An online N-648 fillable Form. Use this form if you are applying for U.S. citizenship and need to request an exception to the English and civics testing requirements for naturalization because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment.
Form N648, officially known as the "Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions" and sometimes referred to as a "disability waiver", is a document used by the United States immigration system and filed with the office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It is submitted together with the N400-Form (Application for Naturalization). Form N-648 plays a pivotal role in cases where an applicant for U.S. citizenship seeks an exemption from the English language and civics requirements due to a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment.
During the naturalization process, some applicants may experience difficulty due to a condition that prevents them from being able to understand English or civics. Because of the applicant's inability to understand these crucial parts of the naturalization process (generally for naturalization interview purposes), a Form N-648 is filed alongside medical certification provided by medical professionals (usually medical doctors, though other licensed medical professionals are generally still considered valid) in order to inform the USCIS of the applicant's disability or impairment that affects the applicant's ability to properly demonstrate knowledge of English or civics.
Before submitting the disability waiver to the nearest United States Citizenship and Immigration Services office, it is important to ensure that all of the information entered here as well as the documents provided, from the medical certification to the diagnosis, are accurate and correct.
It is especially important for medical professionals to ensure that Form N-648 is filed properly in order to avoid any issues with their practice.
Enter the applicant’s last name, first name, and middle name in the spaces provided.
USCIS A-Number
Enter the applicant’s USCIS A-Number.
US Social Security Number
Enter the applicant’s US Social Security Number.
Street Number and Name
Enter the applicant’s street number and name as it is indicated in their residential address.
Enter the applicant’s city of residence.
State or Province
Enter the state or province that the applicant resides in.
ZIP Code or Postal Code
Enter the applicant’s ZIP or postal code.
Telephone Number
Enter the applicant’s primary telephone number.
E-mail Address
Enter the applicant’s email address, if they have one.
Date of Birth
Enter the applicant’s date of birth.
Check the box to indicate whether the applicant is male or female.
Enter the last name, first name, and middle name of the medical expert certifying this form.
Business Address
Enter the street number and name where the medical professional operates from.
Enter the city that the medical expert works in.
State or Province
Enter the state or province that the medical expert works in.
ZIP Code or Postal Code
Enter the ZIP or postal code of the medical professional’s place of work.
Telephone Number
Enter the telephone number of the medical professional’s place of work.
License Number
Enter the medical professional’s license number.
Licensing State
Enter the state that provided the medical professional’s license.
Email Address
Enter the medical professional’s email address, if they have one.
Currently Licensed As
Check each box that applies to what the medical professional is currently licensed as. You may choose from the following:
Medical Practice Type
Enter a short description of what type of medical practice the medical professional practices.
Applicant’s Name and USCIS A-Number
At the top of this page and all pages hereafter, enter the applicant’s full legal name and their USCIS A-Number in the spaces provided.
Clinical Diagnosis
In the following section, provide the clinical diagnosis of the applicant’s disability and/or impairment that is their basis for seeking an exception to the English and/or civics requirements for naturalization. If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper and label it accordingly, then attach it to the N-648 form.
Whenever applicable, provide the relevant medical code for the applicant’s condition(s) as accepted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). For example: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Description of Disability and/or Impairments
In the following section, provide a brief description of each disability and/or impairment that the applicant has. If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper and label it accordingly, then attach it to the N-648 form.
Date First Examined
Enter the date and location that the applicant was first examined at. If the location that the applicant was examined is the same as the medical professional’s address indicated in Part 2, you may enter “same as business address” in the space provided instead.
Date Last Examined
Enter the date and location that the applicant was last examined. If the location that the applicant was examined is the same as the medical practitioner’s address indicated in Part 2, you may enter “same as business address” in the space provided instead.
Medical Professional Treating Applicant
Check “Yes” if the certifying medical professional is the medical professional that has been treating the patient regularly for the disabilities and/or impairments listed above. Then enter the total number of years and months that the they have been treating the applicant.
Otherwise, check “No” and enter the following information about the medical practitioner that regularly treats the applicant:
Then enter an explanation in the space provided of why the regular physician of the applicant is not certifying this form themselves.
Disability and/or Impairment Duration
Check “Yes” and proceed to the next item if the applicant’s disability and/or impairment has or is expected to last 12 months or more. Otherwise, check “No” and proceed immediately to the “Medical Professional’s Certification” section. The applicant will not be considered eligible for this exception.
Cause of Disability and/or Impairment - Drugs
If the applicant’s condition is caused by their illegal use of drugs, check “Yes” and proceed immediately to the “Medical Professional’s Certification” section. The applicant will not be considered eligible for disability exceptions. Otherwise, check “No” and proceed to the next item.
Cause of Disability and/or Impairment
Enter in the following section a description of what caused or causes the applicant’s disability and/or impairment, if known.
Clinical Methods used for Diagnosis
Enter in the following section a description of the clinical methods used to diagnose the applicant’s disability and/or impairment(s).
Disability/Impairment’s Impact on Applicant
Enter in the following section a description of how the applicant’s disability and/or impairment impacts their ability to properly meet the English and civics requirements of naturalization.
Things the Applicant Cannot Demonstrate
Check each box that applies to what the medical professional believes the applicant cannot effectively or reasonably demonstrate. You may check any of the following:
If an interpreter was used during the medical professional’s examination of the applicant, check “Yes” and have the interpreter complete the “Interpreter Certification” section. Otherwise, check “No”.
Additional Comments
Enter any additional comments from the medical practitioner here.
Language of Applicant
Enter the language that the medical professional is fluent in that the applicant understands.
Applicant’s Identity Verified
Check the box that corresponds to which US or state government-issued photographic ID was used by the applicant to verify their identity. You may choose from the following:
Signature of Medical Professional
Have the medical professional sign the form in the space provided, then enter the date that the form was signed.
Enter the interpreter’s last name, first name, and middle name in the spaces provided.
Enter the following information about the interpreter’s address:
Phone Interpreter
If a phone interpreter was used, check “Yes”. The interpreter will not be required to fill out the information in the next item. Otherwise, check “No” and proceed to the next item.
Interpreter Certification
Enter the language that the interpreter is fluent in that the applicant understands, then enter the dates of the examinations forming the basis of this document that the interpreter was present to translate communications between the medical professional and the applicant for.
Interpreter’s Signature
Have the interpreter sign the form in the space provided, then enter the date that the form was signed.
Applicant’s Name
Enter the applicant’s name.
Medical Professional’s Name
Enter the medical professional’s name.
Have the applicant or their authorized representative sign the form in the space provided. Then enter the date that the form was signed.
Is the medical condition assessment based solely on the information provided in the form?
USCIS officers may request additional information or clarification from the medical professional if needed.
Can a temporary disability qualify for an exemption?
The disability waiver requires the medical professional to specify whether the disability or impairment is permanent or temporary. Moreover, if the condition is temporary but is expected to persist for longer than a year, it is likely to still be considered a valid reason for exemption.
What happens if USCIS denies the exemption request?
The applicant has the right to appeal the decision to deny their submitted Form N-648 and may need to provide additional evidence or arguments to further support their case.
Can I appeal a denied N-648 form more than once?
Yes, as long as they go through the necessary processes and provide the documents with the necessary information to resolve the reason(s) for why their N-648 form was denied.
Can the form be submitted in a language other than English?
No. Form N-648 must be submitted in English, though it is also required that the contents of the form are explained to the applicant in a language they can understand, such as their native language, whether by the medical professional or an interpreter.
How much does filing Form N-648 cost?
There is no fee associated with filing Form N-648.
When should I submit Form N-648?
The form should be submitted alongside the application for naturalization.
What kinds of disabilities qualify for exemption?
Any disability or impairment that severely affects the applicant’s ability to learn English and/or civics qualifies, whether it's a physical, developmental, or mental impairment.
Can another N-648 form be submitted if the application is denied the first time?
While it is not necessarily prohibited to do so, it is generally better to simply appeal the decision and provide the necessary supporting documents.
How long does Form N-648 remain valid?
Generally it will be considered valid for the duration of the naturalization process if it is approved.
What happens if there is erroneous information on the Form N-648?
If wrong information is included in the N-648 form it is vital to contact the USCIS office and have it corrected as soon as possible in order to avoid issues such as medical fraud from affecting your application.
What if the medical professional is not available for the USCIS to contact?
Depending on the situation, the USCIS may either deny the Form N-648 automatically or make a decision based on the currently available information.
How long does it take for Form N-648 to be processed?
The processing time for Form N-648 may vary depending on a variety of different factors. You may contact the USCIS that you submit the form to in order to inquire after the expected time before a decision is made regarding your application.
Can additional documents be provided besides what is requested on the form?
Yes, if the medical professional believes that it is necessary or would be helpful in describing or otherwise proving the validity of the applicant’s diagnosis.
Is there an age limit for filing N-648?
No. The only requirement to file Form N-648 is for the applicant to have a disability or impairment that makes it difficult or impossible for them to learn English or civics.
Keywords: n-648 form n-648 uscis n-648 n-648 form 2017 Medical Certification for Disability Exception fillable n-648 form n 648 pdf download form n-648