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Fillable Form CBP 6059B (2017)

Form 6059B Customs Declaration in English and Fillable. This form can be now be filled out prior to or during your travel and be filled out by typing (instead of hand written) and then printed and taken with you as your official Customs Declaration.

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What is CBP Form 6059B?

Whether you are a visitor to the United States or a U.S. citizen arriving in the United States, you must complete one or more entry forms. You must complete the CBP Declaration Form 6059B. There are instances where you must also complete a separate Declaration of Unaccompanied Articles form (CBP Form 255) for each package or container that will be sent to you after you arrive in the United States. This form may be available where you make your purchase. If not, you may find the form on the CBP website.

CBP Declaration Form 6059B provides the U.S. Customs and Border Protection with basic information about who you are and what you are bringing into the United States, such as agricultural and wildlife products and whether or not you have visited a farm prior to traveling to the United States. If you are traveling with other immediate family members, then you can complete one form for your entire family.

You have several entry options once you return from your trip. All travelers must complete a CBP Declaration Form 6059B itemizing all purchased merchandise and agricultural products.

Here are your options:

1. Complete a paper form that may be obtained at the port of entry or on the flight or cruise.

2. Complete the online form at a Global Entry kiosk. (Only pre-approved Global Entry members are allowed to use these kiosks.)

3. Complete the online form at an Automated Passport Control kiosk.

To avoid delay and further conflict be mindful of what are the most common items that are listed as prohibited on customs forms. This includes:

  • Fruits, cheese, vegetables, plants, seeds, and meats
  • Pre-Colombian sculptures or murals from Central or South American countries
  • Handicrafts and plant-derived products
  • Medication without prescription
  • Controlled substances that are not legally prescribed in the United States
  • Counterfeit items like faux luxury bags

How to fill out CBP Form 6059B?

Form 6059B Customs Declaration is available in English. This form can now be filled out prior to or during your travel and be filled out by typing (instead of handwritten) and then printed and taken with you as your official Customs Declaration.

1. Family Name:

  • Enter your Surname / Family name / Last name as in Passport and Visa

First (Given) name:

  • Enter Your first name or given name as in visa and passport.

2. Birth Date:

  • Enter Your date of birth

3. Number of Family Members Traveling with you:

  • You need to mention how many family members are with you. If there’s none, put zero. If with a spouse, say one. If with kids, add their number and put in total count.

4. U.S. Street Address (Hotel/ destination):

  • You need to provide the U.S. address where you will stay at.
  • Enter your U.S. street address or the hotel name and destination. It could be the place of your relatives in the U.S.

City and State: City and state tied to your address, where you will stay in the U.S.

5. Passport Issued by:

  • Enter your country of citizenship, where your passport was issued.

6. Passport Number:

  • Enter your passport number.

7. Country of Residence:

  • Enter the country where you currently live in.

8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. Arrival.:

  • If you had a layover or had to catch connecting flights in a different country from where you initially departed during your trip as part of transit or your overall trip, you should state what those countries are.

9. Airline / Flight No. or Vessel Name:

  • Enter the flight name, number, or sea vessel name.

10. The Primary purpose of this trip is business:

  • If you are entering the U.S. on a Business visa like B1 for conference, meeting customers, and other business-related matters, then you should select Yes.
  • If your purpose is tourism or others, then put a mark for No.

11. I/ We are bringing:

  • You will need to read and declare what all you are bringing to the U.S.
  • If you are bringing fruits, vegetables, or soil, etc. you should put a mark on Yes.

12. I have been in close proximity of livestock:

  • If you are from a farm and were in contact with livestock like cattle, poultry, etc. then you should indicate Yes here.
  • If not, select No.

13. Carrying currency or monetary instruments:

  • If you are carrying over 10,000 USD, you need to check Yes, if not No.

14. Commercial Merchandise:

  • If you are bringing anything for sale like samples or goods that are not considered as personal effects, you need to declare it and mark Yes.

15. Declaration of Value of Goods:

  • You need to declare the total value of all goods.
  • For residents coming back, this includes commercial merchandise I/we have purchased or acquired abroad, including gifts for someone else, but not items mailed to the U.S.
  • For visitors, this includes the total value of all articles that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise.

Lastly, sign and date the form.

Do note that at the back of the form description of the articles could be written there. This is for the additional details for number 15 question on the value. You need to indicate the approximate value of the goods, if you are not sure of the exact value.

Where to file CBP Form 6059B?

The CBP Form 6059B would most likely be given in flight. Once you have landed, make sure you fill it out and present the form to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer or officials. Custom officials may or may not inspect your luggage. If they do check your bags and find restricted items, you may be asked to pay duty and/or fines. This is why it is critical to declare items as asked and required. Officers have the legal authority to search you, your baggage, or your vehicle. If asked to, place your opened baggage on the exam station. After the exam, you will be asked to repack and close your baggage.


Keywords: CBP Form 6059B customs and border protection customs and border protection cbp us customs and border protection u. s. customs and border protection

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