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Fillable Form REG 227 - California Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title

You can submit your request for a replacement vehicle title by mail or in person at your local CA DMV office. You'll need to: Download, print, and complete the Application for Replacement Title Form (Form REG 227).

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What is Form REG 227?


Form REG 227, also known as the Application For Replacement or Transfer of Title, is a form from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that is used to replace a vehicle title (commonly called a pink slip), request a duplicate, or transfer ownership without the original title.

It is important to note that this is different from requesting for a replacement of license plates/stickers, which is REG 156.

When do I use a REG 227?

You will need a Form REG 227 for the following situations:

  • Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Title: If your vehicle title is missing or unreadable, REG 227 allows you to request for a duplicate title.
  • Paperless Title to Paper Title Conversion: If your vehicle is registered under California’s electronic title system, this form lets you request a printed version.
  • Title Transfer Without Original Title: If you're transferring the ownership of a vehicle and the title is unavailable, REG 227 helps complete the ownership transfer. You may need a REG 256 if you are transferring it as an inheritance or gift.
  • Lienholder Release: If a vehicle loan has been paid off but the original title is lost, REG 227 can be used to update ownership records.

Key Information Needed


In order to fill out a REG 227, make sure that you have the following information:

  • License Plate Number
  • Vehicle Identification Number
  • Vehicle Make
  • Vehicle’s Model Year
  • Registered Owner’s Name and Address
  • Legal Owner
  • Signature of the owner(s) and notary acknowledgement, if required.

How do I submit REG 227?

You can submit the REG 227 through the following:

  • By Mail: Send the accomplished form together with the fee payment, and supporting documents to:

Vehicle Registration Operations

Department of Motor Vehicles

PO Box 942869

Sacramento, CA 94269-0001

  • In Person: Visit a local California DMV office and submit the accomplished form. Make sure to book an appointment through their website and bring payment for fees, valid IDs, and any necessary supporting documents.

How to fill out a Form REG 227?

Get a copy of REG 227 - California Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title template in PDF format.


Get the fillable REG 227 form from PDFRun.

Before you start filling out the form, check the box whether you are applying for a replacement title or transferring a title with replacement.


If you checked “Replacement Title”, then complete Sections 1-3.

If you checked “Transfer of Title with Replacement”, then the Seller will complete Sections 1-4 while the New Owner will complete Sections 6-7, as needed.

Section 0: Vehicle Details


This section contains the details of the vehicle.

  1. Vehicle License Plate or Vessel of Number
  2. Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
  3. Year/Make of Vehicle or Vessel Builder

Section 1: Registered Owner(s) of Record


This section contains the details of the registered owner(s) of record. Make sure to print the name as it appears on the Title/Registration.

  1. Name of Owner, Business Name, or Lessor

Enter the full legal name of the vehicle/vessel’s owner. Or, enter the business name or the lessor’s name as applicable.

  1. Driver License/ID Card Number of Owner

Enter the Driver License number or ID card number of the owner.

  1. State of Driver License/ID Card

Enter the state that the Driver License or ID Card belongs to.

  1. Name of Co-Owner

Enter the full legal name of the vehicle/vessel’s co-owner.

  1. Driver License/ID Card Number of Co-Owner

Enter the Driver Licence number or the ID Card number of the co-owner.

Section 2: Legal Owner of Record


This section contains the details of the legal owner of record (lienholder/title holder). Make sure to not enter the name of the owner(s) indicated in the previous section.

I. Name of Bank, Finance Company, or Individual Having a Lien on this Vehicle

Enter the name of the bank, finance company, or individual who has a lien on the vehicle.

II. Business or Residence Address

Enter the business address or residence address of the bank, finance company, or individual who has a lien on the vehicle.

III. Apartment/Space/Suite Number

Enter the apartment, space, or suite number.

IV. City

Enter the city that the bank, finance company, or individual belongs to.

V. State

Enter the state the bank, finance company, or individual belongs to.

VI. ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code of the residence or business address.

Section 3: Missing Title Statement


This section contains the certification that the certificate of title issued for this vehicle/vessel is missing.

  1. Reason for Issuance of Title

Choose your reason for applying for an issuance of another title:

  • Lost
  • Stolen
  • Illegible/Mutilated
  • Not received from prior owner
  • Not received from DMV
  1. Name of Owner

Enter the full legal name of the owner.

  1. Signature of Owner

Input the signature of the owner on the provided blank.

  1. Date Signed

Enter the date when this was signed by the owner.

  1. Daytime Telephone Number

Enter the daytime telephone number of the owner.

Section 4: Registered Owner(s) Release of Ownership and/or Interest


This section certifies that the registered owner(s) are releasing ownership and/or interest in the vehicle/vessel.

  1. Printed Name of Owner

Enter the full legal name of the owner.

  1. Signature of Owner

Input the signature of the owner in the provided blank.

  1. Date Signed

Enter the date when this was signed by the owner.

  1. Daytime Telephone Number

Enter the daytime telephone number of the owner.

Section 5: Legal Owner of Record Release of Ownership and/or Interest


This section certifies that the undersigned lienholder (legal owner of record) is releasing interest in the vehicle/vessel.

  1. Printed Name of Authorized Agent Signing for Company

Enter the full legal name of the authorized agent signing for the company.

  1. Title of Authorized Agent Signing for Company

Enter the title of the agent.

  1. Daytime Telephone Number

Enter the telephone number where you can reach the agent during daytime.

  1. Signature of Legal Owner (Company Name and Authorized Agent’s Countersignature)

Enter the company name that the agent is representing. Then, input the agent’s signature on the blank provided.

  1. Date Signed

Enter the date when this was signed by the agent.

Section 6: New Registered Owner(s)


This section contains the details of the new registered owner of the vehicle/vessel. Make sure to print the full name as shown in the Driver License/Identification Card.

  1. Date Purchased or Acquired

Enter when the new registered owner of the vehicle/vessel purchased or acquired this vessel.

  1. Purchase Price or Market Value

If the vehicle was purchased by the new registered owner, enter the purchase price. If it was acquired as a gift or a trade, then enter the market value.

  1. Name of New Owner

Enter the full legal name of the new registered owner.

  1. Driver License/ID Card Number of New Owner

Enter the driver license number or ID Card number of the new registered owner.

  1. State of New Owner’s Driver License/ID

Enter which state the new registered owner’s Driver License or ID belongs to.

  1. Name of Co-Owner(s)

Enter the full legal name of the co-owner(s), if applicable.

  1. Driver License/ID Card Number of Co-Owner

Enter the driver license number or ID card number of the co-owner(s).

  1. State of Co-Owner’s Driver License/ID

Enter which state the co-owner’s Driver License or ID belongs to.

  1. Physical Residence or Business Address

Enter the physical residence or business address. Then, enter the apartment/space/suite no., city, state, and ZIP code of the address.

  1. County where Vehicle/Vessel is Garaged

Enter the county where the vehicle/vessel is currently garaged.

  1. Equipment Number

Enter the equipment number, if applicable.

  1. Mailing Address

Enter the mailing address if it is not the same as the physical or residence address stated previously. Then, enter the apartment/space/suite no., city, state, and ZIP code of the address.

  1. Lessee Address

Enter the lessee address if it’s different from the physical/business address.

  1. Principal Location of Vessel of Trailer Coach

Enter the principal location where the vessel or trailer coach is kept if it is different from the physical or business address.

  1. County of Principal Location

Enter the county of the principal location previously stated.

Section 7: New Legal Owner (Lienholder/Title Holder)


This section contains the details of the new legal owner. If there are none, write “None”.

  1. Name of Bank/Finance Company or Individual

Enter the name of the bank/finance company or individual that is now the new lienholder of the vehicle/vessel.

  1. Electronic Lienholder ID No.

Enter the electronic lienholder ID no, if applicable.

  1. Physical Residence or Business Address

Enter the physical residence or business address of the new lienholder. Then, enter the apartment/space/suite number, city, state, and ZIP code of the address.

  1. Mailing Address

If the mailing address is different from the physical/business address stated previously, enter the address, apartment/space/suite number, city, state, and ZIP code.

Section 8: Dealer’s Release of Acquired Vehicle


This section contains the details about the dealer’s release of the acquired vehicle.

  1. Name of Dealership

Enter the name of the dealership.

  1. Name of Buyer

Enter the full legal name of the buyer.

  1. Date Sold

Enter the date when the vehicle was sold to the buyer.

  1. R/S Number

Enter the R/S number.

  1. Signature of Dealer Agent

Input the signature of the dealer agent in the space provided.

  1. Printed Name of Dealer Agent

Enter the full legal name of the dealer agent.

  1. Dealer Number

Enter the dealer number of the dealer agent.

  1. Salesperson Number

Enter the salesperson number of the dealer agent.

Start filling out a REG 227 - California Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the REG 227 fee?

When requesting a replacement title, you will have to pay a $27 fee to the California DMV. You can pay th

Who is responsible for vehicle title transfer fees in California?

The buyer is responsible for paying the transfer fees to the California DMV.

How long does a title transfer take?

Before the title can be transferred, the seller needs to accomplish a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability and send it to the DMV. After all documents and fees have been processed, then the vehicle record will be updated and a registration card is issued to the new owner. Then, a new title will be issued to the buyer within 10-15 calendar days.

What is a pink slip?

Pink slip is a slang term used to refer to a vehicle title certificate.

Why is there “or” and “and” in the owner names on a title?

This is used to distinguish the selling rights of the vehicle. If the names are joined by “or”, then any owner can sell the vehicle without requiring the signatures of the other owners. If they are joined by “and”, then all the signatures are required to sell the vehicle.

Create a REG 227 - California Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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