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Fillable Form Girlfriend Application

The Official Girlfriend Application form must be filled out in its entirety in order to be considered for the position that you are applying to.

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What is a Girlfriend Application?


Looking for a fun way to date? Then the Girlfriend Application may just be what you’re looking for.

The Girlfriend Application form is an nontraditional and entertaining approach to looking for that special someone, specifically a girlfriend.

For those looking for a boyfriend, then the Boyfriend Application is perfect for you.

Who needs a Girlfriend Application?

This form is designed for men who are interested in getting to know potential girlfriends in an engaging and enjoyable way.

It is also perfect for women who want to add an extra element of excitement and spontaneity to their dating experience.

Whether you're looking for a lighthearted approach to meeting new people or hoping to spark a meaningful connection, this form makes the process more fun and interactive.

How to fill up a Girlfriend Application?

Get a copy of Girlfriend Application template in PDF format.


Get the fillable Girlfriend Application form from PDFRun and start filling it up by following this step-by-step guide.

Section 1: Basic Information


This section contains the basic information about the girlfriend applicant.

  1. Full Legal Name

Enter your full legal name.

  1. Current Residence

Enter the address where you are currently residing.

  1. Nickname

Enter the nickname you prefer to be called.

  1. Age

Enter your current age.

  1. Eye Color

Enter your natural eye color.

  1. Natural Hair Color

Enter your natural hair color.

  1. Current Hair Color

Enter your current hair color, if different from your natural hair color.

  1. Height

Enter your height.

  1. Weight

Enter your weight.

Section 2: Contact Information


This section contains your contact information.

  1. Home Phone Number

Enter your home phone number.

  1. Cell Phone Number

Enter your cell phone number.

  1. IM Name

Enter your IM Name. Specify your service, AIM preferred.

  1. Email Address

Enter your email address.

Section 3: Deal Breakers


This section contains questions about the deal breakers in the relationship. Shade the proper circle containing your answer to the question.

  1. Are you or have you ever been a man?
    • Yes
    • No
  2. Do you smoke and/or use other tobacco products?
    • Yes
    • No
  3. Do you drink heavily on a regular basis?
    • Yes
    • No
  4. Do you use any illegal substances?
    • Yes
    • No
  5. Do you have any tattoos?
    • Yes
    • No
  6. Do you whistle on a regular basis?
    • Yes
    • No
  7. Would any of your actions with previous boyfriends be considered not “Justin approved”?
    • Yes
    • No
  8. Disregarding your ears, do you have any piercings?
    • Yes
    • No
  9. Regarding your ears, are they gauged larger than 1/16th of an inch and/or might they set off metal detectors at airports or government buildings?
    • Yes
    • No
  10. Have you ever been convicted of anything by a court of law?
    • Yes
    • No

Section 4: Getting to Know You


This section contains more in-depth questions about the girlfriend applicant.

  1. Current Level of Education

Encircle your current level of education:

  • High School
  • Some College
  • College Graduate
  1. What is your religious affiliation?

Enter your religious affiliation.

  1. What is your political persuasion?

Enter your political persuasion, if any. Then, shade Yes or No if you can explain what said persuasion stands for.

  1. Do you have any siblings?

Check Yes or No if you have any siblings. If Yes, then list their names and ages.

  1. What’s your all-time favorite movie?

Enter your all-time favorite movie.

  1. Movies that you have seen

Encircle which of the following movies you have seen:

  • The Matrix Trilogy
  • All 6 Star Wars
  • Serenity
  • Any season of Red vs. Blue
  1. Are you easily distracted by shiny things?

Check Yes or No if you are easily distracted by shiny things.

  1. 2 Favorite Musical Genres

List down your 2 favorite musical genres.

  1. Favorite Sport & Team

Enter your favorite sport and team.

  1. Do you ski/snowboard or would you be willing to learn?

Check Yes or No if you go snowboarding or if you are willing to learn it.

  1. Do you currently have a source of income?

Check Yes or No if you currently have a source of income. If Yes, enter what your source of income is.

  1. Your thoughts on time travel

Enter your thoughts on the topic of time travel.

  1. Would the word “expressive” describe your face?

Check Yes or No if you would describe your face as “expressive”.

Section 5: Short Answer


This section contains essay questions about yourself. Provide a short answer for each question.

  1. Describe yourself using three to four adjectives and zero to one noun.
  2. What is your idea of a perfect date, in three sentences or less?
  3. What characteristics of mine led you to apply for this position?
  4. Explain why I should pick you as my girlfriend in one sentence.
  5. List any special skills you have that may be relevant to this position.

Section 6: Relationship Background


This section contains details about your relationship background. List down the following details for your past three relationships, starting with the most recent.

  1. Name of Ex-Boyfriend

Enter the name of your ex.

  1. Start & End Date

Enter the start and end date of your relationship with this ex.

  1. Dumper/Dumpee

Indicate if you were the one who dumped or the one who got dumped.

  1. Reason for Breakup

Enter the reason why you broke up with this ex.

Section 7: References


Please supply three references and their contact information (Phone, IM, nad/or Email).

Section 8: Certification


This section contains the certification and signature of the girlfriend applicant.

  1. Date Signed

Enter the date when this form was signed.

  1. Applicant Signature

Input your signature in the provided field.

Start filling out a Girlfriend Application sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What qualifications are required?

There’s no official degree in “girlfriend-ology,” but being supportive, kind, fun, a great communicator, and emotionally present definitely helps!

Is there a probationary period?

Every relationship starts with a phase of learning about each other, but consistency and effort matter more than any temporary test run.

What benefits come with this position?

Expect affection, deep conversations, spontaneous adventures, inside jokes, and the chance to be someone’s absolute favorite person. Bonus points if you enjoy stealing hoodies, or if you’re into spicy fun.

How is performance evaluated?

By the love, effort, and care you bring—being emotionally available, thoughtful, and remembering the little things goes a long way.

Is there a renewal process?

No contracts needed! A great relationship lasts because both people keep showing up for each other.

Am I allowed to apply as a girlfriend if I am currently one?

Nope! You’ll need to wrap up your current commitment before jumping into a new one.

Create a Girlfriend Application document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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