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Fillable Form 130-U (2021)

The 130u Form is an application for the certificate of title for a vehicle. The title is a legal form that establishes the individual or business as the legal owner of a vehicle.

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What is Form 130-U?

Form 130-U: Car registration document

Form 130-U, Application for Texas Title and/or Registration, also known as the Texas Title Transfer Form or the Texas Title Application, is a vehicle registration form filed in the state of Texas with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in order to apply for a title and/or registration of a motor vehicle. It's an essential piece of paperwork when buying, selling, or transferring ownership of a vehicle within the state. Texas sale of vehicles, and even motor vehicle gift transfer "transactions", must always be accompanied by this form, in order to properly register and title it to the correct person.

Having a car title is important in proving that you are the rightful owner of a vehicle, and is often part of the things that must be kept in mind when buying a vehicle from a dealer. Keep an eye out for terms such as "signed negotiable title" or "title application", as they indicate that there are particular procedures that must be taken or there are certain terms being proposed that relate to the vehicle's title.

At its core, Form 130-U gathers important information about the vehicle and its owner(s). The form typically requires details such as the vehicle's make, model, year, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), odometer reading, and other identifying information. Additionally, it collects information about the owner(s), including their name, address, and contact details.

How do I fill out Form 130-U?

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Form 130-U accompanies registered car

You may find a fillable copy of Form 130-U here.

Application Purpose

Mark the box that indicates what you are using this form to apply for. Mark only one of the following:

  • Title and Registration
  • Title Only
  • Registration Purposes Only
  • Nontitle Registration

For a corrected title or registration, check the box that indicates the reason from among the following:

  • Vehicle Description
  • Add/Remove Lien
  • Other (Specify in the space provided)

Vehicle Identification Number

Enter your vehicle’s identification number (VIN).


Enter the year of your vehicle.


Enter the make of your vehicle.

Body Style

Enter the body style of your vehicle.


Enter the model of your vehicle.

Major Color

Enter the major color of your vehicle.

Minor Color

Enter the minor color of your vehicle.

Texas License Plate Number

Enter your Texas License Plate Number.

Odometer Reading

Enter the odometer reading of your vehicle, without tenths.

Actual Mileage

Mark the box that corresponds to the reason why the mileage shown is not the actual mileage.

  • Not Actual
  • Exceeds Mechanical Limits
  • Exempt

Empty Weight

Enter the empty weight of your vehicle.

Carrying Capacity

Enter your vehicle’s carrying capacity.

Applicant Type

Mark the box that best corresponds to you as an applicant.

  • Individual
  • Business
  • Government
  • Trust
  • Non-Profit

Applicant Photo ID Number or FEIN/EIN

Enter your photo ID number or FEIN/EIN.

ID Type

Mark the box that corresponds to your ID type.

  • US Driver License/ID Card (Enter the issuing entity in the space provided)
  • Passport (Enter the issuing entity in the space provided)
  • US Citizenship and Immigration
  • US Military ID
  • US Department of State ID
  • US Department of Homeland Security ID
  • Other Military Status of Forces Photo ID

Applicant Name

Enter your (or the entity you are filing this on behalf of ) full name.

Additional Applicant Name

If any other person or entity is filing this form alongside you, enter their full name here.

Applicant Mailing Address

Enter the following details about your mailing address.

  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code

Applicant County of Residence

Enter the county you reside in.

Previous Owner Name

Enter the full name of the person or entity that previously owned your vehicle.

Dealer GDN (if applicable)

Enter the dealer’s GDN, if applicable.

Unit Number

Enter the unit number if applicable.

Renewal Recipient Name

Enter the full name of the renewal recipient, if they are a different person.

Renewal Notice Mailing Address

If the mailing address indicated above is different from the address to which the renewal notice should be sent, enter the mailing address that the renewal notice should be sent to.

  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code

Applicant Phone Number

Enter your phone number.


Enter your email address.

Registration Renewal eReminder

Mark the box provided if you would like to be reminded through email about the registration renewal.

Communication Impediment

If you have any impediment that causes you to have difficulty communicating, mark the box provided and attach Form VTR-216 to this form.

Vehicle Location Address

Enter the address that your vehicle is currently located at.

Multiple Additional Liens

Mark the box provided if you have multiple liens, and attach Form VTR-267 to this form.

Electronic Title Request

Mark the box provided if you are making an electronic title request. If you mark this box, you cannot mark the box in “Multiple Additional Liens”.

Certified/eTitle Lienholder ID Number (if any)

Enter your certified or eTitle lienholder ID number.

First Lien Date

If you have any liens, enter the date of the first one.

First Lienholder Name

Enter the full name of the first lienholder.

Motor Vehicle Tax Statement

Mark only if applicable to your motor vehicle sales tax. This information will be important for your county tax assessor collector to properly assess how much tax should be paid, and may also have an effect on the fee that you will need to pay in order to submit this form:

  • You hold a Motor Vehicle Retainer (Rental) Permit Number (enter the number in the space provided) and will satisfy the minimum tax liability.
  • You are a dealer or lessor and qualify to take the Fair Market Value Deduction (enter your GDN or Lessor number in the space provided)


If you traded in a vehicle as part of the payment for your vehicle, enter the year, make, and VIN of the vehicle traded in.

Additional Trade-In(s)

Mark the box provided if more trade-ins were made.

Sales and Tax Computation

Mark all of the following that apply, and enter the amount associated.

  1. Sales Price (enter the amount deducted in rebate)
  2. Less Trade-in amount
  3. For dealers/lessors/rental ONLY - Fair Market Value Deduction
  4. Taxable Amount (Subtract Item B or C from Item A)
  5. 6.25% Tax on Taxable Amount (Multiply Item D by 0.0625)
  6. Late Tax Payment Penalty (mark either 5% or 10%)
  7. Tax Paid to (enter the state)
  8. Amount of tax and penalty due (add Item E and Item F, then subtract Item G)
  9. $90 New Resident Tax (enter your previous state)
  10. $5 Even Trade Tax
  11. $10 Gift Tax - attach comptroller form 14-317
  12. $65 Rebuilt Salvage Fee
  13. 2.5% Emissions Fee (diesel vehicles 1996 and older > 14,000 Ibs)
  14. 1% Emissions (diesel vehicles 1997 and newer > 14,000 Ibs)
  15. Exemption claimed under the Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax Law (enter the reason in the space provided)
  16. $28 or $33 application fee for texas title


Check the box if you are applying for a corrected title and the original Texas Certificate of Title is lost or destroyed.

Then, have the Seller/Donor/Trader(s), Applicant/Owner, and any additional Applicant/Owner sign the form in the space provided and enter their names and the date that they signed the form.

Start filling out a 130-U (2021) sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently asked questions about Form 130-U

When should Form 130-U be submitted?

Form 130-U should be submitted within a specified timeframe after acquiring a vehicle to ensure compliance with state regulations.

Is Form 130-U required for all vehicle transactions?

Yes, Form 130-U is typically required for all vehicle transactions involving titling and registration in Texas.

Are there any exemptions from filing Form 130-U?

Some exceptions may apply, such as certain military or agricultural vehicle exemptions, but these must be clearly indicated on the form.

Can Form 130-U be submitted online?

Yes, Form 130-U can usually be submitted online through the TxDMV website or through electronic filing systems available in some county tax offices.

What documentation may need to be included with Form 130-U?

Documentation such as proof of ownership (certificate of title, bill of sale) and payment for taxes and registration fees may need to be included.

What happens after Form 130-U is submitted?

After submission, Form 130-U is processed by the TxDMV or county tax office, and if everything is in order, a Texas title and/or registration is issued.

What if there are errors on Form 130-U?

Errors should be corrected before submission, as inaccuracies could delay processing or lead to complications with titling and registration.

Can Form 130-U be used for out-of-state vehicle transfers?

Form 130-U is specifically for Texas vehicle transactions. Out-of-state transfers may require different documentation and processes.

Is Form 130-U the same as a certificate of title?

No, Form 130-U is an application for title and registration, while a certificate of title is the legal document proving ownership of a vehicle.

What is the fee for filing Form 130-U?

Fees vary depending on factors such as vehicle type, weight, and county of registration. The fee schedule is available from the TxDMV or county tax office.

Create a 130-U (2021) document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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