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Fillable Form Texas Drivers License Renewal

DL 14-A is used for renewal/replacement/change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card.

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What is Form DL-14A?

Form DL-14A, Texas Driver License or Identification Card Application, is a state-level, legal document by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

Form DL-14A has several uses. Mainly, residents of Texas may use it to apply for a driver’s license or identification card. Those who have an expired or expiring driver’s license may use it to renew their license. Furthermore, it may also be used to request a replacement for a license when the current one is lost, damaged, or stolen.

Where to get Form DL-14A?

You may get a blank copy of Form DL-14A from the official website of the Texas DPS or a local DPS office. For your convenience, you may fill it out electronically on PDFRun.

How to fill out Form DL-14A?

Answer Form DL-14A accurately and correctly to avoid any problems with your application. Do not sign it unless you are in the presence of a notary public or a DPS official.

Application for

Mark the appropriate box to determine what you are applying for. You may select:

  • Driver License
  • Identification Card


Mark the box to determine the class of driver’s license you are applying for. You may select:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • Motorcycle
    • Y
    • N

Select one

Mark the appropriate box to determine the purpose of your application. You may select:

  • Original
  • Renewal
  • Replacement
  • Address or Name Change

Applicant Information

Full Name

Enter your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name.


Enter your suffix if you have any.

Birth Surname (Maiden)

Enter your birth surname.


Enter your nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN).

Date of Birth

Enter your date of birth in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.


Mark the appropriate box to determine your sex. You may select:

  • Male
  • Female


Enter your height in Feet and Inches.


Enter your weight in pounds.

Eye Color

Mark the appropriate box to determine your natural eye color. You may select:

  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Gray
  • Hazel
  • Green
  • Black
  • Maroon
  • Pink

Hair Color

Mark the appropriate box to determine your natural hair color. You may select:

  • Black
  • Red
  • Gray
  • Brown
  • Blonde
  • Bald
  • White


Mark the appropriate box to determine your race. You may select:

  • (AI) Alaskan or American Indian
  • (AP) Asian or Pacific Islander
  • (BK) Black
  • (W) White


Mark the appropriate box to determine your ethnicity. You may select:

  • (H)Hispanic
  • (O) Not of Hispanic Origin
  • (U) Unknown

Place of birth

Enter the City, State, County, and Country of your place of birth.

Father’s Last Name

Enter your father’s last name.

Mother’s Maiden Name

Enter your mother’s maiden name.

Contact Information

Residence Address

Enter your residence address including City, State, Zip code, and County.

Mailing Address

Enter your mailing address including City, State, Zip code, and County.

Home Phone

Enter your home phone number.

Other Phone

Enter your other phone number if any.


Enter your email address.

Emergency Contacts

Enter the Name, Phone Number, and Address of the emergency contact you would like to be contacted in case of an emergency. You may enter up to two emergency contacts.

Alternate Address

Enter your alternate address, including City, State, Zip Code, County. Only answer this item if you are a Peace Officer or State or Federal Judge.

Required Information From All Applicants

The following items require a Yes or No answer. Some items require additional information.

Item 1

Mark YES if you are a citizen of the United States; otherwise, mark NO.

Item 2

Mark YES if you are a U.S. citizen and would like to register to vote; otherwise mark NO. If you are registered, marking Yes would mean you would like to update your voter information.

Item 3

Mark YES if you are a veteran; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. Mark YES if you are a 60% disabled Veteran receiving compensation and want to waive the application fee, then provide proof of disability; otherwise, mark NO.
  2. Mark YES if you want a Veteran designator on your driver’s license or identification card; otherwise, mark NO.
  3. Mark YES if you are 50% disabled or 40% disabled and have had a lower extremity amputated and want a Disabled Veteran designator on your DL or ID, then provide proof of service or honorable discharge and disability; otherwise, mark NO.
  4. Mark YES if you are a Veteran or Disabled Veteran designator and want the branch of service shown on your driver’s license or identification card; otherwise, mark NO. If YES, select one:
    • Army
    • Air Force
    • Coast Guard
    • Marines
    • Navy

Item 4

Mark YES if you have a health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer; otherwise, mark NO. If YES, your physician must complete Form DL-101.

Item 5

Mark YES if you would like to register as an organ donor; otherwise, mark NO.

Item 6

Mark YES if you would like to donate $1 to the Blindness Education Screening and Treatment Program; otherwise mark NO.

Item 7

Mark YES if you would like to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry; otherwise mark NO. If YES, enter a donation amount of $1 or more.

Item 8

Mark YES if you want to support Texas Veterans; otherwise, mark NO. If YES, enter a donation amount of $1 or more.

Item 9

Mark YES if you want to support survivors of sexual assault; otherwise mark NO. If YES, enter a donation amount of $1 or more to help fund the testing of sexual assault evidence collection kits (rape kits).

Item 10

Mark YES if you want to support the issuance of a driver’s license or identification card for foster or homeless youth; otherwise, mark NO. If YES, enter a donation amount of $1 or more to exempt this population from paying any fees.

Required Information from Driver License Applicants Only

  1. If you currently have or have ever been diagnosed with or treated for any medical condition that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, mark YES and provide your medical condition and its explanation; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have a mental condition that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, mark YES and provide your mental condition and its explanation; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have ever had an epileptic seizure, convulsion, loss of consciousness, or other seizure, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have diabetes requiring treatment by insulin, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have any alcohol or drug dependencies that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle or have had any episodes of alcohol or drug abuse within the past two years, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have, within the past two years, been treated for any other serious medical conditions, mark YES and provide your mental condition and its explanation; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you have EVER been referred to the Texas Medical Advisory Board for Driver Licensing, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

Required Information from First Time Driver License Applicants Only

  1. If you have ever had a driver license, identification card or instruction permit in Texas, or any other state, mark YES and provide the state(s), number(s), and date(s); otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you are enrolled in or have completed an approved driver education course, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If your driver license or driver privilege is CURRENTLY or EVER been suspended, revoked, cancelled, denied, or disqualified in ANY state, mark YES and provide the state, when it happened, and why; otherwise, mark NO.

Vehicle Registration and Insurance Information

  1. If you own a motor vehicle that is required to be registered, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.

  1. If you own a motor vehicle that is required to have liability insurance OR other proof of financial responsibility in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act, mark YES; otherwise, mark NO.


Mark the appropriate option of the kind of address your current residential address is. After ensuring that you have accomplished this form completely and accurately, sign and date this form.


Keywords: texas dmv license renewal texas dmv license renewal form texas dmv license renewal form 2021 texas license renewal texas license renewal form texas license renewal form 2021 tx driver license renewal tx driver license renewal form

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