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Fillable Form California Sublease Agreement

California Sublease Agreement is a document between a tenant and a subtenant whom agrees to rent the same property. The term of a sublease cannot go beyond the end date of the original lease. A tenant is required to obtain consent from the landlord if subletting is prohibited.

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What is the California Sublease Agreement?

The California Sublease Agreement is a legal document that allows a tenant (hereafter called the Sublessor) to transfer ownership of their lease to another party (hereafter called the Subtenant).

With the landlord’s consent, a tenant may appoint a subtenant to take over the lease of the same property through the use of a Sublease Agreement. However, such an agreement may not exceed the duration of the tenant’s own lease of the premises, and the agreement itself will not be considered valid unless and until the landlord provides their explicit consent that the agreement be made.

How to fill out the California Sublease Agreement?

The California Sublease Agreement Template is a very short and easy form to fill out. Make sure to download the form in PDF before printing it to ensure that all information entered and the format of the form will remain intact even after being printed or otherwise submitted to the relevant person or entity.

Due to the nature of the form as a legal agreement, make sure that all parties understand and agree to all the terms outlined below.


Enter the name of the Sublessor.


Enter the name of the Subtenant.


Enter the location (address information) of the premises being leased.


Enter the term (duration) of the sublease. Note that this term cannot exceed the duration of the primary lease agreement. Then enter the beginning and ending dates of the sublease.

Rent Payments

Enter the amount that must be paid as rent per month. Then enter the day of the month on which the rent may be considered to have been paid in advance, and to whom the rent should be made payable and where.

Agreement Termination

Enter the date when the sublease agreement will be terminated.


This section declares that all utilities connected with the premises that the sublessor will pay for under the primary or master lease will be paid by the subtenant for the duration of this sublease.

Property Condition

This section declares that the sublessor promises to, upon the termination of the sublease and leaving the premises, surrender and deliver the premises as well as any and all furniture and decorations to their successor in the same condition they were at the beginning of the term with the exception of reasonable wear and tear. As well, the subtenant will be considered liable for any damages to the premises or the furniture and contents as a result of the actions of the subtenant or their guests.


Enter the amount that the subtenant agrees to pay the successor as a deposit in order to cover any damages beyond normal wear and tear, unpaid rent, and utilities.

Then enter the amount that the sublessor agrees to refund should the premises be returned to them in the same condition as when the subtenant received them (aside from reasonable wear and tear) and without any unpaid rent or utility bills due.

Inventory Form

This section declares that the sublessor must provide the subtenant with an inventory form within three days of taking possession of the premises.

Original Lease

This section declares that the sublease agreement will incorporate and be subject to the original lease agreement between the sublessor and their lessor. Attach a copy of that lease agreement to this form.

Other Terms and Conditions

Enter any other terms and conditions to be attached to this agreement here. You may use an extra sheet of paper as necessary should there be more terms that need to be declared.

Sole Agreement

This section declares that both parties agree that this document contains the entire agreement between both parties, and will not be modified, changed, altered, or amended in any way besides a written amendment signed by all parties involved.

Governing Law

This section declares that this agreement is governed by and under the laws of the state of California.


This section declares that the words “sublessor” and “subtenant” as used in this form will include both the plural and the singular definitions of both words, and that all pronouns used in the form will include, where appropriate, either gender or both, singular and plural.

Parental/Guardian Guarantee

If the tenant is under 18 years of age, this section declares that their legal guardian or parent guarantees and agrees to perform all of the terms, covenants, and obligations of this agreement by affixing their signature.

Acknowledgement of Copy Received

This section declares that each party that signs this sublease acknowledges that they have or will receive a copy of this document.

Landlord Approval

This section declares that this sublease will not be considered valid unless and until the landlord approves of it.

Binding Agreement

Enter the date when the parties committed to binding themselves to this agreement by signing the form.



Have each sublessor write their name and sign the form in the spaces provided. You may use an extra sheet of paper as necessary.


Have each subtenant write their name and sign the form in the spaces provided. You may use an extra sheet of paper as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About the California Sublease Agreement

What are some tips when filling out the California Sublease Agreement?

The California Sublease Agreement PDF is a very simple and short form to fill out. However, as it is a legal agreement, it is vital to review all parts of the agreement and not just the ones with spaces that require information to be entered.

Review the terms of the agreement. Make sure that you have read and understood all parts of the California Sublease Agreement Form before signing it.

Consider getting legal advice. While it is not required to have a lawyer or attorney read the agreement in order to properly sign one, the importance of reading and understanding each part of the agreement and ensuring that each part of it is acceptable means that having a legal expert to consult regarding the terms in the agreement is a great benefit.

Notarization. As with legal advice, having the Sublease Agreement in California notarized is not required as part of filling out and signing the agreement, but you may wish to pursue it anyway. In this case to prevent fraud on either side and to assure both parties that the other is aware of the terms and is signing the agreement of their own will.

Practice good contract management. Keep a copy of the CA Sublease Agreement in a safe and organized space. This will be useful in case you wish to review or renegotiate the terms at some point in the future. Some legal procedures may also require that either or both the owner and the resident produce copies of the sublease agreement.

Who needs to use the California Sublease Agreement?

Any tenant who wishes to allow any other party to reside in premises they have leased in the state of California must file the California Sublease Agreement form in order to properly certify the agreement. Filing the form requires the consent and agreement of the landlord, however. If the landlord denies permission to sublease, the tenant is not allowed to go ahead with the process.

The form itself should be completed by both parties-the original tenant as well as any potential subtenants. This way, all individuals involved will have a clear understanding of what terms have been agreed upon and can sign off on them. This document can help prevent any miscommunication or misunderstandings down the line.

By having everyone sign the form, it will be binding and legally enforceable in the event that there is a dispute. Therefore, it is important that all parties take the time to read and understand the agreement before signing.

If you are a landlord, you may want to use this form if you have a tenant who has asked for permission to sublease. By having the tenant fill out the form and getting it signed by both parties, you can be sure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. This can help prevent any legal issues down the road.

Is subleasing legal in California?

Yes, subleasing is legal in California. However, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Your lease agreement may have specific rules or restrictions on subleasing. Be sure to check your lease agreement before subleasing your apartment or home.
  • You will likely need to get permission from your landlord before subleasing.
  • You will be responsible for finding a qualified tenant and making sure they adhere to the terms of the lease agreement.
  • You will remain liable for rent and any damage caused by the subtenant. Be sure to screen potential subtenants carefully and require a security deposit.

Subleasing can be a great way to save money on rent, but it's important to understand the risks and responsibilities involved. Be sure to check your lease agreement and get permission from your landlord before subleasing your apartment or home.

How does subleasing work in California?

Subleasing in California generally follows the same rules as subleasing in other states. The tenant must get permission from the landlord to sublease, and must follow all of the terms laid out in the lease agreement. The tenant is also responsible for finding a qualified subtenant and making sure that they follow all of the rules and regulations set forth by the landlord.

To sublease your rental unit in California, start by reading your lease agreement to see if subleasing is allowed. If it is, then you'll need to get permission from your landlord in writing before proceeding. Next, find a qualified subtenant who is willing to sign a sublease agreement. Be sure to go over the terms of the agreement with them so that they understand their responsibilities. Finally, provide your landlord with a copy of the signed sublease agreement for their records.

The process for subleasing in California is similar to the process in other states. The tenant must get permission from the landlord, find a qualified subtenant, and make sure that they follow all of the rules and regulations set forth by the landlord. If you're thinking about subleasing your rental unit, be sure to read your lease agreement carefully and talk to your landlord to get their permission first.

Can my roommate sublet without my consent in California?

This is a complicated question and the answer may vary depending on the situation. Generally speaking, however, your roommate cannot sublet without your consent if you are both listed on the lease agreement.

When it comes to subletting, it is important to first check your lease agreement. Many leases will have a clause that specifically states whether or not subletting is allowed. If there is no such clause, then you should assume that subletting is not allowed.

Even if your lease does allow for subletting, however, you may still need to provide your consent before your roommate can go ahead and sublet the property. This is especially likely if you are both listed on the lease agreement.

If you do not provide your consent and your roommate goes ahead with the sublet, you may be held liable for any damages or other problems that occur. Additionally, the landlord could potentially evict both of you from the property for violating the terms of the lease.

Ultimately, it is best to discuss your roommate's plans to sublet with them before they take any action. This way, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there will be no problems down the road.

Does subletting require a contract?

There is no law that requires a contract for subletting, but it is generally a good idea to have a sublease agreement. This will protect both you and your tenant from potential problems. The contract should spell out the terms of the sublet, including how long it will last, what the rent will be, and who is responsible for utilities and other expenses. Having a written agreement will give you something to fall back on if there are any disputes later on.

If you do decide to require a contract, be sure to include all of the important details. If you leave anything out, it could come back to bite you later on. For example, be sure to specify who is responsible for paying utilities during the sublet period. Otherwise, you might find yourself stuck with a big bill at the end of the year.

In general, it is a good idea to have a contract for any subletting arrangement. This will protect both you and your tenant from potential problems. Be sure to include all of the important details in the contract, and make sure that everyone understands their responsibilities before signing. With a little bit of planning, you can avoid any stressful surprises down the road.

What happens if you sublet without permission in California?

If you sublet your apartment without permission in California, you may be subject to eviction by your landlord. Also, you may be liable for any damages caused by the unauthorized subtenant, including any damage to the property or any injuries suffered by the subtenant. If the landlord suffers any financial losses as a result of your actions, you may be required to reimburse the landlord for those losses.

You must have written permission from your landlord to sublet your apartment, and the subtenant must meet all of the requirements set forth by your landlord. If you violate the terms of your lease agreement, you may be subject to eviction. always get written permission from your landlord before subletting your apartment.

To protect both yourself and your landlord, it is always best to get written permission from your landlord before subletting your apartment. This will ensure that both you and the subtenant are in compliance with the terms of the lease agreement, and it will help to avoid any potential problems down the road.

All in all, it is always best to get written permission from your landlord before subletting your apartment in California. This will help to avoid any potential problems and will protect both you and your landlord.

Can I evict a tenant for subletting?

In most cases, yes. However, it is always best to check with your state's laws and regulations first, as there may be some specific instances in which subletting is allowed. If you do have the ability to evict a tenant for subletting, you will likely need to give them written notice and allow them a certain amount of time to remedy the situation. If they fail to do so, you can then proceed with the eviction process.

Aside from your state's laws and regulations, you must review your lease agreement to see if there are any specific provisions regarding subletting. If the agreement is silent on the matter, then you will likely be able to move forward with an eviction. However, if the lease does forbid subletting, then you may not be able to evict the tenant unless they are in breach of their contract in some other way.

As always, it is best to consult with an experienced attorney in your area to ensure that you are taking the proper steps in accordance with the law.

How do I evict a tenant without a lease in California?

If you don't have a lease, then you'll need to give your tenant proper notice before they can be legally required to move out. The amount of notice you'll need to give will depend on the terms of their occupancy agreement. In most cases, a 30-day notice is sufficient. However, if your tenant has been living on your property for less than a year, you may only need to give them 14 days' notice. Once you've given your tenant the appropriate amount of notice, they should vacate the premises within that time frame. If they do not, you can then file for an eviction with the court.

It is always best to have a lawyer review your case before proceeding with an eviction, as there may be other legal options available to you.

To avoid this scenario, you should always have a lease in place before renting out your property. This will give you the legal right to evict a tenant if they don't follow the terms of their agreement. It's also a good idea to screen potential tenants carefully, as those with a history of not paying rent or causing damage to property are more likely to be problematic in the future.

Who is called a subtenant?

A subtenant is someone who rents a property from another tenant who has a lease with the landlord. The subtenant pays rent to the original tenant, not the landlord. Subleasing is common among college students and other people who may need to move frequently or for only a short period of time. It can be a good option if you're having trouble finding your own place or if you want to live in a specific area but can't afford the rent on your own.

Before subleasing, it's important to check your lease agreement to see if it's allowed. Some landlords don't allow subleasing or may have restrictions, such as requiring you to get permission first. If you're considering subleasing, talk to your landlord to see if it's an option.

If you do sublease, make sure you have a written agreement with the subtenant that includes important information such as the rental amount, length of the lease, and when rent is due. This will help avoid any misunderstandings down the road. You'll also want to keep a copy of this agreement for your records.

Subleasing can be a great option if you need to move for a short period of time or want to live in a specific area but can't afford the rent on your own. Just be sure to check your lease agreement first and have a written agreement with the subtenant to avoid any misunderstandings.

Do all tenants need to agree to sublet?

Yes, all tenants need to agree to sublet in order for the subletting to be legal. This includes the tenant who is subletting their own unit as well as any other tenants who would be affected by the subletting arrangement, such as those living in adjacent units. If even one tenant objects to the subletting, it cannot go ahead.

There are some exceptions to this rule, however. For example, if a tenant has a roommate who is not on the lease, that roommate may not have a say in whether or not the unit can be sublet. Additionally, if a landlord has given their explicit permission for subletting, then that overrides any objections from other tenants. However, in most cases, all tenants will need to agree to sublet in order for it to be legal.

If you're considering subletting your apartment, make sure to talk to your roommates or other tenants in your building first. Get their opinion on the matter and see if there would be any objections before proceeding with the subletting process. It's always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to subletting, as it can be a complex legal matter.

What are my rights as a tenant renting a room in California?

As a tenant renting a room in California, here are some of the rights you have:

  • A safe and habitable living environment, free from health and safety hazards
  • Quiet enjoyment of your rental unit
  • Receive proper notice before your landlord enters your unit
  • Have your security deposit returned to you within 21 days of move-out, unless there are damages to the unit

If your landlord violates any of these rights, you may have legal recourse. For example, you could file a complaint with the housing department or sue your landlord in small claims court.

What is a sublet license?

A sublet license is a type of agreement that allows a tenant to rent out their apartment or home to another person for a short period of time. This can be a great way to earn extra money if you need it, but there are some things to keep in mind before you do so. Make sure you check with your landlord first, as some leases forbid subleasing without permission. You'll also want to find someone you trust to take care of your place while you're gone and make sure they understand the terms of the agreement. Finally, remember that you're still responsible for paying rent and following all the other rules of your lease - even if someone else is living in your unit.

What a landlord cannot do in California?

There are a number of things that landlords cannot do in California, including:

  • Refusal to rent to someone based on their race, religion, national origin, sex, or disability
  • Discrimination against tenants in the terms and conditions of their lease
  • Failure to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities
  • Retaliation against tenants who complain about discrimination or exercise their rights under the law.

If you are facing any of these situations, you may want to contact a lawyer to discuss your legal options.

What is the difference between a lodger and a tenant?

A lodger is someone who shares your home with you and who you have a close personal relationship with, such as a family member or friend. A tenant is someone who rents a property from you and who you have a more formal relationship with.

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