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Fillable Form California Drivers License Replacement

Form DL-44 of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is used to apply for a driver's license replacement. It can also be used to duplicate.

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What is Form DL-44?

Form DL-44 is also known as the California State Driver License or Identification Card Application. This form is issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This application form is used for applying for a driver's license or identification card (ID card), renewing a driver's license or ID card, a duplicate or replacement driver license or ID card, or a correction or a name change in a driver's license or ID card.

How to Fill Out Form DL-44?

Section 1. Purpose for Visit

Line 1: Driver License (DL)

Check the appropriate box for the purpose of your visit regarding a driver's license. If you check any of the following boxes, complete sections 2 through 9.

  • Original DL/Permit,
  • Renewal,
  • Duplicate,
  • Remove Restriction, or
  • Change or Add Class

Line 2: Identification Card (ID card)
Check the appropriate box for the purpose of your visit regarding an ID card. If you check any of the following boxes, complete sections 2, 3, 5 lines 21a, 6, 7, and 9 only.

  • Original ID Card/Renewal,
  • Senior ID Card/Renewal (Age 62+), or
  • Replacement.
  • Lost,
  • Stolen

Line 3: Name Change or Correction
Check the appropriate box for the purpose of your visit regarding a name change or correction. If you check any of the following boxes, complete sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 only.

  • DL
  • ID Card

Section 2. Personal Information

Line 4: Driver License or ID Card Number
Provide your driver's license or ID card number.

Line 5: State or Country
Provide the state or country where your driver's license or ID card was issued.

Line 6: Expiration Date
Provide the expiration date of your driver's license or ID card. Begin with the month, followed by the day, and end with the year.

Line 7: Birth Date
Provide your birth date. Begin with the month, followed by the day, and end with the year.

Line 8: Social Security Number (SSN)
Provide your SSN.

Line 9: Name
Provide your name. Include your first name, middle name, last name, and suffix if any.

Line 10: Mailing Address, PO Box, or Private Mail Box
Provide your mailing address. Include the box number, street number, street, apartment or space number, city, state, and zip code.

Line 11: Residential Address
Provide your residential address if it is different from your mailing address. Include the street number, street, apartment or space number, city, state, and zip code.

Line 12: Sex
If you are male, check “M.” If you are female, check “F.”

Line 13: Hair Color
Provide your hair color.

Line 14: Eye Color
Provide your eye color.

Line 15: Height
Provide your height in feet and inches and indicate the system of measurement accordingly.

Line 16: Weight
Provide your weight in pounds and indicate the system of measurement accordingly.

Section 3. For People Who are Not Eligible for a Social Security Number

Complete this section only if you are not eligible for an SSN.

Line 17: Certification of Ineligibility
Sign and date in the spaces provided.

Section 4. Licensing Needs

Line 18: Basic License
Check the appropriate box for the license you need regarding a basic license.

  • Basic Class C
  • Motorcycle

Line 19: Non-Commercial License
Check the appropriate box for the license you need regarding a non-commercial license.

  • Class A
  • Class B

Line 20: Ambulance Certificate
Check the box for the license you need regarding an ambulance certificate.

Section 5. General Questions

Line 21a: Previous Drive License(s) or Identification Card(s)
If you have applied for a driver's license or identification card in California or another state or country using a different name or number within the past ten years, provide the name, DL or ID number, and state or country. Otherwise, check “No.”

Line 22b: Cancellation, Refusal, Delay, or Revocation of Previous Driver License or Driving Privilege
If you have had your driving privilege or a driver's license canceled, refused, delayed, suspended, or revoked, check “Yes” and provide the date and reason. Otherwise, check “No.”

Line 23c: Medical Condition
If within the last five years, you have had or experienced any of the following medical conditions, check “Yes” and provide the reason why. Otherwise, check “No.”

  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Episode of marked confusion caused by any condition which may bring about recurring lapses;
  • Disease, disorder, or disability;
  • Decrease or change in your vision due to cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, or other progressive condition; or
  • Health problems because of alcohol or drug abuse.

Section 6. Registration to Vote, Change of Political Affiliation, or Voter Address

Line 24: Vote or Change of Political Affiliation Registration
If you want to register to vote or change political affiliation, check “Y” and accomplish the attached voter form. Otherwise, check “N” and do not accomplish the attached voter form.

Line 25: Voter Change of Address
If you want to update your voter change of address to a new county, check “C” and complete the attached voter form.

If you want to update your voter change of address to an address within the same county, check “S” and do not complete the attached form. Your voter record will be automatically updated.

Section 7. Organ and Tissue Donation Registration

If you want to register to be an organ and tissue donor, check “YES! I want to be an organ and tissue donor.”

If you want to contribute $2 to support and promote organ and tissue donation, check “$2 voluntary contribution to support and promote organ and tissue donation.”

Line 26: Organ and Tissue Donation Registration

Section 8. Parent/Guardian Signatures

Line 27: Mother’s or Guardian’s Information
Provide your mother or guardian’s signature, the date of signing, their daytime phone number, and address. In the address, include the street number, street, apartment number, city, state, and zip code.

Line 28: Father’s or Guardian’s Information
Provide your father or guardian’s signature, the date of signing, their daytime phone number, and address. In the address, include the street number, street, apartment number, city, state, and zip code.

Section 9. Certification

Do not provide your signature until instructed to do so by a DMV employee.

Line 29: Signature
Provide your signature.

Line 30: Date
Provide the date when you signed this form.

Line 31: Daytime Phone Number
Provide your daytime phone number.


Submit your accomplished Form DL-44 to your local DMV office.


Keywords: dl44 dl 44 dl-44 ca dl 44 ca dl 44 form ca driver license replacement ca driver license

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