Tips to Become a More Productive Entrepreneur

Not all entrepreneurs wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning to meditate, run a few kilometers, and prepare a hearty breakfast to kick off their workday. Some, due to…

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The Challenges of Manual Paperwork — and the Solutions

The antiquated paper-based processes are slowly taking a back seat in business offices across the globe, as digital solutions penetrate business workflows. Today, many companies are starting to adopt paperless…

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The Benefits of E-Signatures for Legal Companies

The term “Legal Tech,” or “Legal Technology” refers to the use of technology in the legal sector. From the integration of digital solutions into legal processes to providing legal services…

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How to Run a Paperless Office

With the advent of computers, many tools and technologies have provided the means for employees to work more effectively.  Typewriters were replaced by word-processing applications. Mailing or faxing of memos…