certificate, it is possible to take your child abroad without his consent. However, that does not mean that the court will give the father custody over your child just because you were able to take her abroad without his consent.

The best advice for traveling with children without another parent's consent is to consult an attorney first.

Can a child travel with a relative?

A child can travel with a relative if he is under 18 years old if his or her parents signed a travel consent document that specifies the purpose and place of travel and the date and time to return. Children or teens under 18 years old must travel with a responsible adult who has signed a travel consent form. The parent who signs this form is not required by law to be present. The other parent cannot sign this form unless:

  • They have full custody (rights) of the child and there exists a court order that authorizes them to do so.
  • They have filed for custody rights and they are waiting for a response from the parent with full custody.

It is important to note that even though this form may be signed by one or both parents, it does not replace an authorization letter signed by both parents.

What is travel permission?

Travel permission is a document used to regulate the travel of a citizen inside and outside the country. While citizens and permanent residents fulfill the obligation to carry identification cards, foreigners may be asked by police officers to present their passports and visas as well as entry permission or residence card. In addition, travel permission is required for minors.

In order to benefit from a travel permit, certain situations must be verified: age, nationality, and the reason for the trip have to be taken into account. A stay abroad should not exceed 90 days. Furthermore, there are some limitations depending on age where children under 18 years should always be accompanied by an adult.

What should a minor travel consent form include?

A minor travel consent form should include, at least, the following:

  • The minor’s parent or legal guardian's name and address;
  • A statement that the person signing understands that false statements made herein are punishable as a crime — it should also include that knowingly selling a minor into sexual slavery is punishable as a crime;
  • Depictions in the minor's passport;
  • A statement that, in consideration for permitting travel by the minor under the age of 16 or 18, the person signing does hereby consent and agree to the following:
    • That neither parent nor guardian is traveling with the minor;
    • That if no notarized statement giving permission to take the minor across state lines is presented, that the other parent or legal guardian must meet the minor at his destination;
    • That if no notarized statement giving permission to take the minor out of state is presented, that the person has notified and provided a copy of this consent form to — names of parent or guardian, whose consent is required to take the child out of state;
    • That if no notarized statement giving permission to travel outside the United States is presented, that the person has notified and provided a copy of this consent form to — names of parent or guardian, whose consent is required to take the child outside of the United States;
    • That the person is responsible for obtaining a necessary passport, visas, or other documents required by law to take the minor across state lines, out of state or out of the United States;
    • That the person is responsible for obtaining all medical records and certificates of vaccination required by law to take the child across state lines, out of state or out of the United States;
    • That the person will accompany and supervise the minor;
    • That neither parent nor guardian is liable for any expense or debt incurred by reason of the minor traveling with the person — it should be noted that if a parent has custody, then that parent is liable for the expense or debt incurred by reason of the minor traveling with said parent;
    • That I have notified and provided a copy of this consent form to — names of other parents or guardians.
  • The name and address of the person accompanying the child;
  • A statement that, in consideration for permitting travel by the child under 16 or 18, the signer does hereby release and forever discharge:
    • The minor's other parent and any other person having legal custody of the minor; and
    • The persons signing this form, their agents, servants, employees, or assigns from all liability to the minor — it should be noted that if a parent has custody, then that parent is liable for damages or expense to the child incurred by reason of said travel.

What letter do I need to travel?

if you are a minor, you need a travel consent document signed by your parents or legal guardian to travel. The consent document will state that you are allowed to travel alone, with other minors, or an adult. If you are 16 years of age or older, you do not need a consent document; however, if you are 16 years of age or older, you do need to provide valid documentation of your identity.

Do I need a consent letter to travel with my child?

You need a consent letter to travel with your child. While that may seem unnecessary since you are the parent or legal guardian of your child, it is a legal requirement. Airlines are allowed to deny boarding if you do not have a consent letter.

Do I need parental consent to travel within the US?

A consent to travel document is not necessarily required when traveling within the United States. However, if you are a minor, you may not be allowed to travel without one. Thus, it is extremely important to find out beforehand if you can travel without written parental consent. The best way to go about traveling as a minor is to always carry a minor travel consent document signed by your parents or legal guardian.

Can my husband take my kids out of the country without my permission?

Your husband will only be able to take your kids out of the country if you have provided your written and signed travel permission. If he took your kids out of the country without taking your written and signed travel permission, then it's illegal. The fact that he did not get your written and signed consent means that he committed a criminal offense.

If you are the legal guardian of your own kids, then it is illegal for someone else to take your children out of the country without you giving them written and signed travel permission. If he did not get your written and signed consent before taking your kids out of the country, then he committed an offense.

What is the difference between a travel letter and a minor travel consent letter?

A travel letter and a minor travel consent document are two documents that you must apply for if you are a minor and wish to travel alone or with someone who is not your legal guardian.

A travel letter is only required for minors traveling unaccompanied — i.e. the minor is flying alone without parents or guardians at any age, even as a baby. This document states that the non-accompanying parent or legal guardian authorizes the child's travel and is signed by both parents or the parent who has custody. This letter must be submitted in block letters on company letterhead, stamped with an official company seal if applicable, signed, dated, and checked for errors. The minor, who is not having his or her documents completed by a designated person, must sign this letter.

Note: A parent or legal guardian who has not signed the consent form, commonly used for other travel documents such as passports, will legally have no authority over your child when he or she travels alone, even if the minor carries a copy of the unsigned parental or guardian consent form with him or her.

Travel consent is not required for minors traveling on their own. It must be signed by both parents or the parent who has custody. If one parent has full custody, this will require an official court document proving full custody of the child to be carried with him or her when flying alone. The consent form is only valid if it is signed and dated by both parents or guardians.

Note: If only one parent's name appears on the child's birth certificate, that parent must sign and date the consent form, whether or not he or she has custody. If a court order prohibits contact between the other parent and the child, this also requires an official statement from a judge specifying this information.


Keywords: child travel consent child travel consent form child travel consent letter travel consent for child child travel consent form pdf

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