Form 478 is an application form used to apply for a driver license in Alaska.
The Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, otherwise known as Form 478, is a form issued by the Alaskan Department of Motor Vehicles. It is a two-page form that is used by Alaskan citizens who wish to apply for a new or renewed driver’s license, permit, or identification card.
If you are a citizen of the state of Alaska and would like to apply for a new or renewed driver’s license, permit, or identification card, then you are eligible to fill out the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form.
To fill out the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, then you would need to provide certain information required for you to fill out the form.
Specifically, you will be needing to provide your personal information such as your full legal name. This is composed of your first or given name, middle name, last or family name, and suffix.
You will also be needing to write down your social security number (SSN) within the form. If you have not applied for an SSN yet, then you will also be needing an SSA letter. In addition to that, you will have to provide as well your date of birth.
Further, you will be needing to provide information regarding your physical appearance as this will help to identify you. Specifically, you will have to provide your sex, height, weight, hair color, and eye color. You will be also asked for details regarding your place of birth, such as the city and state or country if you were born in one that is other than the United States.
Next, you will also need to provide your contact information. Specifically, you will need to provide your email address, phone number, and address(es). Additionally, you must provide the details such as street number, city, state, and ZIP code of both your mailing and residence address. Finally, you will have to indicate which of these two addresses will be reflected in your license and which among email, phone, and mail is your preferred mode of contact.
You will then be asked a series of “Yes or No” questions. Specifically, these questions are:
You will also be asked to provide information regarding the identification you are applying for. You will have to indicate whether you are applying for a standard or federally-compliant license.
You will first need the type of license, permit, or identification card. You may choose among:
You will then need your optional designators on your card. You may choose from:
You will also be needing your commercial endorsements. You may choose among:
You will also have to provide information regarding your driving history.
If you are filling out this form for the purpose of a license, permit, or identification card renewal, then you will have to write your previous Alaska license, permit, or identification card number. If you are applying for a renewal but are new to the state of Alaska, there will be a box for you to check to indicate that you are.
If you are a minor and are applying for a permit, then you must provide the full legal name of your parent or legal guardian, their license or identification card number, state issued, your full legal name, and the type of license or permit you are consented to obtaining.
We will be guiding you through the process of filling out the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form by giving you a step-by-step tutorial on how to properly fill out this form.
Before attempting to fill out the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, you must first read through the document to identify exactly what kind of information you will have to provide for the purpose of filling out this form.
Ensure that all information you are about to provide in this form is truthful and accurate. This is a government-issued document and thus should be treated with the utmost level of care and attention.
Identification Information
In this section of the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, you will have to provide your personal information to help identify yourself to the state government.
First, you have to write down your full legal name. This is composed of your first, middle, and last names as well as your suffix if you have one.
Then, if you are applying for a renewal, indicate your card’s previous number and whether you are new to Alaska. Provide as well your SSN, or your SSA letter if you have not yet been assigned an SSN, your date of birth in no particular format, and sex.
Next, you’ll be needing to write down information regarding your physical traits. Specifically, you will have to provide your sex, height, weight, hair color, and eye color. You will be also asked for details regarding your place of birth, such as the city and state or country if you were born in one that is other than the United States.
Contact Information
In this section of the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, you will have to provide your contact information.
First, write down your email address and phone number. Afterward, write down the street, city, state, and ZIP code of both your mailing and residential addresses. Between these two addresses, indicate which of these two you would prefer to be on your card. Indicate as well your preferred method of contact.
Other Information
In this section of the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, you will have to provide other information by answering a series of “Yes or No” questions.
Indicate your answer to these questions by shading the appropriate box. Specifically, these questions are:
License Information
In this section of the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form, you will be asked to provide information regarding the license you are applying for.
First, indicate whether you are applying for a standard or federally-compliant card by marking the appropriate box.
Afterward, you will be asked to mark the box of the type of card you will be applying for. You may choose among:
You will then need your optional designators on your card. These are optional designations on your license indicating that you are a distinguished license holder. You may choose from:
You will also need to mark the box of the commercial endorsement option you are applying for as well. You may choose among:
You will also have to provide information regarding your driving history. Specifically, you will be asked if:
If you are a minor and are applying for a permit, then you must provide the full legal name of your parent or legal guardian, their license or identification card number, state issued, your full legal name, and the type of license or permit you are consented to obtaining. You may choose among the following by indicating the appropriate box:
After you have answered everything required from you in this form, congratulations, you have successfully completed the Alaska Driver’s License Renewal form.