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Fillable Form CBP 7523

CBP 7523 is used for the purpose of bringing in merchandise to the United States without paying the required customs fees. This form is not eligible on every imported goods. Goods should not exceed $2,500 in value.

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What is Form CBP 7523?

Form CBP 7523, Entry and Manifest of Merchandise Free of Duty, Carrier’s Certificate and Release, is a form by the United States Customs and Border Protection and a Shipment Type so that the goods are cleared through the CBP.

The 7523 CBP Form is also used to import merchandise to the United States. It is also an Informal Type of Entry allowing for the release of merchandise at the border of shipments with unconditional or conditional duty-free. Importers filing this form must consist of merchandise or goods that do not exceed $2500 in value, as required by the Department of Homeland Security.

Other qualifications for a free of duty shipment are that the goods must not be subject to any quota or internal revenue tax or if they are conditionally duty-free, they must comply with all the conditions at the time of the entry at the border.

Form CBP 7523 identifies the importer who claims free entry for the articles described. Carriers also use this form to present to the CBP that the articles, merchandise, or goods imported need to be released to the consignee or importer. It is also used as an inward foreign manifest for vessels or vehicles with less than five net tons arriving in the United States from Mexico or Canada with conditionally duty-free merchandise.

CBP Form 7533, Inward Cargo Manifest for Vessel Under Five Tons, Ferry, Train, Car, Vehicle, etc., is also a form related to the 7523 CBP form. It is used to provide more information about the cargo for the CBP official’s use. It also serves as a legal instrument describing the physical aspects of the cargo and determines the ownership of documents. Along with the 7523 Form CBP, CBP Form 7533 is used to authorize the entry of merchandise or goods.

Before filing the 7523 CBP Form, ask a customs officer to determine which customs form is appropriate for your transaction, transport, and merchandise.

You may download a PDF copy of CBP Form 7523 from the CBP website. However, you may also electronically fill it out on PDFRun for your convenience.

How to fill out Form CBP 7523?

Get a copy of CBP 7523 template in PDF format.

Form CBP 7523 has two parts, namely:

  • The description of the merchandise arriving at the port or station; and
  • Carrier’s Certificate and Release Order.

The first part must be filled out by the importer, and the second part by the carrier. In this case, the carrier must coordinate with the importer to determine if the shipment type is free of duty.

The 7523 Form CBP requires you to enter all merchandise and goods you have, so have a manifest available. Make sure that everything you entered in this form must be true, accurate, and correct.

1 - No.

Enter the number.

The 7523 CBP Form states that the undersigned, as the importer of merchandise described in this form, which arrived at the port or station identified, hereby claims the free entry therefore under the provisions of the applicable law indicated.

2 - Port Code

Enter the port code.

3 - Date

Enter the date.

4 - Vessel or other conveyance

Enter the vessel or other conveyance.

5 - Arrival Date

Enter the arrival date of your merchandise.

6 - Country of Exportation

Enter the country the goods were exported.

Items 7 to 10 require you to enter the information of each merchandise you have.

7 - Marks and Numbers

Enter any marks and numbers on the merchandise.

8 - Description and Quantity of Merchandise

Enter the description and quantity of each merchandise.

9 - Value

Enter the value of each merchandise.

10 - HTSUS Heading No. or P.L. No.

Enter the Harmonized Tariff of the United States (HTSUS) heading number or the P.L. Number.

The HTSUS is a 10-digit code for the import classification system exclusive to the United States. These codes are administered by the United States International Trade Commission. Every importer to the US must have this code because all duties are based on this classification.

11 - Importer of Record (Name and Address)

Enter the full name and the complete address of the importer of record.

12 - Agent’s Signature

Have the agent affix their signature here.

13 - Inspected and Passed Free of Duty By:

Enter the full name of the person who inspected and passed the free of duty.

14 - Owner, Purchaser, or Consignee (if different from importer of record)

Enter the full name of the owner, purchaser, or consignee if it is different from the importer of record.

15 - Signature (Inspector)

Have the inspector affix their signature here.

16 - Date

Enter the date this form was signed.

Carrier’s Certificate and Release Order

This section states that the undersigned carrier certifies that the person or firm named in this form as the importer is the owner, purchaser, or consignee of such articles within the purview of Section 484(h) of the Tariff Act of 1930. It also states that authority is given to release the articles to the consignee mentioned above, following the provisions of section 484(J) of the Tariff Act of 1930.

17 - Carrier

Enter the name of the carrier.

18 - Agent’s Signature

Affix the signature of the agent of the carrier.

Start filling out a CBP 7523 sample and export in PDF.

How to file CBP 7523?

According to Section 122.92 Title 19 of the Code of Federal Relations, customs-approved forms like CBP Form 7523 must be filed in three copies with the Customs at the port of origin for merchandise for immediate transportation without appraisement. However, four copies are required to be filed with Customs if the merchandise for transportation and exportation is entered. Each copy of CBP Form 7523 shall be signed by the carrier or its authorized agent.

Private parties can also print Form CBP 7523 if the printed version conforms to the official version in terms of wording arrangement, color, size, and quality of the paper. All copies can be prepared simultaneously by carbon process except if more than one vehicle or vessel is used. Prepare separate manifests for each vehicle or vessel.

Create a CBP 7523 document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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