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Fillable Form DL-99 - Alabama Change of Address

This form is used to change his or her mailing address, the driver has a legal obligation to update the address appearing on the license within 30 days of moving.

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What is the Alabama Change of Address form?

The Alabama Change of Address form is a form issued by the Alabama state government. This form is most commonly used by a resident of Alabama looking to change his or her address appearing on his or her license. This form is usually filled out within 30 days of moving.

Can I fill out the Alabama Change of Address form?

If you are a resident of Alabama who has changed your residential or mailing address, and would like said change to be reflected in your driver’s license or identification card, then you are eligible to fill out this form.

What do I need to fill out the Alabama Change of Address form?

To fill out the Alabama Change of Address form, you will need to provide a multitude of personal information related to changing your address.

Specifically, you will be needing your full legal name, the number reflected on your Alabama driver’s license or identification card, and your full date of birth.

In addition to all details previously mentioned, you will also be required to provide your current residential street address, along with your apartment number if applicable, the corresponding city, county, state, and ZIP code.

If your current mailing address is different from your current residential address, then you will also be needing to provide this information. Write down your mailing address in the space provided. Below this, input all required information relating to your mailing address, such as the city in which it is located, county, state, and ZIP code.

You will also be needing to provide your daytime telephone number, otherwise known as the phone number through which you can be reached during the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You will also be asked to provide an email address and if you would like to receive a renewal reminder through the email address.

To validate the Alabama Change of Address form, you will need to affix your signature as well as write down the date of signing.

How do I fill out the Alabama Change of Address form?

We will be giving you a step-by-step guide on how to complete this form.

Before attempting to accomplish this form, ensure that all information that you are about to provide is complete and accurate. This is a government issued form, and thus should be treated with utmost level of care and attention.

Before formally beginning the process of filling out the Alabama Change of Address form, skim through the form carefully and take note of all information that you may need to know. For your convenience, we have provided a list of information and details that you will need to know in the section previous to this one.

Driver Information
This section will ask you to take note of and write down the required personal information for the address change process.

In the first line at the very top of the page, write down your full legal name in no particular format. This includes your first name, middle name, last name, and your suffix if you have one.

Below the line asking for your full legal name, write down either your Alabama driver’s license number or your identification card number. In the space right next to the previous line, write down your date of birth in no particular format.

Residential Address
In this section, you will be asked to take note of and write down your current residential address and the corresponding details.

First, indicate your street address by writing this down on the appropriate box. Write also your apartment number if applicable.

Next, write down the city in which you are currently residing, your county of residence, state of residence, and the corresponding ZIP code. Under state, it is assumed that you will write “Alabama” or “AL”

Mailing Address
In this section, you will be asked to take note of and write down your current mailing address and the corresponding details. Note that you will only be required to fill out this section if your current residential address is different from your mailing address. If they are one and the same, you may choose to skip this section entirely.

The process is very similar to filling out the section for your current residential address. You will first need to write down your full mailing address.

Just like the previous section, you will also need to provide the city, county, state, and corresponding ZIP code but this time for your mailing address instead of your residential address.

Contact Information
This section will ask you to provide your contact information.

In the line before this section, you will be informed that this change of address will be reflected in your voter registration. If you would like for this to not be the case, you can check the box next to the statement.

On the left box of the section, indicate your daytime phone number. This is commonly known as the number through which you can be reached between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Next to this, write down your email address. There will be a box asking you to check it if you want to receive a renewal reminder. If you would, mark it, but if not, then leave it blank.

To validate all information on this form, affix your signature on the space provided. Note that the form is not valid unless it has a signature. Next to this space, write down the date of signing in no particular format.

Once you have completed this section, congratulations, you have accomplished all of the requirements of the Alabama Change of Address form.

Voter Registration
While technically, you have accomplished everything you need for the Alabama Change of Address form, you may be interested in updating your voter registration address. If you would like to do so, please accomplish this final optional section.

On the provided space, write down your last registered address. This includes your street address, city, county, state, and ZIP code.

You will also be asked to once again affix your signature and the date of signing. By signing this section of the form, you declare that you:

  • Are a U.S. citizen
  • Legal resident of the state of Alabama
  • Will be at least the age of 18 on or before Election Day
  • Are not barred from voting by reason of a disqualifying felony conviction
  • Have not been judged “mentally incompetent” in a court of law

Keywords: Alabama change of address change of address in Alabama Alabama change of address form Alabama dmv Alabama change of address on driver's license

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