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Fillable Form Affidavit of Residence

An Affidavit of Residence is a sworn statement used to prove that a person lives at a specific address. This is commonly used when applying for government agencies, insurance programs, or for employees to prove that an individual lives where they claim.

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What is an Affidavit of Residence?

An Affidavit of Residence or also referred to as a Proof of Residency Letter, Affidavit of Residency, Affidavit for Residential Proof, or Proof of Residency, is a sworn statement or a legal document used by an affiant or an applicant to prove that he or she resides in a certain, country, state, city, or township.

An Affidavit of Residence is normally used when an individual tries applying for a government agency or an insurance program and he or she is required to prove that he or she truly lives in the residence claimed. It is also used in cases wherein the affiant is not the owner of the property where he or she resides and he or she is required to submit proof.

On the other hand, an owner of a certain residence or property will not be required to provide an Affidavit of Residence in most cases. If the owner of the residence or property can submit the required documents, he or she can prove his or her residency. Some of the required documents for proof of residency may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Any utility bills
    • Electricity bills
    • Water bills
    • Trash or recycling bills
    • Natural gas bills
  • Landline or telephone bills
  • Internet or cable bills
  • A valid credit card statement
  • A valid lease or mortgage agreement

In addition to this, an Affidavit of Residence may be required by some school corporations who handle grade schools and high schools. School corporations may require an affiant or an applicant to submit an Affidavit of Residence when the legal residence of the affiant’s or applicant’s child is unclear and uncertain.

In cases wherein a certain family has just recently moved to a new state, county, or town and they are unable to validate their property or residence, the school corporation may require the family to provide an Affidavit of Residence. It may also be required if ever a concern about whether or not the child in question truly lives within the school’s district.

A number of colleges and universities may also require their students and the parents of their students to submit an Affidavit of Residence for tuition fee purposes. If a student happens to live in the state where his or her college or university is, he or she may be offered a reduction in his or her tuition fee.

With this said, being able to verify a student’s residence or property through an Affidavit of Residence may create a substantial difference in the cost of the student’s attendance; but generally, colleges or universities ask for an Affidavit of Residence from their students as a way for them to supplement additional documentation for their school requirements.

In most cases, an affiant or an applicant must have his or her Affidavit of Residence notarized by a notary public to ensure its validity and it must also be signed by the affiant or applicant under an oath.

A notary public, or also referred to as a notary or public notary, is an individual assigned by the government to verify a certain person’s important legal transactions. For any document to be considered legal and valid, a notary public or a designated officer must witness the signing of an important legal document such as an Affidavit of Residence.

To verify an affiant’s identity, the notary public may ask for proof of your identity in the form of photo identification. The affiant or applicant may submit documents that will prove his or her identity. These documents may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Passport book or passport card
  • State identification card
  • Company-issued identification card
  • Government-issued identification card
  • Military identification card

If an affiant or an applicant wishes to create his or her own copy of an Affidavit of Residence, he or she may do so. A complete Affidavit of Residence must contain all of the following information:

  • The state where the affiant currently resides
  • The county where the affiant currently resides
  • The full legal name of the affiant
  • The date of birth of the affiant
  • The address where the affiant claims he or she resides
  • The amount of time the affiant has resided in the claimed address
  • The information about the individuals residing with the affiant in the claimed address
    • The full legal names of all of the individuals
    • The relationship the affiant has with the said individuals
  • The signature of the affiant
  • The current date of signing

How to fill out an Affidavit of Residence?

Affiants can write their Affidavit of Residence=. For convenience, they can also fill out the Affidavit of Residence electronically on PDFRun.

To fill out an Affidavit of Residence, you must provide the following information:

State of

Enter the state where you reside.

County of

Enter the county where you reside.

Name of Affiant

Enter your full legal name.

Date of Birth

Enter your date of birth.


Enter the address where you currently reside.

Period of Residence

Enter how long you have been residing at the address stated above.

Individuals Residing with the Affiant

Enter the details about the individuals residing with you at the address stated above and state that they can attest to your residency.

Name of First Resident

Enter the full legal name of the first resident.

Relationship to First Resident

Enter the relationship you have with the first resident.

Name of Second Resident

Enter the full legal name of the second resident.

Relationship to Second Resident

Enter the relationship you have with the second resident.

Name of Third Resident

Enter the full legal name of the third resident.

Relationship to Third Resident

Enter the relationship you have with the third resident.

Signature of Affiant

Affix your signature.

Once you have affixed your signature on this Affidavit of Residence, you hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that you know the contents of this affidavit to be true and correct.

Name of Affiant

Enter your full legal name.


Enter the current date of signing.


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