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Fillable Form Furniture Bill of Sale

A Furniture Bill of Sale Template is a document that records the proof or legal sale and purchase of furniture.

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What is a Furniture Bill of Sale?

A Furniture Bill of Sale is a document that proves the sale and purchase of any indoor or outdoor furniture. It is used to transfer furniture ownership rights from the original owner or seller to the new owner or buyer. It is completed and handed over to the buyer as a receipt at the time of purchase. It also protects everyone involved in any disagreements that may arise in the future.

It includes the following details:

  • Information about the seller
  • Information about the buyer
  • Date and time of the purchase
  • The amount of the furniture or the purchase
  • Forms of payment used
  • Description of the furniture
  • The location where the purchase took place
  • Signatures of the parties
  • Terms and conditions of the purchase

Who is responsible for the Furniture Bill of Sale?

The Furniture Bill of Sale is the responsibility of both the seller and the buyer. The document frees the seller of liability and establishes the ownership of the furniture to the buyer. The seller is responsible for drafting the bill of sale, but both the buyer and seller should retain a copy for their records. Furthermore, both parties are involved in signing documents and negotiating terms.

Where to get a Furniture Bill of Sale?

If you are the seller, you can create your own Furniture Bill of Sale, providing all the information needed for the completion of the purchase.

Furniture Bill of Sale templates are available online. For your convenience, a Furniture Bill of Sale template that you can electronically fill out is available on PDFRun.

How to fill out a Furniture Bill of Sale template?

Here is a detailed guide on how to fill out a Furniture Bill of Sale:


Enter the name of the seller.


Enter the name of the buyer.


Enter what furniture is sold.


Enter the model of the furniture sold.


Enter the name of the manufacturer of the furniture sold.


Enter the type of furniture sold.


Enter the condition of the furniture sold.


Provide a description of the furniture sold.

Sale Price

Enter the sale price of the furniture sold.


Mark Yes if the furniture will be shipped; otherwise, mark No. If you marked Yes, enter the shipping fee.

Paid With

Mark the box to determine the payment method. You may select:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
  • Credit

Seller Signature

Affix the signature of the seller.

Buyer Signature

Affix the signature of the buyer.


Enter the date the form was signed.

Reminders in writing a Furniture Bill of Sale

Here are some reminders in writing a Furniture Bill of Sale:

  • Make sure that the bill of sale is legible.
  • Double-check all information and signatures on the Furniture Bill of Sale. Make sure that all furniture being sold is stated with an accurate price and condition.
  • Make sure that the Furniture Bill of Sale is signed by both the buyer and the seller.
  • Make sure that both parties have a copy of the Furniture Bill of Sale.

Why is a Furniture Bill of Sale important?

Here are the reasons why it is important to write a Furniture Bill of Sale:

Proof of Purchase

A Furniture Bill of Sale proves that the person selling the furniture is the original owner. It serves as evidence that the furniture you bought is purchased legally. It grants the buyer all the rights and full ownership of the property. Since you might not know where the furniture came from, you must have a legal document verifying how you acquired it. It can be used in court once someone questions the acquisition or the ownership of furniture you purchased

Terms and Conditions

A Furniture Bill of Sale outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase. It provides full details of the transaction that both the buyer and the seller agreed to. It covers terms such as price, delivery, payment terms, and conditions. It also provides clarity to both parties that help understand their roles, rights, duties, and responsibilities in the transaction. If you have a clear set of terms and conditions, it is much easier to establish where there has been a breach of contract. Having this feature in a Furniture Bill of Sale ensures both parties will benefit from the transaction.

Protection for Both Parties

A Furniture Bill of Sale will protect both the buyer and seller in case of any disagreements that may arise after sealing the transaction. The Furniture Bill of Sale form singles out the specific piece of furniture by listing its identifying features at the time of the purchase. It protects the seller from any further liabilities concerning the maintenance of the piece of furniture. It also assures that the buyer will be receiving the actual product offered with its stated condition. Having a Furniture Bill of Sale ensures a fair transaction between both parties in the transaction.

Agreed Price

In a Furniture Bill of Sale, the seller establishes a price with which the buyer agrees. The cost of the product will vary depending on its condition and worth. The seller may only ask for the exact amount agreed upon by both parties; the buyer must pay no less than the price stated. If one of the parties does not agree with the price, he or she has the right to terminate the agreement. A Furniture Bill of Sale protects both parties in the transaction from scams, frauds, overpricing, and other illegal acts.

Is a Furniture Bill of Sale a legally binding document?

A Furniture Bill of Sale is a contract between the seller and the buyer to purchase furniture. In most cases, the bill of sale is considered legally binding when signed and as long as it adheres to the guidelines set forth by the state where the furniture is being sold.

Is a Furniture Bill of Sale applicable in purchasing used furniture?

A Furniture Bill of Sale applies to any furniture purchase, whether the furniture is brand new or used. Take note that every transaction made to transfer ownership of furniture after purchase requires a Furniture Bill of Sale for validation.


Keywords: Furniture Bill of Sale bill of sale for furniture free bill of sale template bill of sale furniture furniture bill pdf

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